Try updating your LWJGL LWJGL 2.8.1
Extract the file
Locate 'lwjgl-2.8.1\native\windows' copy all the files and paste them in '.minecraft\bin\natives'
Locate 'lwjgl-2.8.1\jar' copy jinput.jar, lwjgl.jar and lwjgl_util.jar and paste them in '.minecraft\bin'
Now you have updated LWJGL from V.2.4.2 to V.2.8.1
There's a bug in the soundsystem to LWJGL V.2.4.2 which makes it impossible to turn on the sound on some systems so updating it will make it possible to have sound.
Just write
/gamemode <insert player name here> 1
If the world was made before 1.8.1 then you might want to make sure that everyone place their stuff in their chest, turn off the server, delete all player dats and start the server again.
Or just make a new world.
I usually have it like this
SP: (I play on peaceful)
1. Pickaxe
2. Torch
3. Cobblestone
4. Water Bucket / Empty / Filled with Cobblestone, Dirt, Flint or Gravel
5. Coal
6. Iron Ore
7. Gold Ore
8. Redstone
9. Diamond
MP (I play with monsters)
1. Pickaxe
2. Torch
3. Food
4. Cobblestone
5. Water Bucket / Empty / Filled with Cobblestone, Dirt, Flint or Gravel
6. Coal
7. Iron Ore
8. Diamond
9. Sword
If you want to use blocks from mods in creative you have to install TooManyItems.
The items however shows in the creative inventory so you got the acsess to every vanilla and mod items without TooManyItems.
Ofcourse there is files in minecraft.jar for if there weren't any files in it then you couldn't play Minecraft.
Maybe you could try to use 7zip instead.
Good times
Bought it in Minecraft Beta 1.3_01
(I really miss the underscore in the version number)
java -Xms2048m -Xmx2048 -jar minecraft.exe
LWJGL 2.8.1
Extract the file
Locate 'lwjgl-2.8.1\native\windows' copy all the files and paste them in '.minecraft\bin\natives'
Locate 'lwjgl-2.8.1\jar' copy jinput.jar, lwjgl.jar and lwjgl_util.jar and paste them in '.minecraft\bin'
Now you have updated LWJGL from V.2.4.2 to V.2.8.1
There's a bug in the soundsystem to LWJGL V.2.4.2 which makes it impossible to turn on the sound on some systems so updating it will make it possible to have sound.
Hope this helps :smile.gif:
Java is the same on 32Bit and 64Bit (except that 64Bit can allocate memory that is more than 3GB).
It's impossible to turn off OpenGL as Minecraft uses OpenGL for every single thing that we see in the game.
Minecraft Beta 1.8.1 uses OpenGL 1.3 instead of OpenGL 1.1, Notch is planning to revert the OpenGL back to 1.1 in MC Beta 1.9
In other words, you either have to get yourself a new graphics card or wait for MC Beta 1.9
This will make the server to start in creative mode, but only on a new world as the data already have been 'noted'.
/gamemode <insert player name here> 1
If the world was made before 1.8.1 then you might want to make sure that everyone place their stuff in their chest, turn off the server, delete all player dats and start the server again.
Or just make a new world.
SP: (I play on peaceful)
1. Pickaxe
2. Torch
3. Cobblestone
4. Water Bucket / Empty / Filled with Cobblestone, Dirt, Flint or Gravel
5. Coal
6. Iron Ore
7. Gold Ore
8. Redstone
9. Diamond
MP (I play with monsters)
1. Pickaxe
2. Torch
3. Food
4. Cobblestone
5. Water Bucket / Empty / Filled with Cobblestone, Dirt, Flint or Gravel
6. Coal
7. Iron Ore
8. Diamond
9. Sword
The items however shows in the creative inventory so you got the acsess to every vanilla and mod items without TooManyItems.
Maybe you could try to use 7zip instead.