yes, i do.
but minecraft cannot detect it and uses the 32 bit version of java.
i have both.
and when i try to delete the 32 bit version it doesnt detect it AT ALL.
Try doing this
Open notepad and write this line
"C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\javaw.exe" -Xms2048m -Xmx2048m -jar Minecraft.exe
Save the file as bat by choosing all files instead of text document
Place the file in the same place as Minecraft.exe (Minecraft.exe is the launcher that you use to log into Minecraft with)
Now everytime you play Minecraft double click the bat file and Minecraft will use 64Bit Java.
The newest version of Minecraft Coder Pack (aka MCP) supports only Beta 1.8.1 so you have to wait for Notch to release Beta 1.9 and let the MCP team update MCP.
The only solution is to get a new laptop as Beta 1.8.1 uses OpenGL 1.3 instead of OpenGL 1.1 and also Minecraft have gotten more resource hungry and graphics card demanding so you either have to live with it or you have to get a new laptop.
I'm sorry, but there's no choice.
What you can try to do is to install the mod OptiFine and if it doesn't help then you have to get a new computer to play it.
You're a unlucky player as you don't have a graphics card, but a integrated GPU inside the CPU so the only solution that I know is to either buy a graphics card (either Nvidia or ATI) or a new computer with either Nvidia or ATI graphics card.
If the computer of yours is a laptop then you have to buy a new computer.
i using FRAPS and fine with that,but i have only 30 seconds :sad.gif:
its fine and i like it alot,can anyone bring me info,how to have more seconds to recording?
Buy FRAPS if you want to record longer than 30 seconds.
HyperCam let's you record infinity without buying it first, but there will be a little water mark at top left corner, but it's so small that it can be ignored.
op <player>
If the player have a mix between uppercase and lowercase letters then include the uppercase to see if that works.
I had to use Java 6.29 once 'cause Java 7 didn't wanted to cooperate and worst of all only 32Bit Java 6.29 worked >_<
Try doing this
Open notepad and write this line
"C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\javaw.exe" -Xms2048m -Xmx2048m -jar Minecraft.exe
Save the file as bat by choosing all files instead of text document
Place the file in the same place as Minecraft.exe (Minecraft.exe is the launcher that you use to log into Minecraft with)
Now everytime you play Minecraft double click the bat file and Minecraft will use 64Bit Java.
>Java Download<
Obivous the user can't reinstal Java if the user doesn't have the permission on the C:\ drive/partion.
I think it can be fixed if the user is an admin.
I'm sorry, but there's no choice.
What you can try to do is to install the mod OptiFine and if it doesn't help then you have to get a new computer to play it.
If the computer of yours is a laptop then you have to buy a new computer.
Buy FRAPS if you want to record longer than 30 seconds.
HyperCam let's you record infinity without buying it first, but there will be a little water mark at top left corner, but it's so small that it can be ignored.