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    posted a message on Ordo Imperator Novum - Recruiting
    Quote from DuckmanMicrosoft

    [b]Minecraft.net username:[/b] NormanMammans
    [b]Age:[/b] 13
    [b]Do you have a Skype?:[/b] No
    [b]If not are you willing to get one?:[/b] No
    [b]Do you have a Mic:[/b] No
    [b]If not are you willing to get one (Does not affect your application's acception/rejection)?:[/b]
    [b]Experience in SMP:[/b] None
    [b]Other games you play:[/b] Rome Total War (Most of the time with other small ancient civilisation games)
    [b]Have you read the Code of Honor:[/b] Ita Vero
    [b]Are you in any other clans:[/b] No I have applied but I have rejected them
    [b]Why do you want to join OIN?:[/b] As I would love to be apart of a clan and I love roman themed stuff
    [b]Where did you hear about OIN?:[/b] On the Minecraft Forums
    [b]If a current member of the clan has referred you, please name them here:[/b]
    [b]Tell us about yourself: (2-3 Sentences)[/b] I adore ancient history and do lots of games to do with that and also I love minecraft

    [b]Why should we accept you?: ("I'[/b][b]m really good with a bow" " I pwn the noobs" etc. are not acceptable, all our recruits are trained in combat.)[/b] I adore ancient history and do lots of games to do with that. I also do ancient languges such as Latin and Greek (Latin is my stronger as I will be taking my GCSE next year.) I love mythology but also battle tactics I have a lot of knowledge o the Roman Army and other Armies. I am also extremely loyal and trustworthy and of course decent at minecraft. I am intelligent and sociable and would love to be accepted into this clan and I have never nor plan to greif in my life


    Skype is this clan's main form of communication. If you aren't willing to get it, we cannot accept you because you will be left in the dark.
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Ordo Imperator Novum - Recruiting
    I have returned, you guys can take off those bonnets now.

    GhilleVeteran00, please check your forum inbox about joining the clan.
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Ordo Imperator Novum - Recruiting
    To those that have just applied, I would like to say that I will not be there to answer applications until Independence Day, July 4.
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Ordo Imperator Novum - Recruiting
    sammito1 and xXjsnifXx please check your forum inbox about joining the clan.
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Ordo Imperator Novum - Recruiting
    Quote from thech111

    Minecraft.net username: thech111
    Age: 16
    Do you have a Skype?: Yes
    If not are you willing to get one?: Not Applicable
    Do you have a Mic: Yes
    If not are you willing to get one (Does not affect your application's acception/rejection)?: Not applicable.
    Experience in SMP: Extensive experience with everything from prison servers to pvp servers, with creative servers to survival servers.
    Other games you play: Assasin's Creed 3, Mount&Blade, and Skyrim.
    Have you read the Code of Honor: Yes
    Are you in any other clans: No, although I have just started on a survival server, I can quit it if needed.
    Why do you want to join OIN?: I want to get back into PVP, and I know that this clan is one of the more organized clans on the forums.
    Where did you hear about OIN(If a current member has referred you, please state their name)?: Memories, I think I initially just found it on the forums.
    Tell us about yourself: As many of you know, my name is Andrew, I'm 16 years old and my hobbies are training martial arts and reading, as well as gaming. I was a part of this clan a while ago but then my hobbies changed and I had a falling out of sorts with the clan, which I take full responsibility for. (2-3 Sentences)
    Why should we accept you?: I'm good at scouting and stealth in the game, and one could say that I have learned my lesson. I know that it's hard to find an organized clan and so I've returned to ask to be accepted once more. I would prefer to start off as Puer so that I can be retrained in new tactics and techniques if there are any.
    Even if my application isn't accepted, I ask that everybody from this clan that I know please accept this as my complete apology for the way way that I left the clan. I really want to reconnect with my old pvp friends and I hope my previous actions can be forgiven. I hope I can start of with a clean slate
    I also want you guys to know that I was part of another clan in early April but I left due to lack of time for playing, and also because I didn't enjoy their version of a pvp clan, which was essentially just building houses that were too easy to raid.
    A guy who hopes he can be forgiven.

    thech, check your forum inbox about joining the clan.
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Ordo Imperator Novum - Recruiting
    tl0120 and xSh4dowXSniPerx, please check your PM about joining the clan.
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Ordo Imperator Novum - Recruiting
    Quote from Mine50Gru

    This clan Is the worst clan in the history of clans.

    Why did you try and apply here then? No need to come back a week later and complain because you're butthurt that we didn't accept you. Your application was terrible compared to the things we expect. You already complained once, best leave it at that.
    Also, have fun trying to start up that new clan of yours, can't wait to see how you would manage to run a clan when you can't even make a good application or realize why you were rejected.
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Ordo Imperator Novum - Recruiting
    Would just like to say that my computer is acting weird again and I might not be on for a while.
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Ordo Imperator Novum - Recruiting
    Quote from JDFriedrikson

    don't worry too much about it. just wait a bit until we forget about you and put in a better application.

    Says the guy with a guy pointing at he viewer for his avatar, lol.
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Ordo Imperator Novum - Recruiting
    Quote from KIIWIKILLA

    I honestly haven't got hacks OR had any. The only mod i have ever had is the minimap. Cant you even give me the benefit of the doubt and just keep an extremely close eye on me to make sure im not doing anything like that?

    No we cannot. The only person in this clan who can vouch for you says that you have hacked multiple times before and that is more than enough for us to not accept you.
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Ordo Imperator Novum - Recruiting
    Quote from Coolorb

    This is a lie, he has hacks, nobody loves him. He is also "good" with a bow.

    Posting this once was enough. Please refrain from spamming this thread with the same message.
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Ordo Imperator Novum - Recruiting
    Quote from KIIWIKILLA

    Minecraft.net username: KIIWIKILLA
    Age: 15
    Do you have a Skype?: Yes

    If not are you willing to get one?: -
    Do you have a Mic: Yes
    If not are you willing to get one (Does not affect your application's acception/rejection)?: -
    Experience in SMP: I like to join faction servers where i like to join factions and work with them for server dominance
    Other games you play: Most total war games and sims occasionally
    Have you read the Code of Honor: Yes
    Are you in any other clans: No
    Why do you want to join OIN?: I want to part of an active, organised clan where rules are followed. I like that the clan has honor as it isn't usually a major part of any other clan.

    Tell us about yourself: (2-3 Sentences) Im a miner and a raider. I like to go mining for valuable ores and create hidden pathways for an escape route out of somewhere, or a tunnel into an enemy base. Im a huge looter. I like to loot as many chests as possible and raise havoc and fear into the opposite side.
    Why should we accept you?: ("I'm really good with a bow" " I pwn the noobs" etc. are not acceptable, all our recruits are trained in combat.) I feel that i could acquire resources at any needed time, and be as active as possible. I could help defend bases, and help my base expand and develop.

    I know you previously said that my application was bad, so i made a new application to maybe now be able to join. I DO NOT have any hacks whatsoever and i'm very interested in joining this clan, that is why i am now spending the time to rewrite an application. I hope this is more convincing the last because i really want in. :)

    I am sorry, but you are not accepted. As stated earlier, we have a zero tolerance for hacking and we cannot give you the benefit of doubt.
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Ordo Imperator Novum - Recruiting
    What is this I don't even...
    Some people are just wondrously stupid and take it up 2 whole levels.
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Ordo Imperator Novum - Recruiting
    Quote from DrDee195

    Minecraft.net username: DrDee195
    Age: 16
    Do you have a Skype?: Yes

    If not are you willing to get one?: N/A
    Do you have a Mic: Yes
    If not are you willing to get one (Does not affect your application's acception/rejection)?: N/A
    Experience in SMP: I have been on numerous SMP servers across the time that Minecraft has been out, so I am very familiar with them and I love them a lot.
    Other games you play: Eden Eternal, The Stronghold Collection and a lot of hidden object games.
    Have you read the Code of Honor: Yes
    Are you in any other clans: No
    Why do you want to join OIN?: I want to join OIN because I have heard about during the time I have played Minecraft and I have heard it is a very good clan. The people look friendly and the clan looks like a lot of fun, especially with its basis around pvp. I think I can contribute to the clan and help make it better and bring a lot more people into it.
    Tell us about yourself: (2-3 Sentences): I have played Minecraft since Alpha and it is one of my favorite games. I am very active in Minecraft, usually playing about 6-7 hours of Minecraft a day. I try my hardest in everything I do and I do not give up until it is finished.
    Why should we accept you?: ("I'm really good with a bow" " I pwn the noobs" etc. are not acceptable, all our recruits are trained in combat.) I believe you should accept me because I work very hard at what I do and I do not give up on what I do. I am also very active and friendly towards people and try to have fun with them (even if they are prisoners). I would perform any task given to me to the best of my ability no matter what it is and I would not complain about it. I believe I can help make a difference in the clan and I want a chance to prove that I can contribute.

    welcome to the clan!
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Ordo Imperator Novum - Recruiting
    Quote from kevin4460

    me and weatherdog are making great progress on the base. After almost two years of doing this ­ you get pretty good at it.

    It's been almost two years? Wow, that's pretty good!
    Can't wait until this base is complete and sexy, it's hard work mindlessly mining for hours.
    Posted in: Clans
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