somwone needs to because theres barrely any car mods out there one is not updating and 2 one is too cartoony and theres only 1 mech mod out there and the flans mod has it but the flans mod is really glitchy *waiting for some person to rage and kill me*
I think if I did that, I would copy the old car mod a bit. And this is my mod.
Maybe take the jeep?
Robbi Blechdose
i think the owner died or is not updating it anymore but if you want to have no copyright stikes you can make a mod like his but not the same model and also you need to fix the driving wheel and you could make one car look a bit more real if you dont feel like doing it you dont have to
I can't seem to run the SEUS v10.0 Standard shader, nor alternatives.
I use both ShadersModCore-v2.2.1-mc1.6.4-f953 & forge-1.6.4-
Running an iMac, Late 2012 with NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680MX graphics.
I've set timePow = 3.0f;
Error : Invalid program gbuffers_textured
Error : Invalid program gbuffers_textured_lit
Error : Invalid program composite1
Error : Invalid program final
MS Windows 8 64-bit Intel Core i3-2328M CPU @ 2.20GHz, 4.0GB RAM, Intel HD Graphics 3000 please tell me that this shaders works for me because every other one works just fine for me
I know many people have said something about this ,but the textures are missing for all the vehicles. I am using the latest 1.6.4 forge, and 4.1 flans mod with 4.1 content packs. After installing the "ye olde pack" my WW2 planes now work, but still not any other pack or type of vehicle! The only thing on the bright side is that now the enemy cant see you as well.
/[/spoiler] you did something totally wrong if all the textures are missing or is there just no vehichal if theres no vihichal then your not doing something wrong its the mod thats doing that its been doing that to me the only thing thats textures for me is the mech suit
could you make 1 car look like the car from the car mod? that would be great you dont need to do it and please just PLEASE dont turn jerky or into captian obvious because alot of people have been doing that lately
Cool mod!
your picture in your comment is HAX!
school sucks like heck