Well I've been working on this for a little while now, Several people said I should share this. So here it is.
I built this myself, I'm using the stock texture pack,and it's far from complete. There is alot of detail work to be put in. This post serves as a place to start showing progression and to get feedback. I do appreciate all comments good and bad... please be constructive though... thanks.
EDIT!!.. ok so I had some issues with photobucket so imma try Imageshack hopefully, this works abit better.
unfortunately I had updated my client for MC and forgot to put the screenshots elsewhere... so I made new ones!..
Changed the city around a little since the orginal post was made.. moved the golf course and put in the stadium. also moved some townhomes to next to the megabuger..
02/28/2013: UPDATE!! Ok thanks to Minihilly who sent me a small how to on making this downloadable... it is! Just FYI remember its a WIP so its not completed totally. but, its got enough to look at for at least a little while.
First the overview
ok hopefully this is working better for everyone.. also let me know if there is anything you wanna see in detail..
What would you like to help with? (Building, gathering, ect.): Whatever needs the most help.
When it's complete, what job would you like to occupy (Or no job at all): Whatever there's an opening in.
Do you know the pokemon theme song? Do you want to be the very best?!: Like no one ever was!
Do you have TeamSpeak or Mumble?: Both
When I saw this thread I got a huge smile on my face I couldn't get rid of.