never mind i got it to work you need to fix alot of bugs like the sentry crashes me and the smg crashes me and it thinks its a sentry thats ticking and theres not alot of finished textures lol this needs to be in 1.6.4 with a textures update
Please stop spamming WE NEEB TANKS and ask for them like a normal person. We are already bringing something to fill that role. It takes time for a single person to construct an entire combat system. Be patient, it will come.
Please give us your minecraft version, and a list of your mods, as well as any crash report you may have received.
...j/k, It's an oxygen bubble from Galacticraft. I sometimes think that the armor could render some sort of spherical shield depending on the module if applies, this is just to depict the idea.
dude the mod would be better that you had a shield that would protect you forever until it starts taking loads of damage and then the shield geos down and the shield module can be in the armor slot and this message is rediculously long as it keeps going but im not a mod maker and i dont know if its possible plus im back to haunt yey :3
when will it be in beta? and id like to see the mech mod but i know your not accepting testers but its a really small team the smallest team ive ever seen really
is it close to being done send me a link to it when its done sadly i cant beta test it because your full and if i said if i could be in your beta team I think you would RAGE!