How does that not change the point? im asking what made it look like I hacked?
Whole story:
Me and gweebay went into the end and found the egg
I got the egg by useing the piston
I went back to the moutains put it in the glass case and then you kids came and destoryed it
someone hit the egg I went after it and got it with a piston again and placed it in the same spot
someone hit it again so I got it with the piston AGAIN but this time I kept it in my bag.
That is literly the whole story of the great Ender Dragon Egg
"Clicking on the egg causes it to teleport to a place nearby (up to seven blocks vertically and fifteen blocks horizontally), creating the same particles as Endermen and Nether Portals. It may teleport into the air and subsequently fall to ground.
Like Sand and Gravel, Dragon Eggs fall when unsupported, and if they land in the cube of another block (such as a Torch, Slab or Tall Grass) they will drop as a resource. They cannot suffocate the player by falling onto them.
To obtain the dragon egg, the player may left click on any block near to the egg, and before the block breaks, move the cross-hairs to the egg, which will then begin to break. Other methods include pushing one with a piston, detonating it with TNT, or placing a torch or slab under the block the egg rests on and then destroying that block so the egg falls onto it. It is possible for the player to hit one while it is still moving to the point it breaks, however this is difficult. The player may block with their sword and begin breaking the egg, which does not cause it to teleport."
I will wait for james but I just wish I could prove it to you in a way you understand it is not hacked...
Citizen Application (post below and fill out)
In Game Name: Warriorsfury
How long have you played on RedCraft?: Just started
Do you pledge to obey the rules and support RedCraft?: I do
Do you obey admins?: All the time
Do you realize that any violation of the rules could result in your citizenship being terminated?: I do
Its SO HARD to find a good server with no pvp no kits no item hacking.
BUT I do want a GOOD server with amazing moutains and valleys...
I also dont want a heavy populated server eather...
And no I dont want to do single player...
I want to play with others without my stuff getting destoryed
In-game name:
Real life age: 14
Did you read the rules?: every bit
Where did you hear about us?: was just browsing servers looking for a new main server
Why do you want to join?: seems fun and i love the jobs
Did you vote for Chaotic Uniformity? (If not, click here. It's a free 250 coins!): yeah i did actually i wana get to able to build a town
this is the THIRD time im applying i dont know if im doing something wrong orrrr...
In-game name:
Real life age: 14
Did you read the rules?: every bit
Where did you hear about us?: was just browsing servers looking for a new main server
Why do you want to join?: seems fun and i love the jobs
Did you vote for Chaotic Uniformity? (If not, click here. It's a free 250 coins!): yeah i did actually i wana get to able to build a town
In-game name:
Real life age: 14
Did you read the rules?: every bit
Where did you hear about us?: was just browsing servers looking for a new main server
Why do you want to join?: seems fun and i love the jobs
Did you vote for Chaotic Uniformity? (If not, click here. It's a free 250 coins!): yeah i did actually i wana get to able to build a town
Whole story:
Me and gweebay went into the end and found the egg
I got the egg by useing the piston
I went back to the moutains put it in the glass case and then you kids came and destoryed it
someone hit the egg I went after it and got it with a piston again and placed it in the same spot
someone hit it again so I got it with the piston AGAIN but this time I kept it in my bag.
That is literly the whole story of the great Ender Dragon Egg
I need to calm down I am sorry for the hard time, im just going to say I did not spawn the eggs
That right there with the piston is what I did.
"Clicking on the egg causes it to teleport to a place nearby (up to seven blocks vertically and fifteen blocks horizontally), creating the same particles as Endermen and Nether Portals. It may teleport into the air and subsequently fall to ground.
Like Sand and Gravel, Dragon Eggs fall when unsupported, and if they land in the cube of another block (such as a Torch, Slab or Tall Grass) they will drop as a resource. They cannot suffocate the player by falling onto them.
To obtain the dragon egg, the player may left click on any block near to the egg, and before the block breaks, move the cross-hairs to the egg, which will then begin to break. Other methods include pushing one with a piston, detonating it with TNT, or placing a torch or slab under the block the egg rests on and then destroying that block so the egg falls onto it. It is possible for the player to hit one while it is still moving to the point it breaks, however this is difficult. The player may block with their sword and begin breaking the egg, which does not cause it to teleport."
I will wait for james but I just wish I could prove it to you in a way you understand it is not hacked...
In Game Name: Warriorsfury
How long have you played on RedCraft?: Just started
Do you pledge to obey the rules and support RedCraft?: I do
Do you obey admins?: All the time
Do you realize that any violation of the rules could result in your citizenship being terminated?: I do
BUT I do want a GOOD server with amazing moutains and valleys...
I also dont want a heavy populated server eather...
And no I dont want to do single player...
I want to play with others without my stuff getting destoryed
Real life age: 14
Did you read the rules?: every bit
Where did you hear about us?: was just browsing servers looking for a new main server
Why do you want to join?: seems fun and i love the jobs
Did you vote for Chaotic Uniformity? (If not, click here. It's a free 250 coins!): yeah i did actually i wana get to able to build a town
this is the THIRD time im applying i dont know if im doing something wrong orrrr...
Real life age: 14
Did you read the rules?: every bit
Where did you hear about us?: was just browsing servers looking for a new main server
Why do you want to join?: seems fun and i love the jobs
Did you vote for Chaotic Uniformity? (If not, click here. It's a free 250 coins!): yeah i did actually i wana get to able to build a town
Real life age: 14
Did you read the rules?: every bit
Where did you hear about us?: was just browsing servers looking for a new main server
Why do you want to join?: seems fun and i love the jobs
Did you vote for Chaotic Uniformity? (If not, click here. It's a free 250 coins!): yeah i did actually i wana get to able to build a town