OH and PLEASE note that if you are 100 blocks away from the spawn useing /home you have a higher risk of dieing and glitching out of the map untill your rejoin or /home again
doors DO work but they are clientside as in you can open it but it will stay shut for your friend and doors compleatly work besides that to open it dont use right click use left click it works fine
ahhh stairs do work and CAN be turned i placed stairs once (when me and my friend were building a tower) he placed a torch right next to it and it all of a sudden turned align with the torch and yes mine tracks don't turn
Ok, im makeing a list of items's and/or things that do not work atm
Bucket's (can pick up lava and water but cannot place it)
minecarts (no one can see you rideing them)
boats (same as minecarts)
No night time (duh)
pigs and sheep dont spawn
mobs (dont even spawn in caves)
chests (are client side)
and i think thats it
minetracks (dont turn or snap into place)
Stairs currently work somewhat
PROTIP to all the admins out there you CAN spawn record players and records (no one can make them)
and they DO play music (only 2 songs 1 is for like caves haveint herd the other yet)
if anyone can list anything els ill edit the list also
so far from pichu -.- (major greifer watch out) he makes a little hole and says something like "hey look at this cool hole i made" you go near it pichu pushes you down and kills you with sand then digs down to collect to loot hes tryed to kill me and my friends well more than 10 times so watch out for him
iv been trying to wire a iron door for ages now and i cant seem to get it my friend did it once but he never comes back to the server i was wondering if someone could TEACH me how becouse iv looked at the wiki and iv looked at youtube video's and they never seem to work for me. im wondering if they even WORK work...
no while i was cutting tree's he made a pit behind me and killed me and WOULDINT stop fallowing me untill i tricked him with /home >:smile.gif:
Bucket's (can pick up lava and water but cannot place it)
minecarts (no one can see you rideing them)
boats (same as minecarts)
No night time (duh)
pigs and sheep dont spawn
mobs (dont even spawn in caves)
chests (are client side)
and i think thats it
minetracks (dont turn or snap into place)
Stairs currently work somewhat
PROTIP to all the admins out there you CAN spawn record players and records (no one can make them)
and they DO play music (only 2 songs 1 is for like caves haveint herd the other yet)
if anyone can list anything els ill edit the list also