Unless you have a godlike pc dedicated to the server 100% of the time it isn't worth anyone's time, home run servers on an average pc are a thing just so friends can play together, they aren't meant to be a serious 24/7 server unless you own a server tower.
IGN: xXExoXx (Yeah kinda stupid but hey I was like 11 at the time)
Age: 15
Timezone: PST
Do you have skype or TS3: Both
How can we trust you: Well I don't know, just get to know me I guess.
What can you bring to the team: I would be a loyal member of staff, and you know, do whatever it is you need staff to do.
Why do you want this position: Just for fun, something to do besides playing League and Dark Souls all day.
Do you have previous moderation experience: Yeah I've been mod before on many servers for many games, I don't really feel like going super in depth though and remembering all server names and stuff.
Name: Austin Username: xXExoXx Age: 14 Position: Admin Location: California Why we should pick you: I'd say that I am a very mature person most of the time and can make fair judgments. I am also a very friendly person in my own opinion. I also have quite a bit of experience as a Minecraft player and as staff on servers. Why you're a great choice: Well, I know quite a bit about plugins and I have a lot of spare time I could give to the server. I also have more experience than most do. Overall in my opinion I think I would make a decent admin. Experience: I used to be a moderator on a server called OmniCraft, but that server has long since been shut down. I have also owned a server at one point, but it kind of failed since it hardly had any players. One big accomplishment on my server though was when I got the youtuber AntVenom to join during a livestream. Proof:Well since it was so long ago (about 2 years ago) I don't really have any proof I could give. If you really need proof PM Savior67, he was the owner of Omnicraft.
• Ign: xXExoXx • Age: 14 • Skype: austin.near • Location: California • Maturity (1-10): 10 • Building Skill: I'd say I am a pretty decent builder. I'm not very good at putting in little details though, and I tend to overlook things in my builds a lot. • Plugin Experience: I know quite a bit about most plugins, I used to own a server back in 1.7.3. • Previous Experience: As I stated above, I have owned a server before, but that isn't it. I have been Moderator/Admin on numerous servers in the time I have been playing Minecraft (which is since Alpha). So I'd say I have more experience than the average Minecraft player does. • What are you applying for: Admin • Why should we pick you: I think you should pick me, because in the way I see it, I am a good candidate for the position. Another reason I think that I would be a better choice than some of the other people that will apply for this position are (in my opinion) good judgement skills and maturity. I am even being put into consideration for Moderator on a popular Minecraft server which I won't be naming unless you need to know.
Where did you hear about the server: Just found the thread on the forums
Do you understand and accept the rules: Yes
What's our policy on raging: Don't rage, losing is only a temporary setback.
(Yeah kinda stupid but hey I was like 11 at the time)
Age: 15
Timezone: PST
Do you have skype or TS3: Both
How can we trust you: Well I don't know, just get to know me I guess.
What can you bring to the team: I would be a loyal member of staff, and you know, do whatever it is you need staff to do.
Why do you want this position: Just for fun, something to do besides playing League and Dark Souls all day.
Do you have previous moderation experience: Yeah I've been mod before on many servers for many games, I don't really feel like going super in depth though and remembering all server names and stuff.
Extra: Hi
Skype: austin.near
Username: xXExoXx
Age: 14
Position: Admin
Location: California
Why we should pick you: I'd say that I am a very mature person most of the time and can make fair judgments. I am also a very friendly person in my own opinion. I also have quite a bit of experience as a Minecraft player and as staff on servers.
Why you're a great choice: Well, I know quite a bit about plugins and I have a lot of spare time I could give to the server. I also have more experience than most do. Overall in my opinion I think I would make a decent admin.
Experience: I used to be a moderator on a server called OmniCraft, but that server has long since been shut down. I have also owned a server at one point, but it kind of failed since it hardly had any players. One big accomplishment on my server though was when I got the youtuber AntVenom to join during a livestream.
Proof: Well since it was so long ago (about 2 years ago) I don't really have any proof I could give. If you really need proof PM Savior67, he was the owner of Omnicraft.
• Age: 14
• Skype: austin.near
• Location: California
• Maturity (1-10): 10
• Building Skill: I'd say I am a pretty decent builder. I'm not very good at putting in little details though, and I tend to overlook things in my builds a lot.
• Plugin Experience: I know quite a bit about most plugins, I used to own a server back in 1.7.3.
• Previous Experience: As I stated above, I have owned a server before, but that isn't it. I have been Moderator/Admin on numerous servers in the time I have been playing Minecraft (which is since Alpha). So I'd say I have more experience than the average Minecraft player does.
• What are you applying for: Admin
• Why should we pick you: I think you should pick me, because in the way I see it, I am a good candidate for the position. Another reason I think that I would be a better choice than some of the other people that will apply for this position are (in my opinion) good judgement skills and maturity. I am even being put into consideration for Moderator on a popular Minecraft server which I won't be naming unless you need to know.
It is a faction rpg type server, you could be staff on it if you'd like