You're doing great, the mod's coming along nicely. Does anyone know any mods that I could use with modloader? For example DivineRPG except, modloader compatible? The mod is amazing but I still want other stuff to f*ck around with lol
Edit: Also, I think you should add Weeping Angels if possible, because the one that's out right now is only forge compatible.
Nice! Just a suggestion, but maybe you should have like... Spawned buildings where certain mobs will spawn. As in, maybe some kind of robotic tower kind of thing for Cybermen. Not sure if this is possible but I think it would be cool xD
Oh and by the way. This mod still works if you try to use forge but its... Buggy. I installed it the way I was supposed to, but didnt have modloader. Works fine, except you can only spawn Autons by command,(not sure if same thing with modloader though). Also, I think most of the sounds work okay. Just thought i would mention this because its a great mod.
Oh and by the way. This mod still works if you try to use forge but its... Buggy. I installed it the way I was supposed to, but didnt have modloader. Works fine, except you can only spawn Autons by command,(not sure if same thing with modloader though). Also, I think most of the sounds work okay. Just thought i would mention this because its a great mod.
If ANYONE else is having this mod with the DivineRPG one and have the Angels look like Paratiku's, a guy named Skidoodle found how to fix it. What he said on DivineRPG post:
Ugh, I reported this to the Weeping Angels developer, and he never fixed it. It's entirely his fault.
As a workaround, rename the weeping angels zip to something like "" so it'll be loaded after.
(If you're curious as to the cause, weeping angels get loaded first with the first available entity ID, (something like 5) and then divine RPG later overwrites that-- reversing the load order fixes it, but weeping angels shouldn't be ignoring the cfg file)
Worked for me.
Ugh, I reported this to the Weeping Angels developer, and he never fixed it. It's entirely his fault.
As a workaround, rename the weeping angels zip to something like "" so it'll be loaded after.
(If you're curious as to the cause, weeping angels get loaded first with the first available entity ID, (something like 5) and then divine RPG later overwrites that-- reversing the load order fixes it, but weeping angels shouldn't be ignoring the cfg file)
Holy crap. It works. Thank you so much. I'll have to do that with my other Doctor Who mods aswell, Autons look like Jungle Spiders and some Daleks look like Cyclops's.
Well at least it's not like me, when I downloaded weeping angles the angle spawners spawn paratiku-(I'm not sure if that is spelled right)
Thats exactly what happens to me if i activate the statues or spawn one, they turn into those Paratiku's. Also is there anyway way to change the id # of the Paratiku's?
Hey everyone, I need some help with something. I've installed a mod with this one called Weeping Angels. Basically when installed with DivineRPG, the Weeping Angels texture/model is bugged. This is how they're supposed to look like: This is how they look like with DivineRPG installed: I also play with Tale of Kingdoms, TF2 Teleporters, and Rei's minimap. Please tell me if there is anyway to fix this, really want to play with the mod.
Hey everyone, I need some help with something. I've installed a mod with this one called Weeping Angels. Basically when installed with DivineRPG, the Weeping Angels texture/model is bugged. This is how they're supposed to look like: This is how they look like with DivineRPG installed: I also play with Tale of Kingdoms, TF2 Teleporters, and Rei's minimap. Please tell me if there is anyway to fix this, really want to play with the mod.
Player App:
Minecraft username: xVoltarx
How much do you know about pokemon(will you be asking tons of questions?): I shouldnt be asking too much questions, I've watch the series as a kid and played some of the games.
Any mods i should know about installed on your .jar: Pixelmon, TMI for SP and Reis Minimap.
How many times have you been banned from a server and why: Never
Edit: Also, I think you should add Weeping Angels if possible, because the one that's out right now is only forge compatible.
(With the sonic screwdriver)
Ugh, I reported this to the Weeping Angels developer, and he never fixed it. It's entirely his fault.
As a workaround, rename the weeping angels zip to something like "" so it'll be loaded after.
(If you're curious as to the cause, weeping angels get loaded first with the first available entity ID, (something like 5) and then divine RPG later overwrites that-- reversing the load order fixes it, but weeping angels shouldn't be ignoring the cfg file)
Worked for me.
Minecraft username: xVoltarx
How much do you know about pokemon(will you be asking tons of questions?): I shouldnt be asking too much questions, I've watch the series as a kid and played some of the games.
Any mods i should know about installed on your .jar: Pixelmon, TMI for SP and Reis Minimap.
How many times have you been banned from a server and why: Never