Do you have skype and a working microphone?: Yes and yes. My current set-up consists of only a Turtle Beach Earforce x12 headset.
Age: 20
How mature are you?: 18? I'm not really sure if my self-assessment is anything near objective, but judging from experience I think an 18/20 is close enough. If anything I'd say the 2 points I'm taking away are due to my hard-to-understand humour, which most often involves "reductio ad absurdum".
Where do you live?: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Have you ever been banned from a server?: No.
When did you start playing minecraft?: Beta 1.4, back in early 2011
Do you have experience with survival-mode?: Not to boast or anything, but I've managed to win a couple UHC's. And as it comes with these many years of playing minecraft, I've done everything from island survival and skyblock survival, to ultra-hardcore survival as a lasting world.
Do you have building skills?: Around 13. I'm not a great fan of my own buildings, but I've been praised for them either way (which baffles me). I usually go for either high-tech, clean, modern styles or a classical, italian/venician style.
Do you have technical skills?: I'm a actual programmer, so I understand quite a lot about the logic behind redstone. Actual building it is another story, as I usually screw up building heights. So 16?
What are you best at in minecraft?: Community buildings, specially mini-games.
What do you enjoy most about minecraft?: When I'm playing SMP, I love hanging with others and help them with their builds (specially if they need help with redstone).
Do you have a YouTube channel and record regularly?: I have a channel, but I do NOT record regularly (or more accurately: not at all). The channel is /vosenedich
1) vosenedich
2) 20
3) vosenedich.darksoul
4) /vosenedich
5) Everyday at least 2 hours.
6) It's been a while since I last got into minecraft, but with the start of mindcrack season 5, the mindcrafter in me got resurrected. Also, the last time I was in a server, it got shut down due to inactivity
7) Yes. Si. Yah. Oui.
8) "Be kind"
9) 10408420
Have you ever been banned before? If so name servers and reason banned: Never banned, and planning to keep my record c-l-e-a-n.
What do you do with wild spawners?: Neutralize them, mark them and dig a straight, quick-access path to them. Depending on the type of spawner and needs for materials, might also build a mob farm.
Age: 20
Do you have a youtube?: Not an active channel. Uploaded some 3 videos over 2 years ago.
Reason you want to join: I've been watching the new season of the Mindcrack server and it really got me hooked back on. But I want a good community to share the experience with.
How long can you play a day: 3-5 hours (time will be halved during finals)
How long have you played?: Since early beta.
Will you whine about not getting your way?: What?!
Will you argue with the decision of a staff member or disrespect them?: No disrespect, but if I believe the reasoning behind a decision is flawed or it favours one of the parties (including myself), I WILL point it out.
Will you borrow items without permission?: Not unless it's part of a prank (in which case there'll be a note/sign/book, explaining the case).
Time zone/large city near you: GMT -3:00
Tell us something about you: I love helping people out, working on community projects and whatnot, but I usually end up with a scope that's way too overwhelming. I'm have an absurd/weird sense of humour. Also, I'm a game designer and an otaku, not that that has any implications.
On average, how much do you play minecraft and at what time normaly?: Now that I got back into it, around 2 hours a day, and double or triple that on weekends. Usually play on the afternoons, around 2:00 PM, and at night, after 10:00 PM.
Minecraft Name: vosenedich
Age: 20
Country: Argentina
Time Zone: GMT -3:00
Skype: vosenedich.darksoul
Favorite Mindcracker: Etho
Notable minecraft skills: Map-making and Community builds Giving some of my old server-mates a tour of the villager farm (y < 200)
The idea is to be confusing at the end. It's just as if it were a bad dream, running through an endless corridor; but the book is still there...
If you'd like to participate, send me an application, in a CV format, something like:
Past Experience as Actor:
Past Experience as Voice Actor:
Example of previous work:
*Any other information you'd like to share*
Hello ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the cosiness of the stone and iron ores. Relax while we bring you some entertainment for the night. Today we bring you: "Shadows and Dreams" by vosenedich...
If you have enjoyed tonight's entertainment and feel the urge to like and subscribe, please be our guest. Also, if think you simply must watch more videos like this one fine example, and can't wait to do so, hop on aboard the "Underground Theatre Troupe" and help us make more videos, better and faster. To join, all you need to do is send your application to: [email protected], and hope for the best.
Hello ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the cosiness of the stone and iron ores. Relax while we bring you some entertainment for the night. Today we bring you: "Shadows and Dreams" by vosenedich...
If you have enjoyed tonight's entertainment and feel the urge to like and subscribe, please be our guest. Also, if think you simply must watch more videos like this one fine example, and can't wait to do so, hop on aboard the "Underground Theatre Troupe" and help us make more videos, better and faster. To join, all you need to do is send your application to: [email protected], and hope for the best.
Hello everyone, I'll make this quick:
I need a FREE ROYALTY song or music to fill a gap in my upcoming video, but I can't seem to find one that fits.
What I need is a TENSE music, for a ESCAPE SCENE from a collapsing ruin.
Thanks, and I'll make sure to give credit to whoever finds the song.
Hello everyone, I'm looking for a capable team of minecrafter's who have some experience with adventure maps and/or series, and who would like to add a writer to their team. Just to make this clear, as a writer I intend only to create the most interesting piece of story possible, but I do not make myself responsible for it's execution. In other words, I'm a writer not a director.
I am working on different literary pieces, but I think I could benefit from seeing the public's reaction to any of my work and it's transformation into machinemas.
If you're interested, please leave a comment or PM me.
Do you have skype and a working microphone?: Yes and yes. My current set-up consists of only a Turtle Beach Earforce x12 headset.
Age: 20
How mature are you?: 18? I'm not really sure if my self-assessment is anything near objective, but judging from experience I think an 18/20 is close enough. If anything I'd say the 2 points I'm taking away are due to my hard-to-understand humour, which most often involves "reductio ad absurdum".
Where do you live?: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Have you ever been banned from a server?: No.
When did you start playing minecraft?: Beta 1.4, back in early 2011
Do you have experience with survival-mode?: Not to boast or anything, but I've managed to win a couple UHC's. And as it comes with these many years of playing minecraft, I've done everything from island survival and skyblock survival, to ultra-hardcore survival as a lasting world.
Do you have building skills?: Around 13. I'm not a great fan of my own buildings, but I've been praised for them either way (which baffles me). I usually go for either high-tech, clean, modern styles or a classical, italian/venician style.
Do you have technical skills?: I'm a actual programmer, so I understand quite a lot about the logic behind redstone. Actual building it is another story, as I usually screw up building heights. So 16?
What are you best at in minecraft?: Community buildings, specially mini-games.
What do you enjoy most about minecraft?: When I'm playing SMP, I love hanging with others and help them with their builds (specially if they need help with redstone).
Do you have a YouTube channel and record regularly?: I have a channel, but I do NOT record regularly (or more accurately: not at all). The channel is /vosenedich
Skype name?: vosenedich.darksoul
2) 20
3) vosenedich.darksoul
4) /vosenedich
5) Everyday at least 2 hours.
6) It's been a while since I last got into minecraft, but with the start of mindcrack season 5, the mindcrafter in me got resurrected. Also, the last time I was in a server, it got shut down due to inactivity
7) Yes. Si. Yah. Oui.
8) "Be kind"
9) 10408420
Skype: vosenedich.darksoul
How often can you Skype: Whenever I'm playing.
Have you ever been banned before? If so name servers and reason banned: Never banned, and planning to keep my record c-l-e-a-n.
What do you do with wild spawners?: Neutralize them, mark them and dig a straight, quick-access path to them. Depending on the type of spawner and needs for materials, might also build a mob farm.
Age: 20
Do you have a youtube?: Not an active channel. Uploaded some 3 videos over 2 years ago.
Reason you want to join: I've been watching the new season of the Mindcrack server and it really got me hooked back on. But I want a good community to share the experience with.
How long can you play a day: 3-5 hours (time will be halved during finals)
How long have you played?: Since early beta.
Will you whine about not getting your way?: What?!
Will you argue with the decision of a staff member or disrespect them?: No disrespect, but if I believe the reasoning behind a decision is flawed or it favours one of the parties (including myself), I WILL point it out.
Will you borrow items without permission?: Not unless it's part of a prank (in which case there'll be a note/sign/book, explaining the case).
Time zone/large city near you: GMT -3:00
Tell us something about you: I love helping people out, working on community projects and whatnot, but I usually end up with a scope that's way too overwhelming. I'm have an absurd/weird sense of humour. Also, I'm a game designer and an otaku, not that that has any implications.
On average, how much do you play minecraft and at what time normaly?: Now that I got back into it, around 2 hours a day, and double or triple that on weekends. Usually play on the afternoons, around 2:00 PM, and at night, after 10:00 PM.
Age: 20
Country: Argentina
Time Zone: GMT -3:00
Skype: vosenedich.darksoul
Favorite Mindcracker: Etho
Notable minecraft skills: Map-making and Community builds
(I can't seem to find the pictures of my last adventure map; the last known file post I've got is pretty old too:
Anything else?: I'm always up for helping people out, be it with their own builds or just hanging out.
If you'd like to participate, send me an application, in a CV format, something like:
Past Experience as Actor:
Past Experience as Voice Actor:
Example of previous work:
*Any other information you'd like to share*
Send it to [email protected], and I'll see what we can arrange
Hello ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the cosiness of the stone and iron ores. Relax while we bring you some entertainment for the night. Today we bring you: "Shadows and Dreams" by vosenedich...
If you have enjoyed tonight's entertainment and feel the urge to like and subscribe, please be our guest. Also, if think you simply must watch more videos like this one fine example, and can't wait to do so, hop on aboard the "Underground Theatre Troupe" and help us make more videos, better and faster. To join, all you need to do is send your application to: [email protected], and hope for the best.
If you have enjoyed tonight's entertainment and feel the urge to like and subscribe, please be our guest. Also, if think you simply must watch more videos like this one fine example, and can't wait to do so, hop on aboard the "Underground Theatre Troupe" and help us make more videos, better and faster. To join, all you need to do is send your application to: [email protected], and hope for the best.
I need a FREE ROYALTY song or music to fill a gap in my upcoming video, but I can't seem to find one that fits.
What I need is a TENSE music, for a ESCAPE SCENE from a collapsing ruin.
Thanks, and I'll make sure to give credit to whoever finds the song.
I am working on different literary pieces, but I think I could benefit from seeing the public's reaction to any of my work and it's transformation into machinemas.
If you're interested, please leave a comment or PM me.