i love the way this mod sounds like it's going i'm a huge fan of playing mine-z on shotbow so being able to play it in single player with more stuff would be amazing. question tho will you be adding NPC type players that wander around like scavengers and such so even when you are playing alone the world won't feel so empty? NPC's you can trade with and have to fight off sometimes. also will there be tents/camping spots for you to make and fire pits that can attract zombies or scavenging players/npcs.
they are trying to make the mod the best as it can be so they are gonna do this
hey instead of having to have only one option you could just have a button to like switch from arma II dayz to standalone dayz sounds like a good idea to me then everywone gets what they want but then that would be a little bit more coding :/ do that if you want but my idea sounds like it could be hard to do but if it was simple as just adding a button and telling it what to do it would sound a little more easier and may be a little more easier
this mod has not been updated for a while has this mod been abandoned or is he just doing something hes not supposed to and have to do the entire mod again?
Typically, I am going to add these sorts of stuff after the 'core' has been done (core = main post). I'm thinking of some kind of modular system, but I'm not completely sure how I am going to do that, because some classes will overwrite the others, which will quite end up in a system:
"Core (neccesary for everything)"
Under that you get (examples):
" Blood"
" Smithing"
" Mining"
But to say, I want to get blood and smithing (or any other combinations) I have to add:
"Blood + Smithing"
"Blood + Mining"
"Mining + Smithing"
"Blood + smithing + mining"
So that would be quite annoying... We'll see, it's not that far yet
To be completely honest with you, I have 2 computers: A laptop and a computer, this laptop is the worst device I ever came accross, and can only play minecraft on tiny with 30 fps. (Everything the lowest), Using this mod it doesn't drop anything lower than 25 fps, which is only a reduction of 5 fps (Whilst having the updating food in your inventory, all chests & minecarts & furnaces etc checking for updates, a clay crucible that checks for an update). Although it is still quite early in development, I don't think it'll come out that bad. And if it is, well then... :'(
*Sigh*... another great mod abandoned.
I am sorry to see this go, mostly because I really liked the explosives mechanics.
And the satellites.
And the guns.
And just about everything else.
I wish you the best of luck on your game, Khlorghaal. It sounds awesome.
Any way us fans of T1A can find out when it is released?
Oh I posted my last part on the wrong forum. When complete if be interested in hosting a version of this. If you allow other mods to be added. I have a 6 core server with 42 gigs of ram allocated to minecraft. Let me know.