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    posted a message on how far are you?
    I started my survival world in 1.2.

    I've probably gathered about 5 stacks of diamonds in my world, though most of them haven't been used yet (it's hard to tell, I've been using diamond blocks to accent certain things). I've probably used 3 double chests worth of redstone by now, as well as 3 stacks of iron blocks.

    You can download my world by going to my blog (link in sig).

    EDIT: For the record, the base isn't finished yet. I'd like to add a supporting frame to the dome to break up that solid glass look and I also plan on having an arch on all 4 sides of my base. The arch doesn't look like it fits in yet because I haven't worked on the supporting frame for the dome. Also, domes are a huge pain. Never making one again. One of the most boring things I've done in this game (and that even rivals digging out the lower tiers for my base, which is a 90 block diameter circle and an 80 block diameter circle).
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Op tools :O
    Yes, enchanted diamond tools are legitimately that fast on the server client. What's your point?
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Level V Enchantments post 1.3?
    Nope, they are gone. On the Wiki it tells you this for the last item under the Trivia section. http://www.minecraft...wiki/Enchanting

    EDIT: I have only done tests on diamond tools since 1.3 and I have never gotten Efficiency V or Sharpness V.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Giant Structures (Mountains)
    What you are referring to is called the Extreme Hills biome. It's an area that is really hilly (often showing stone), has grass which has a bluish tint to it, and has very few trees. It was added in beta 1.7, along with the massive change to the world generation.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Resetting Nether portal inside the Nether
    Walking through the Nether is basically the fastest way to explore the Nether. You could remove your portal in the Nether and place a new one within a 128 block radius of the old one and it would still go to the same portal in the overworld, but 128 blocks is really not that much and it wouldn't suit your purposes at all. If you were trying to find new features in the overworld, you could place new portals in the Nether every 200 blocks or so, but the same trick will not work in reverse for finding things in the Nether. You just have to do it the hard way.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Switch a map between creative and survival?
    1. Update to 1.3

    2. Press "t" then type "/gamemode 0" without the quotation marks. "/gamemode 1" will bring you back to creative mode.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Blaze Spawner Radius: Simple Question
    They follow the normal radius. I've tested it already by completely encasing an 8x3x8 area around the Blaze spawner and none spawned afterwards.

    Keep in mind that if you are making the actual spawner, you need an area of 8x5x8, as you have to leave room for their head or feet respectively.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Chickens keep getting out...
    Old thread is old.

    Seriously guys, the OP hasn't been on the forums for close to 3 months now.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on So should I put doors on it?
    I have a friend who has a desert village and temple that are combined and he wants piston doors on his temple just to keep the villagers away from it.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Explain what mindcrack is, please?
    Because I hate faction and economy servers, Mindcrack is a beacon of light in the darkness to me. Minecraft has an insane amount of possibilities, and I hate how simple the massive plugin servers feel.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Please fix the lighting bugs.
    Fixing the lighting bugs wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't so ridiculously expensive (in terms of processing power) to keep doing. Mojang is working on making the fix manageable so it won't increase the required specs to play this game, which was something they were unable to finish in time for 1.3.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on 1.3 Skeleton XP Farm Tutorial | V2
    Quote from xartefaktx

    It's not only for 1.3, you can build EXACT the same in 1.2.5 and in the older versions too. :)

    Ah, but it's important to mention that it works in 1.3. Most people aren't going to waste their time with something that they are unsure of whether it works in 1.3 or not.

    That said, great tutorial. For the part about lighting, make sure you don't mix up your upwards and downwards. The block/torch/block/torch vertical wiring setup only goes UP, and cannot go down. You work from your inputs not your outputs, and if you don't, make sure you mention that you aren't so as to not confuse people.

    That's just me being nit-picky. It's still an excellent example on how to get the most efficiency out of a spawner.

    If I was to give you a real suggestion, you could add something about how you would connect double spawners together, as that seems to come up on occasion.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on 1.3.1 survival lag
    That's funny because my game became more consistent (I have mine locked to 60 fps, and it hardly ever deviates from that, excluding activating a ton of pistons or redstone at once, or having a ton of entities I'm looking at).

    From what I understand, the game did become more processor-intensive, but at the same time, the coding made the game run more efficiently on multi-core devices.

    You guys need to list specs if you want help.

    And Zebbe, that's hardly anything to be crying about. Your eyes can't even tell the difference between the two.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on 1.3 Yup, another one.
    You will want to wait until Mojang's office actually opens in the morning. Usually you can expect the update to come out late morning in GMT +1. The update might even be out by the time you wake up (if you live in the states).
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on What has been placed cannot be unplaced
    Quote from Derpcakes

    How does this add any difficulty to the game what so ever?

    Build something large without scaffolding. Build something with redstone without ever being wrong or your entire system is likely shot. Orient a piston incorrectly and now that piston is stuck there. It's a challenge, it's not meant to be difficult. It just means you have to think before you act.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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