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    posted a message on Novemia Skyblock Server -1.15.2

    Welcome to Novemia Skyblock Server! For 7+ years we've hosted a vanilla community-based server, and now we also have a Skyblock server!

    The server ip is : NovemiaSkyblock.apexmc.co

    Join our discord at : https://discord.gg/xQWPjAX

    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Unacceptable game breaking updates

    Here's the thing, the lighting bug was a very tricky bug for them, it apparently seemed to happen randomly, and was no way to trigger it when you wanted to. In programming, you can't fix something until you know what is causing it. With their limited budget, probably given to them by Microsoft, they don't have paid gametesters, so they rely on us to report the bugs and they do their best to fix them.

    Face it, most of us paid what? $23 a few years ago for this game, and ever since has seen many, many updates since, adding new content for free! Minecraft makes no money from us and continues to keep this game fresh for us, instead of abandoning it, or charging us for updates packaged as DLC. One must also keep in mind, that now microsoft owns them, they are under restrictions by MS, they were given a date at which they pretty much HAD to release a playable version of 1.14, so that all versions updated at the same time, each version faces different challenges that other platforms don't.

    To be honest, I'm sure we are lucky to still have the java version of Minecraft, I can bet that Microsoft would be much happier if everyone was forced to play the Windows10 version, Bedrock Edition, and just abandon the Java Version.

    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Longterm realm, mature players, looking for 2 new members!

    Looking for 2 new members to join our realm! Has been up and running since Nov 15, 2014, last map reset was on Nov 15, 2015, next map reset won't be till on or after Nov 15 2016.

    99.99% vanilla survival, except we put a tp block in each person's place that takes them to server central, then a block at server central to take them back, this encourages players to interact and to build with plenty of room from each other!

    We haven't yet activated a portal to The End yet , or been to The End, we are saving it for after the update, so once the update hits, we get a freshly generated End, that way we get all the new stuff, with no issues!

    Very nice group of active players, isn't unusual to have times, everyday, with 6-10 players online!

    Looking for 2 players that will be longterm players! Yes, we have players that have been on the realm regularly for the past 15 months!

    Please reply and I'll quickly get an invite in for you!

    Posted in: Minecraft Realms
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    posted a message on Make gravel a renewable resource! (Revised significantly.)
    Gravel really doesn't need to be renewable, in its current role in the game. Once you get infinity on your bow, you will end up with stacks and stacks of flints that you'll never use. It usually isn't used in that large of quantities in builds, and if so, easy to get alot. Just make some nightvision potions & waterbreathing potions and go for a walk on the bottom of the ocean. The ocean floor is covered with a layer of gravel, or, head over to the nether, you'll find HUGE deposits of gravel in the nether, i've seen areas that were huge mountains of gravel, in the nether.

    What gravel needs is more uses, if you aren't using it for roads and pathways much, not much else use for it, thankfully they gave us packed dirt to help a little bit. I say they should give us a recipe to combine gravel and seeds to make asphalt, that way 2 over abundant things get a use!
    Posted in: Suggestions
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