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    One thing I can say, regarding 1.16 .....

    So far, this is one of the best updates in years ! The nether has a whole new feel to it, and I see alot more players doing stuff in the nether, on a regular basis. It feels as if, this update add more blocks than any other update, since at least 1.7

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    Did a soft reset of the nether, so nethergold and twisted vines spawn. Basically just saved the regions that players had portals and buildings, reset the rest.

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    Also, I updated all the datapacks myself, so the new 1.16 items work in them, appropriately.

    For example, The SilkTouchSpawners datapack was set so only a diamond pick with silktouch was able to mine spawners, but players on the server agreed that it was only logical that netherite picks with silktouch should also work, since they are an upgraded version of a diamond pick, and the datapack hadn't been updated yet on Planetminecraft, so I went into the code and made the necessary changes.

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    Map is new, on most current snapshot, no major bugs or server issues. Is fun getting to experience new features as they come out on snapshots, once they are tested for major bugs.

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    posted a message on datapack - To use composter to make fungus

    I'm looking for someone who is good at making datapacks, to see if they could make a simple one, that when you throw netherwart blocks or warped netherwart blocks into a composter, it gives you the corresponding fungus (the red or blue mushrooms that you use to grow the new trees)

    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
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    posted a message on Looking for someone to make a datapack

    I'm don't know how to make datapacks, but looking to see if someone can make one that simply turns the nether_wart_blocks and the blue warped blocks to the corresponding fungus in the composter. Simply so that if you use one of those blocks on the composter, it turns it into the fungus, with a 100% chance. I want to use this on the server I host, because players desire because the fungus are non-renewable (like dead bushes) and would like to build farms for the new woods.

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    I haven't been able to play or recruit much in the past 2 weeks, due to being sick and in the hospital a couple days, but now getting better, and again looking to recruit more players!

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    We tried out the datapack Dynamic Saplings, removed it, was more of a pain than it was worth. Easier to just pick up saplings and plant them yourself, instead of having them randomly plant themselves and then have to cut down more trees than you intended

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    So far, recruiting has been successful, typically have a constant 4-6 players online, would like to get it to 6-8 concurrent regular players.

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    Just an update regarding upgrading server...1.16 snapshot 20w07 is still too unstable to put on server : bugs with villagers not saving, among other gamebreaking issues. Seems they are making fast progress, shouldn't be too long till it is stable!

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    Happy Valentine's Day! Join today and get a free dozen of roses ! (Minecraft roses, of course)

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    Treanna has been nice and placed a beacon in the End for a few days, now is a great time to stock up on endstone or obsidian from a pillar in the End !

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    posted a message on Please delete this thread

    We also need someone to perhaps clear out an ocean monument and make a prismarine farm, either for public use, or the person could sell it in a shop in Shoptown, and surely become very rich !

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    Treanna is looking for someone to build an ender ender, she built a nice road where one should be, but would like someone to build the actual enderman farm contraption.

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    When choosing items to sell in your shop, please try to choose items that no one else is selling, at least till Shoptown really gets going, that way we have a nice variety of things to buy in Shoptown and makes it more useful :)

    Posted in: PC Servers
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