Hazy, Pootrick, MysticSmoothie, not ignoring your ask for invites, but they are over 12 hours old, and figured you might've found another server.
I have 2 spots available for invites today to Novemia ! Would like to find 2 more mature people 18 or older, that are active players, that plan on being longterm players on a great realm , so far ! We are a young world, only like 3 days old, but things are shaping up very good so far! Come help us shape this world, not MY world but OUR world
Basic rules are: No griefing or stealing (zero tolerance policy). Feel free to harvest other's gardens, as long as you replant what was originally planted. Other's lifestock, never kill more than you breed first. Just be nice and respect others and other's builds World is survival, vanilla of course, and currently on normal, but will move up to hard in a few days, once most have a decent chance to get some gear and basic living quarters & food set up.
First two qualified replies get invites I'll be checking every few moments for the next hour, till I find two more great players for Novemia !
i'll put in invites for TheGreatApollo and ayyitsdannyy now
Jtackman and Hellman81, I removed your invites, since neither has logged in yet, let me know if you still want to join Novembia
Drulez and his brother were removed, because both were under age 12. Might be nice people, but I'm looking for mature players, and can't expect that from someone under 12 years old.
FarikoDunsire, fishlicks, hellman, Javurek1, and Masterbugpatch are all invited
Drules679 and mnewton367, you are both added, please have fun, please don't grief or steal, be respectful of others . My goal is to build a small server of very nice active players (those who typically play solo, cause they don't want griefed, but want to have interactions and talk to others while playing). An epic goal, I'm sure, but I'm sure it is possible to achieve
Looking for some mature players to join my realm server. Absolutely no griefing or stealing will be tolerated.
Would like to find some likeminded players who love to play survival vanilla minecraft and help others out, and build a fun world.
Please reply and I'll add you ASAP
The name of this world is Novemia and where it goes and how it evolves it totally up to you !!! Have fun, explore, build ! Let's shape a world together !
Minecraft hobbies: building things, mining, and sorta rp'ing my characters and worlds they create
About myself: I'm a bit older than most, but have been gaming since the 1980's, grew up with video games as they evolved, always enjoyed games more than TV, since they make you think abit and really draw you in. I'm a huge fan of mmorpg's and sandbox games.
I have 2 spots available for invites today to Novemia ! Would like to find 2 more mature people 18 or older, that are active players, that plan on being longterm players on a great realm , so far ! We are a young world, only like 3 days old, but things are shaping up very good so far! Come help us shape this world, not MY world but OUR world
Basic rules are: No griefing or stealing (zero tolerance policy). Feel free to harvest other's gardens, as long as you replant what was originally planted. Other's lifestock, never kill more than you breed first. Just be nice and respect others and other's builds
First two qualified replies get invites
Jtackman and Hellman81, I removed your invites, since neither has logged in yet, let me know if you still want to join Novembia
I typed : /gamerule do firetick false
and /gamerule firespread false
fire still seems to spread, what am I doing wrong? Or do I need to do something else to turn it off?
Also , what is the difference between the do firetick false and firespread false commands ?
FarikoDunsire, fishlicks, hellman, Javurek1, and Masterbugpatch are all invited
Would like to find some likeminded players who love to play survival vanilla minecraft and help others out, and build a fun world.
Please reply and I'll add you ASAP
The name of this world is Novemia and where it goes and how it evolves it totally up to you !!! Have fun, explore, build ! Let's shape a world together !
Age: 47
Minecraft hobbies: building things, mining, and sorta rp'ing my characters and worlds they create
About myself: I'm a bit older than most, but have been gaming since the 1980's, grew up with video games as they evolved, always enjoyed games more than TV, since they make you think abit and really draw you in. I'm a huge fan of mmorpg's and sandbox games.