You could perhaps subscribe to the PlaySoundAtEntityEvent event and change the sound. You would however need to figure out a way to detect when to change the sound in the event and when to leave it.
Effects are registered after items, so you will have to use the overloaded variant of the effect() method in the food builder that takes a supplier instead.
Have you tested that the method actually runs, e.g. by inserting a print statement? You need to annotate your class with @EventBusSubscriber, if you have not done that.
What size you use for logo does not really matter, for example Forge's own logo is 589x94, the Mouse Tweaks mod logo is 191x100, the Bookshelf mod logo is 128x64 and so on. Basically, use whatever size you want.
The ghast texture is copyrighted by Mojang, you're not allowed to just share it online.
Great, I am glad you were able to solve it!
You could perhaps subscribe to the PlaySoundAtEntityEvent event and change the sound. You would however need to figure out a way to detect when to change the sound in the event and when to leave it.
A DamageSource has no sound associated with it at all. The player drowning sound is hard coded in the getHurtSound() in the PlayerEntity class.
Then I don't know. Do you mind uploading your code to a git repo so I can take a look?
You still have to register stuff (like blocks) on the MOD bus.
The most convenient way to create a supplier would be this:
That is the wrong bus, it should be Bus.FORGE.
The supplier interface is a common java concept, the easiest way to learn about it would be to google for tutorials about it, for instance: This
Effects are registered after items, so you will have to use the overloaded variant of the effect() method in the food builder that takes a supplier instead.
Have you tested that the method actually runs, e.g. by inserting a print statement? You need to annotate your class with @EventBusSubscriber, if you have not done that.
What exactly is the problem?
You have to get the actual block from the registry object, like so:
What size you use for logo does not really matter, for example Forge's own logo is 589x94, the Mouse Tweaks mod logo is 191x100, the Bookshelf mod logo is 128x64 and so on. Basically, use whatever size you want.
No problem, glad I could help!