Feels like this mod has been in development for a long time i hope its not as buggy as flans and this is my question will you add tanks? *waiting for somwone to rage and say its not implementable wich it is implementable*
Good stuff man, i've been waiting for Mecha since this game came out. I'm using this with the new Flan's Mod 4.0 with Mecha, and they go really well together. Now if i could only get a flying version or a helicopter i'd be set.
There's a problem in my minecraft, im using a clean version of mc 1.6.4 forge and i've made exactly everything like it says, but the default model doesn't have any textures... it's just white. [Im using windows 8 64 bits]
Hmm I've tried installing it and no texture has changed. Can anyone please upload a video on how to install, I tried doing this for at least an hour and can't seem to get it to work. I am running on a Windows 8.1. I even extracted the CustomSteveResources inside my .minecraft. Please help!
Hmm I've tried installing it and no texture has changed. Can anyone please upload a video on how to install, I tried doing this for at least an hour and can't seem to get it to work. I am running on a Windows 8.1. I even extracted the CustomSteveResources inside my .minecraft. Please help!
i have windows 8 and everytime i install this mod my character is pure white help me!
my character is untextured asept for the crytals dangling down and the things on her back but the character is just pure white please help me im running windows 8 with a hd intel card
make a car mod or a mech mod its a bit time consuming i dont know how to texture or make 3d models but i know a 3d model app that might just help http://techne.zeux.me/Techne