Hey, I noticed you haven't updated updated either of the mods, nor posted in their threads nor replied to questions there in over 2 months now. This is a bit unusual for you so I am assuming that something is going on behind the scenes, either technically or just IRL.
Just want to say I hope you are doing ok, hope nothing too serious has happened!
The map mods are ported to 1.21.3, I just forgot to post on this site about it. Tbh, I've been having some health issues for the past 7 months that are preventing me from spending as much time on the mods as I used to. I have a constant fever and get tired very fast from using my brain and my pre-existing headache issue only got worse. I have talked to doctors and I'm supposed to slowly get better over time. I hope it happens soon. Thank you for your concern!
Oh man that sounds awful to be going through! I have chronic illnesses myself (fibromyalgia being the main one) so I can relate. You have my sympathy.
This does make me wonder, though, do you have any plan in place for in case your health gets worse and you are unable to continue working on these mod at all? Is there anyone to whom you've given permission to take the reins in such a case?
It's actually because of my fibromyalgia that your mods are so important to me. As in I can't imagine playing Minecraft without them. Not only are they insanely huge quality-of-life benefits just as maps, but the waypoint system is the best fast travel method I can imagine! It's an accessibility feature for me. Travelling around in this game can really stress my hands; just holding down the W key walk from one place to another can get VERY painful after a while. I use waypoint-teleportation even to save me the hassle of manually walking back & forth between 2 points in my base that are only a couple chunks & a short stair climb apart from each other! I'm not aware of any other combination of mods that would offer this same kind of benefit.
The following bug appeared when I was using 1.18.2. PVP and map are used together.
Error report content:
RuntimeException: Non-unique Mixin config name xaerominimap.mixins.json used by the mods xaerobetterpvp and xaerominimap
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.FabricMixinBootstrap.init(FabricMixinBootstrap.java:90)
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.init(Knot.java:153)
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch(Knot.java:68)
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient.main(KnotClient.java:23)
You can't and have no reason to install Better PVP and the separate minimap mod together because Better PVP contains the exact same minimap by default.
Hey quick question when attempting to teleport to waypoint I keep getting the error player not found. I am on the most updated 5/4 fabric version 1.18.2 Is there a setting or something I should change? this is on a paper server hosted on apex that I own. thanks this mod is amazing
Hey, I love your map mods, but I'm having a problem with the minimap mod. It's in my folder and completely up to date, but it won't show up if I view my mods in Minecraft. Could you help me, please?
By default, the mod uses the entity renders to render the icons from the entity models.
As far as I know, the only way for me to do what you're suggesting would be to include premade icons for every vanilla mob variant. I can't do that because I don't own the rights to Minecraft mob textures. The minimap mod lets you use/create resource packs with custom icons though. I explain how to do it in the main post of the minimap mod forum thread. So maybe somebody will create a pretty vanilla-looking pack that you can use.
I thought about it a bit more. I can probably get away with including the vanilla mob textures in my mod, because Mojang wouldn't care, but I still don't know if I should do that.
Hey, I noticed you haven't updated updated either of the mods, nor posted in their threads nor replied to questions there in over 2 months now. This is a bit unusual for you so I am assuming that something is going on behind the scenes, either technically or just IRL.
Just want to say I hope you are doing ok, hope nothing too serious has happened!
The map mods are ported to 1.21.3, I just forgot to post on this site about it. Tbh, I've been having some health issues for the past 7 months that are preventing me from spending as much time on the mods as I used to. I have a constant fever and get tired very fast from using my brain and my pre-existing headache issue only got worse. I have talked to doctors and I'm supposed to slowly get better over time. I hope it happens soon. Thank you for your concern!
Oh man that sounds awful to be going through! I have chronic illnesses myself (fibromyalgia being the main one) so I can relate. You have my sympathy.
This does make me wonder, though, do you have any plan in place for in case your health gets worse and you are unable to continue working on these mod at all? Is there anyone to whom you've given permission to take the reins in such a case?
It's actually because of my fibromyalgia that your mods are so important to me. As in I can't imagine playing Minecraft without them. Not only are they insanely huge quality-of-life benefits just as maps, but the waypoint system is the best fast travel method I can imagine! It's an accessibility feature for me. Travelling around in this game can really stress my hands; just holding down the W key walk from one place to another can get VERY painful after a while. I use waypoint-teleportation even to save me the hassle of manually walking back & forth between 2 points in my base that are only a couple chunks & a short stair climb apart from each other! I'm not aware of any other combination of mods that would offer this same kind of benefit.
The following bug appeared when I was using 1.18.2. PVP and map are used together.
Error report content:
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch(Knot.java:68)
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient.main(KnotClient.java:23)
You can't and have no reason to install Better PVP and the separate minimap mod together because Better PVP contains the exact same minimap by default.
Hey quick question when attempting to teleport to waypoint I keep getting the error player not found. I am on the most updated 5/4 fabric version 1.18.2 Is there a setting or something I should change? this is on a paper server hosted on apex that I own. thanks this mod is amazing
Please read about waypoint teleportation not working in the main post of the minimap thread.
Hey, I love your map mods, but I'm having a problem with the minimap mod. It's in my folder and completely up to date, but it won't show up if I view my mods in Minecraft. Could you help me, please?
Thanks! You probably installed the wrong minimap jar file for you mod loader (Fabric/Forge).
How do i go to edit mode
In BetterPvp mod
Open Settings (press Y) -> Edit Mode
THANK YOU FOR MAKING XAERO'S MINIMAP! I spent so long for a mod on fabric (this was like 2 weeks ago)! Thank you so much!
I appreciate the support!
So lets straight to the question
I have an optifine required texture pack
N it appear that the icons of mobs on the map looks weird
Can we or do we have an option to let minimap always display default icon texture?
By default, the mod uses the entity renders to render the icons from the entity models.
As far as I know, the only way for me to do what you're suggesting would be to include premade icons for every vanilla mob variant. I can't do that because I don't own the rights to Minecraft mob textures. The minimap mod lets you use/create resource packs with custom icons though. I explain how to do it in the main post of the minimap mod forum thread. So maybe somebody will create a pretty vanilla-looking pack that you can use.
I thought about it a bit more. I can probably get away with including the vanilla mob textures in my mod, because Mojang wouldn't care, but I still don't know if I should do that.
Well i guess that help thx
Its all up to u i guess