So, my mods have started crashing. They were working perfectly fine, and then I decided to clean up all the biome ID conflicts. I did that and suddenly Ore Spiders was doing a crash, which said that an entity was already registered. I looked at the class file and it was looking for a unique entity ID, which has somehow moved due to the ID conflict cleanup. So, how do I unregister an already registered mod? For example, can I delete the mod entity registry so it'll regrow when I next open the game. I basically want that one mod to have new IDs but I can't do that manually because there's no config. And the crash is because it's already been in the system as the unique ID that it originally found years ago. I have disabled the Ore Spiders in the meanwhile and the game is functioning. But not having them will cause issues in my currently active world, as they are the key way for me to get coal because I have no coal in my local area.
Ah, completely forgot. Sure, I'll turn it on. The base is pre-done. It's got a chest. Crafting table is to share. No portal yet, sorry. Tell me when you've got the buckets and I'll try to hop on.
See, that's the thing. I know a lot of Bedrocks's bugs exist. Like the "standing on top of chests and taking damage" one (or was this fixed?). Or the random death by fall damage (I wonder how much this one is down to desyncing/lag and might not show up on better hardware?). But Java has a ton of issues, no where near as many or at least as bad of ones mind you, and for the most part I never see them either. So I know they exist but I'm wondering if I'd run into many of them or not.
I imagine it's the behavioral things like no pause and other things I prefer Java for that will make me think less of it, but the bugs? I'm honestly wondering if it would be as much of a party as it's advertised to be, haha.
Yeah, the bugs aren't as common as you think. Depends. Last time I Bedrocked, there were no bugs, they'd just added recipe unlocking (So I had to reunlock all the recipes for the stuff I had on me, which I couldn't because I died and my stuff despawned.) and gotten rid of the cobweb to string recipe.
This was annoying because I had many cobwebs on my person and had to convert them manually, instead of crafting them into 9 string like you used to be able to do. You can crawl now though. And snapshots are built in-game too, as I said. And placing in front of you is a thing, of course. You even have commands.
Bedrock wasn't designed for me, anyway. Literally, it's Pocket Edition with concessions to Java users, and console support. You'll do great.
I might be feeling a bit disillusioned right now. My 1.7.10 modded base just turned upside down and that's not intentionally from any mod. It's just a really overly specific bug.
Bedrock's great. Remembers my Sonic The Hedgehog skin before it knows I'm signed in, so I can't look at my worlds for a bit and get to admire Sonic instead.
I mean if you like the chance of groups of upto five Endermen Aggroing you in the End for Ender Pearling to an island without looking at them (or hitting them with the Ender Pearl) which AGTRigorMortis seen happen first hand to me, having some unknown force push you back when landing on a block from Ender Pearling in the End, or Chorus Fruit just not teleporting you back onto an island when falling, I guess?
The better bugs in Bedrock as examples are the seeds that have four or more structures mashed together, Mob AI from time to time partially or completely breaking, and Blaze Fireballs going backwards at a walking level Speed XD.
Don't forget falling through the world and that "infinitely standing still after dying because the respawn area didn't reload and sort of thinks you might be on a partial block" glitch.
If I was only allowed three Mending I books, Fishing Rod, Netherite Silk Touch Pick, and Loyalty III-Channeling I Trident would be the three to get it XD. Fishing Rod for relaxing and food, Netherite Silk Touch Pick for Silk Touching Ores, and the Trident for a Solid Ranged Weapon. Man, I wish Current Gen Bedrock could have Console Legacy Generation again, miss the limited world size and smaller biomes. I have my five Console Legacy Xbox 360 Worlds on Bedrock (From TU 9, TU 11, TU 14, TU 42, and TU 43) as well as a whole bunch of world templates (From TU 9, TU 11, TU 14, TU 22, and TU 73 as well as all the Tutorial Worlds) as they are nice to have.
I miss limited size worlds so much. Remember the Old world type on Bedrock?
Exactly. Balance. People don't want to put the work in. And there are no Creative videos anymore, so newer people might just only know Survival (Bedrock has no Hardcore) and Spectator. (I don't know.)
Everyone really loves Mending, don't they? I just want three (I'm fine with just the fishing rod though), and even then it's just because I'm planning on moving my Xbox 360 world to Bedrock / Java and I feel peer pressured.
This just makes me want to try Bedrock more. Am I asking for it at this point?
No, I recommend Bedrock sometimes. You should do it. Also, the fish come in three sizes and drop bones in the biggest size. And turn unlockable recipes off if you don't know the recipes already.
Also, snapshots are built into the game with the 1.21 toggle. And you need a Microsoft account for multiplayer and achievements. And the achievements come with free emotes and hats. And you might have a cape already.
You can export a map from the Marketplace.
This is the crash report:
So, my mods have started crashing. They were working perfectly fine, and then I decided to clean up all the biome ID conflicts. I did that and suddenly Ore Spiders was doing a crash, which said that an entity was already registered. I looked at the class file and it was looking for a unique entity ID, which has somehow moved due to the ID conflict cleanup. So, how do I unregister an already registered mod? For example, can I delete the mod entity registry so it'll regrow when I next open the game. I basically want that one mod to have new IDs but I can't do that manually because there's no config. And the crash is because it's already been in the system as the unique ID that it originally found years ago. I have disabled the Ore Spiders in the meanwhile and the game is functioning. But not having them will cause issues in my currently active world, as they are the key way for me to get coal because I have no coal in my local area.
You need to enable snapshots to see them.
Which version is the Minecraft?
I hate that place too.
There are. The Travelling Trader is a free one, last I recall.
I like the April Fools updates if we're talking vanilla. They do have server jars, by the way.
I know, don't get me started. I agree about Classic. I've started limiting my Java worlds manually to 864 by 864 just because I miss it.
Ah, completely forgot. Sure, I'll turn it on. The base is pre-done. It's got a chest. Crafting table is to share. No portal yet, sorry. Tell me when you've got the buckets and I'll try to hop on.
Yeah, the bugs aren't as common as you think. Depends. Last time I Bedrocked, there were no bugs, they'd just added recipe unlocking (So I had to reunlock all the recipes for the stuff I had on me, which I couldn't because I died and my stuff despawned.) and gotten rid of the cobweb to string recipe.
This was annoying because I had many cobwebs on my person and had to convert them manually, instead of crafting them into 9 string like you used to be able to do. You can crawl now though. And snapshots are built in-game too, as I said. And placing in front of you is a thing, of course. You even have commands.
Bedrock wasn't designed for me, anyway. Literally, it's Pocket Edition with concessions to Java users, and console support. You'll do great.
I might be feeling a bit disillusioned right now.My 1.7.10 modded base just turned upside down and that's not intentionally from any mod. It's just a really overly specific bug.Bedrock's great. Remembers my Sonic The Hedgehog skin before it knows I'm signed in, so I can't look at my worlds for a bit and get to admire Sonic instead.
Don't forget falling through the world and that "infinitely standing still after dying because the respawn area didn't reload and sort of thinks you might be on a partial block" glitch.
I miss limited size worlds so much. Remember the Old world type on Bedrock?
Exactly. Balance. People don't want to put the work in. And there are no Creative videos anymore, so newer people might just only know Survival (Bedrock has no Hardcore) and Spectator. (I don't know.)
Everyone really loves Mending, don't they? I just want three (I'm fine with just the fishing rod though), and even then it's just because I'm planning on moving my Xbox 360 world to Bedrock / Java and I feel peer pressured.
No, I recommend Bedrock sometimes. You should do it. Also, the fish come in three sizes and drop bones in the biggest size. And turn unlockable recipes off if you don't know the recipes already.
Also, snapshots are built into the game with the 1.21 toggle. And you need a Microsoft account for multiplayer and achievements. And the achievements come with free emotes and hats. And you might have a cape already.