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    posted a message on 1.7 & 1.8 PVP [McWarcraft.com] (STARTING UP AGAIN)
    Did you send the server ip to me on skype or do i look it up?
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on 1.7 & 1.8 PVP [McWarcraft.com] (STARTING UP AGAIN)
    1)What position are you applying for? ADMIN/HEAD ADMIN/Co-DEVELOPER
    2) Why/how important is this to you? So i have something to do with all my minecraft freinds and we can play on a server where we can all have some fun
    3) Past experience in this position or something similar to it?I have been builder, helper. admin mod, and developer, and I WAS AN OWNER at one point
    4) Age? 16
    5) Do you own a skype account? Yes Richard_Jacobs (Football player)
    6) IGN? xXSniperTurtleXx
    7) Are you good at managing time? Explain. yes i am im in highschool and have to make room for my sports and i also can be really active. I also have to do my own things and have to WORK at a job so if i can manage all of these together i think i am good at managing my time..
    8) How can I trust that you will be dedicated to growing this Network to the top? How can you trust me Well let me explain, i am always on and i have NEVER been banned (what i am sure of so far) i have been admin and developer for alot of other servers but they where all turned down mainly due to no one coming into the games/sever
    9) Other notes? well i am funny so that might get you some people and i have some questions fr YOU if you dont mine hireing me for this job i will be trustworthy all the way! i swear to this and as far as i know i HAVE NEVER been banned i have a prem account and mine is not a cracked version of minecraft so thats a benifit too ALSO I AM A YOUTUBER if this will go anywhere i will do yYouTube vidios maybe

    Hope you hire me

    ~ Richard
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on Looking for someone who knows how to run a server to be a co-owner
    1)What position are you applying for? ADMIN/HEAD ADMIN/Co-DEVELOPER
    2) Why/how important is this to you? So i have something to do with all my minecraft freinds and we can play on a server where we can all have some fun
    3) Past experience in this position or something similar to it?I have been builder, helper. admin mod, and developer, and I WAS AN OWNER at one point
    4) Age? 16
    5) Do you own a skype account? Yes Richard_Jacobs (Football player)
    6) IGN? xXSniperTurtleXx
    7) Are you good at managing time? Explain. yes i am im in highschool and have to make room for my sports and i also can be really active
    8) How can I trust that you will be dedicated to growing this Network to the top? How can you trust me Well let me explain, i am always on and i have NEVER been banned (what i am sure of so far) i have been admin and developer for alot of other servers but they where all turned down mainly due to no one coming into the games/sever
    9) Other notes? well i am funny so that might get you some people and i have some questions fr YOU if you dont mine hireing me for this job i will be ttrustworthyall the way! i swear to this and as far as i know i HAVE NEVER been banned i have a prem account and mine is not a cracked version of minecraft so thats a benifit too ALSO I AM A YOUTUBER if this will go anywhere i will do yYouTube vidios maybe

    Hope you hire me :)

    ~ Richard

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on 1.7 & 1.8 PVP [McWarcraft.com] (STARTING UP AGAIN)
    1)What position are you applying for? ADMIN/HEAD ADMIN/Co-DEVELOPER
    2) Why/how important is this to you? So i have something to do with all my minecraft freinds and we can play on a server where we can all have some fun
    3) Past experience in this position or something similar to it?I have been builder, helper. admin mod, and developer, and I WAS AN OWNER at one point
    4) Age? 16
    5) Do you own a skype account? Yes Richard_Jacobs (Football player)
    6) IGN? xXSniperTurtleXx
    7) Are you good at managing time? Explain. yes i am im in highschool and have to make room for my sports and i also can be really active. I also have to do my own things and have to WORK at a job so if i can manage all of thses together i think i am good at managing my time..
    8) How can I trust that you will be dedicated to growing this Network to the top? How can you trust me Well let me explain, i am always on and i have NEVER been banned (what i am sure of so far) i have been admin and developer for alot of other servers but they where all turned down mainly due to no one coming into the games/sever
    9) Other notes? well i am funny so that might get you some people and i have some questions fr YOU if you dont mine hireing me for this job i will be ttrustworthyall the way! i swear to this and as far as i know i HAVE NEVER been banned i have a prem account and mine is not a cracked version of minecraft so thats a benifit too ALSO I AM A YOUTUBER if this will go anywhere i will do yYouTube vidios maybe

    Hope you hire me :)

    ~ Richard
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on looking for staff!!!
    I am 16

    i also have alot of experience with building and also i can some what be a developer

    im after being a ADMIN

    i am on minecraft alot and i can be on when ever at all time

    Message em on skype @ Richard_Jacobs

    I will do what ever as long as you can provide me a server
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on New factions server looking for staff


    IGN- xXSniperTurtleXx

    Availability- Mostly everyday for 5-7 hours

    Good With- (SOME DEVELOPER SKILLS)-Decent builder-Helps others

    Things about me- I love to play on minecraft and i have played it fro about 3 years. I have had a lot of Experience with other servers that really did not get off good or got hacked and we had to do everything over again. I have a sister that plays sometimes (That's why i'm in a girl skin -.-). I love to meet new people on Skype or team speak what ever we will have in the near future. I also have a good scene of humor and so do my friends

    Disadvantages- I have ADHD i can not focus on more than 2 things or i get distracted and normally will not respond kind of like your computer running too many things at once (Little Humor there :P). I also do football EVERY day so if im not on its because i am sore and really cant move...

    Advantages- I am always on so i can moderate or if i have to fill in for the developer, develop the server. I can be very useful for a lot of things and i know how to world guard (have to Put in some people don't know how). I am funny and can cheer up a players day

    What i want- ADMIN OR MOD
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on Looking for Co-Owner/Head-Admin For Faction Server


    IGN- xXSniperTurtleXx

    Availability- Mostly everyday for 5-7 hours

    Good With- (SOME DEVELOPER SKILLS)-Decent builder-Helps others

    Things about me- I love to play on minecraft and i have played it fro about 3 years. I have had a lot of Experience with other servers that really did not get off good or got hacked and we had to do everything over again. I have a sister that plays sometimes (That's why i'm in a girl skin -.-). I love to meet new people on Skype or team speak what ever we will have in the near future. I also have a good scene of humor and so do my friends

    Disadvantages- I have ADHD i can not focus on more than 2 things or i get distracted and normally will not respond kind of like your computer running too many things at once (Little Humor there :P). I also do football EVERY day so if im not on its because i am sore and really cant move...

    Advantages- I am always on so i can moderate or if i have to fill in for the developer, develop the server. I can be very useful for a lot of things and i know how to world guard (have to Put in some people don't know how). I am funny and can cheer up a players day :)

    Thank you for reading this, :)

    xXSniperTurtleXx (Richard Jacobs)
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0



    IGN- xXSniperTurtleXx

    Availability- Mostly everyday for 5-7 hours

    Good With- (SOME DEVELOPER SKILLS)-Decent builder-Helps others

    Things about me- I love to play on minecraft and i have played it fro about 3 years. I have had a lot of Experience with other servers that really did not get off good or got hacked and we had to do everything over again. I have a sister that plays sometimes (That's why i'm in a girl skin -.-). I love to meet new people on Skype or team speak what ever we will have in the near future. I also have a good scene of humor and so do my friends

    Disadvantages- I have ADHD i can not focus on more than 2 things or i get distracted and normally will not respond kind of like your computer running too many things at once (Little Humor there :P). I also do football EVERY day so if im not on its because i am sore and really cant move...

    Advantages- I am always on so i can moderate or if i have to fill in for the developer, develop the server. I can be very useful for a lot of things and i know how to world guard (have to Put in some people don't know how). I am funny and can cheer up a players day :)


    1. Comment any info you want more about and i will do it or skype it to you

    2. Ether PM me or Skype me if you want me and send the IP and what position i am doing

    3. I WILL GO FOR MORE THAN 1 SERVER SO PLEASE NO SAYING "hes mine back off" or something like that

    Thank you for reading this, :)

    xXSniperTurtleXx (Richard Jacobs)
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on Looking for WELL EXPERIENCED Staff
    1.(Position applying for) If you have Mod or Admin avaliable

    2.Ign xXSniperTurtleXx

    3.Age 16

    4.Past Experience ( Provide Pictures if applying for builder) i have worked for 4 different server and i enjoy meeting new people and talking to them im good at helping others and for the most part very friendly

    5.Why Should we hire you: Why i think you should hire me is because i have a lot of experience with minecraft i have friends that can build well. Also i can invite a lot of friends onto the server, I would like if you where to hire me so I can do something else then really just watch youtube all day. i am really active and will be on the server (if hired) 5 out of 7 of the days. ( because of football practice) I ALSO HAVE SOME DEVELOPER SKILLS IF NEEDED! i have Skype to so if you need to get a hold of me just ask fro it and i will send you it. :)
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on Recruiting New Staff! [Subcraft - MC 1.7.5]
    IGM IS xXsniperTurtleXx sorry forgot
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on Recruiting New Staff! [Subcraft - MC 1.7.5]
    Minecraft IGN:


    Why you want to join: i have alot of free time and need to get rid of it and i can bring alot of freind on the server and even more if cracked :)

    A few reasons why you would like to become a staff member: i would like admin or mod btw BUT i would like to become staff becasue i think i will fit in with all the servers/server you guys may have and i am decent at building

    How long you have played Minecraft: 2 /1/2 years

    What position you would like to have: Admin, mod or Higher (NOT DEVELPOER)

    Skype username (if you have one) I have one it is RichardJacobs4
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on /Looking for staff!\ /MAY BE PAYED IN FUTURE\

    Skype: (MUST HAVE) Richardjacobs4

    How many hours can you put in the server a day: (Don’t lie) 4-7 hours after school

    How long have you played minecraft: 2/ 1/2 years

    Weaknesses in Minecraft: im not sure if i have a weakness maybe building big things?

    Strength in Minecraft: PvP? building and SOME plugins

    Why do you want to help us: Becasue i have too much ffree time and i need something to do

    Why Admin in particular?: Becasue i want to help peope out and the server i am skilled at alot of things

    Can you donate: (Not needed, just a query) Possably if i get the job 58% i will if i have the mioney

    How long are you on Skype a day: 1-5 hours

    About yourself: i love to play minecraft and pvp all the time im on minecraft alot and play for a long time about 2-6 hours

    How many servers are you staff on: i use to be staff on about 5 of the m but only 3 now

    Conclusion: I like to play minecraft and i hope i get this job so i can help our the server and donate on it i would really appreciate it if you would hire me as an admin :)
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on Onyx server needs staff!!!!!
    Position Applying For?:

    IGN?: xXSniperTurtleXx

    Age?: 16

    Real name?: Richard

    Why do you want a staff position?: Admin

    What plugins have you used before?: Factions/Towny ( not masterd kinda know them)

    Past Experience?: I have been admin mod and alot more on alot of servers but all have failed to run

    Player (A) claims that Player (B) is hacking what do you do?: See waht "hack" player A is accuseing player B of and if its antiknockback ill test it out with a knockback stick to see if he goes flying or not

    You see Player (C) flying in a non flying server what do you do?: i would take him out of fly and or tell him he cant fly here or he may be kick or what ever the punishment would be

    Player (D,E,F) are arguing & constantly spamming chat, what do you do? i would tell them to knock it off and if they continue i would mute them both or find out whats wrong

    Do you have Skype? If so please list your name: Richardjacobs4

    What is something unique about you?: i love turtles xD and i love to play on PvP servers and i am really good at pvp
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on [NEED DEVS AND STAFF] HybridPvP Recruiting admins (Factions , Survival Games and more pvp )
    What Position? : ADMIN or up not DEV though

    IGN: xXSniperTurtleXx


    Can you build: yes i would give me a 7.7/10
    Reason for wanting this position (requires paragraph): Well i what thei position becasue i am really getting board of playing on server that i really cant do anyhting on and i run into hacker/Exploiders ALL the time. i am always active to.
    Experience (details): moderating. building, SOEM PLUGINS not alot

    Contact info: Skype Richardjacobs4
    Dedicated time: maybe 7-8 hours a day
    What you can bring: alot i can bring in alot of people and even more if its cracked minecraft so if i do end up gettign this i will bring mroe people in and possably vote if thats allowed for staff
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on InfernoCraft! [LAST DAY TO APPLY 9/4/2014]

    What is the IP so i can get in message me it please!! :)
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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