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    posted a message on Novemia -1.14.4- The PvE community-based server you've been looking for!

    Please keep in mind, you can reply here also, to get whitelisted. But, I always have discord open, and immediately whitelist players (when I'm online), and only check this forum every hour or so. Myself, when looking for a server, and when I find one I want to join, don't like waiting hours to get whitelisted.

    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Novemia -1.14.4- The PvE community-based server you've been looking for!

    Current version on server: Spigot-1.14.4

    Novemia has been hosting Minecraft servers for 5+ years ! Always been semi-vanilla server, with a very nice mature community!

    We are once again looking for more players to join us!

    We have CoreProtect, Headdatabase (gives 20,000+ different heads to use to help decorate your builds!), Server Sleep plugin (so only 1 player has to use a bed to turn night to day).

    Our main world was started back in May when 1.14 was first released, and has plenty of room for more players, all we ask on all worlds is that players don't build within 300 blocks of spawn or right beside another player (unless they have that player's permission).

    On Saturday August 3, we just added multiverse and 2 new worlds! Each world has separate inventories/enderchest/player levels & advancements.

    New World #1 is Novemia Isles: map is like 90% ocean with islands randomly scattered about ! Probably no trees, so you'll have to use our crafting recipe added to craft a sapling :) A very fun challenge, if bored with regular Minecraft, but overall the same, with a little extra challenge mixed in! Great place for that water build you've always wanted to do !

    New World #2 is Shattered Isles: Is alot like the End, but the floating islands have biomes! Good luck finding diamonds, they can be attained but you're gonna have to work a bit harder to get them, since you can't just mine them below level 15 :)

    We do have some custom recipes added to the server, they've been added to moreless be easter eggs. You can figure them out by asking others or just figure them out! They are all pretty logical, for example: you can make a block of wool with a couple pieces of string, so why can't you get a couple pieces of string from a piece of wool :) And some are just put there as a quality of life thing, for example: End Portal Frame is 1 diamond surrounded by 8 obsidian. Get some obsidian and 12 diamonds and you can have your own personal End portal at your place ! You can have a nether portal, so why not an End portal !

    The Server IP is Novemia.havocdns.com

    Also, this is a longterm server, so no map wipes till at the very soonest , the release of 1.15, and probably not even then, unless it requires us to mapwipe!

    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Novemia-1.14.2 -Survival-Friendly Community

    Yay, Minecraft.net isn't closing down! Since we aren't allowed to bump forums threads, please also reply in here, if you'd wish to join this server, will also give a place for you to see when you are whitelisted



    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Novemia-1.14.2 -Survival-Friendly Community

    Good bye Minecraft.net, I'll miss you! Been here for years and advertising servers here for years, going to be a tough site to replace :(

    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Problem with Zombie Pigmen

    Part of the problem might be that you are leaving the area totally, because of the hostile zombie pigmen, for the mechanic to fully work, the area should be loaded for the period of time to expire. If they are hostile, and you are leaving the area unloaded then returning an hour later, the area really hasn't had the time expire for their hostileness.

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Unacceptable game breaking updates

    Here's the thing, the lighting bug was a very tricky bug for them, it apparently seemed to happen randomly, and was no way to trigger it when you wanted to. In programming, you can't fix something until you know what is causing it. With their limited budget, probably given to them by Microsoft, they don't have paid gametesters, so they rely on us to report the bugs and they do their best to fix them.

    Face it, most of us paid what? $23 a few years ago for this game, and ever since has seen many, many updates since, adding new content for free! Minecraft makes no money from us and continues to keep this game fresh for us, instead of abandoning it, or charging us for updates packaged as DLC. One must also keep in mind, that now microsoft owns them, they are under restrictions by MS, they were given a date at which they pretty much HAD to release a playable version of 1.14, so that all versions updated at the same time, each version faces different challenges that other platforms don't.

    To be honest, I'm sure we are lucky to still have the java version of Minecraft, I can bet that Microsoft would be much happier if everyone was forced to play the Windows10 version, Bedrock Edition, and just abandon the Java Version.

    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Randomly despawning friendly mobs

    1.14.2 fixed the bug with passive mobs sometimes disappearing, along with item frames and armorstands :) 1.14.2 is the bugfix patch we've all been waiting for!

    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on 1.14.1 pre-1 RE: Lighting Issue

    1.14.2 pre-1 fixed the lighting issue (yay!) Great job Mojang!

    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Novemia-1.14.2 -Survival-Friendly Community

    1.14.2 Survival server + spigot for optimizations

    Novemia is currently looking for players to build our community! Currently we have started back up with minecraft, very good server hardware setup, longterm server!

    Survival server, running with spigot, 100% legit, everything is survival player built, even spawn. We have headdatabase plugin, which gives alot of stuff to help decorate your builds, and have mob drops datapacks, so mobs RARELY drop their mob heads when they die, but very rarely! Also have multiplayer sleep datapack, so only 1 person has to sleep in a bed to change night to day!

    Plan is to have a relatively small, close community, where everyone knows everyone and has fun together. Each person has their own build location and we do some community builds.

    The ip address is : Novemia.havocdns.com

    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on villager trade in 1,14

    Just goto a pillager outpost with a looting sword and continuous kill pillagers, they drop emeralds, and respawn pretty fast

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on 1.14.1 pre-1 RE: Lighting Issue

    can verify that the lighting issue is not fixed yet, sometimes when loading an area from the nether or end, you still get the lighting issue.

    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on 1.14.1 pre-1 RE: Lighting Issue

    So far, can't tell if 1.14.1 pre-1 fixed the major lighting issue. So far can only verify that areas affected by the lighting issue before 1.14.1 pre-1 are still dark, unsure if 1.14.1 pre-1 prevents the issue from happening in the first place.

    Please post here, if you can verify that the darkness lighting issue is still occurring in 1.14.1 pre-1

    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Is there any craftable repair items in 1.14?

    The grindstone isn't so good either, because as far as I know, you can't repair enchanted items in it. For example, if you want to repair your unbreaking 3 + efficiency V diamond pick, you either have to have mending on it or repair it at an anvil.

    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Pre-5 snapshot

    For anyone running a snapshot server:

    I just learned that you can download new snapshots for the java version in the game launcher. When you go to create a new launch profile (where you select which version of minecraft you want it to use), there is a link by the version selector to download the server .jar for that version.

    Hope this helps, till they get the website updated with the pre-5 server .jar :)

    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Pre-5 snapshot

    Launcher is downloading and using 1.14 pre-5 snapshot (when set on most recent), but the .jar file for servers is still pre-4 ? On the main minecraft website where you get the server .jar file

    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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