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    posted a message on Space Explorations Ideas>Revise and Edit Ideas
    Quote from zombie_killer »
    Quote from Blockface »

    Well technically you can't say that :Iron: has 9000+ IQ.

    Yes I can, I just did.

    And people this we have here is the obvious signs of a troll.
    And life goes on as normal people, comment/critisize on the OP and the troll wastes his time trying to defend his near pointless cause.

    I don't agree with the new planetary concept, nor with the outerspace travel, but the idea of having a link to another world (possibly another save file) would exccellent, in which case you could... could, its entirely up to you and your imagination, but you could have one save which consists of souly a quarry, it would help remove the sometimes ugly quarrys the some people seem to produce.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on VEHICLES REDOX - Land, sea, and air, oh my...
    Also within the airship you could have one hole in the base of the airship, from which you are able to place tnt, and when you attack the tnt it will fall from the ship and explode, this would be interesting warfare, except the fact you need to be rather close the ground, which makes for an easy target.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on MiRoMe's Random Idea #2
    The possibilitie of creating a Uncoloured beam of light emiting device is actually aincient.

    to construct a decive all you need is a light source, (the strength of the light source is errelivant)
    and a Convex lens. (the time frame of which this was invented was 1248 (roughly)).

    the light source will emit rays of light which will pass through the convex lense which will then refract
    and then create a beam of white light.

    this is well and truly druing the medieval times considering the medieval times were 1066 - 1486 (roughly)
    also the clock we see in game is essentually a handheld sundial, which dose not exist, the actual evention of the clock with the minute hand resided in th 16th century, so techniqually the U-B-L-E-D is a completly plausible device.

    sadly as humans we have flaws these are that most of us are stubborn, even when the truth is presented infront of us. I understand that many of you, who believe that this device is impossible will continue to say it is impossible... but the truth is.... its not.

    Also on a side note a handheld sundial is almost impossible considering the difficulty to actually hold it flat and accuratly in line, is well pathetically insane.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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