Sweet. This mod is looking amazing so far! Will definitely watch this.
So what are you trying to say with this. Do you think they are making the textures ''so slowly'' on purpose? Think before you post. This blaming wont help anything.
i know this will turn into a all out war comment because i seen enough comments for that to happen
Thanks for following! We are sorry you feel that way. I want to do videos but most of the textures are incomplete. So if I do make a video when the release is out the textures will be completely different. We are also removing some items and adding some new items in their place to make it feel more like Day-Z Standalone. I wanted to release a "pre-release" by now but we are in the progress of adding 3d guns. I think you guys will be happy and it will be worth the wait once we are done adding the gun models
Here is a screen shot of the M4A1 with the 3d model
Every gun will have a custom 3d model like this one.
We also re worked gui so now the Day-Z hud/gui is hd and looks waaay better. Anyways thank you for those who have stuck around and are still following. I promise you won't be disappointed
dude i waited so long that i had to buy god of war 2/3 to pass the time and i know it deos not take long to make 3D textures because i made one in a day with the textures
Sorry everyone for the wait!! The first release will be out soon. We won't be putting out our custom launcher for the first release. So you will have to manually install mc forge and the mod. We have been working on the mod as much as possible and it should be out soon. Again, sorry for the wait! Thanks for still supporting us !
We have been working on the mod as much as possible. There has been some set backs due to personal conflicts. But there has been so much added since that list has been posted. I need to re do the entire lost one I update the forum and add a pre release download.
sounds like you've done some pretty good progress my friend (your not actully my freind) keep up the good work.
We are thinking about making an option I'm the launcher for that. The only problem is updating both to coordinate with both games will be really time consuming. So we will see how it goes But as of now, we want to add a button on the launcher to be able to play standalone or ArmaII.
ok thats cool and i never knew you were the launcher guy lol
i know this will turn into a all out war comment because i seen enough comments for that to happen
dude i waited so long that i had to buy god of war 2/3 to pass the time and i know it deos not take long to make 3D textures because i made one in a day with the textures