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    posted a message on Reika's Mods (Tech, WorldGen, Civilization, and more)

    Maybe... I've had engines blow up because of pipes bursting though.... so maybe.

    EDIT to avoid Double-posting:

    Quote from Reika jump

    Pumps cannot burst pipes.

    If pumps can't burst pipes, then a bug does actually exist somewhere. I don't know where but I've seen firsthand a pipe burst with just a pump inputting into it going to anything from a steam engine to a solar tower. It does exist.


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    posted a message on Reika's Mods (Tech, WorldGen, Civilization, and more)

    That bug has been present since the V2 days if I remember correctly... For some reason, without the reservoir, pipes burst. Yet if you have the reservoir inline, the pressure going out of the Reservoir far exceeds that of what's coming in... So it doesn't make sense really but I've just resigned myself to think a reservoir is my only option.

    Post by jasonsaffle13 (friend of mine who confirmed the workaround): http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/1291655-reikas-mods-tech-worldgen-civilization-and-more?comment=15503

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    posted a message on Reika's Mods (Tech, WorldGen, Civilization, and more)
    Quote from Zero_ui9»

    When being in the chromaticraft dimension with java 8

    replay_pid: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mwrVBV1TfFm0KU2DU98eK8vVxvSWZ9KNYHH8LT7yxGA/edit?usp=sharing

    hs_err_pid.log: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19yNIpwXo3d2qb1UCyyxejqsRSy3F_t7IL-lBQkeJ2Dw/edit?usp=sharing

    If I have optifine with java 7 then stuff will actually render, however, my game loads at an ungodly slow rate with java 7 to where its just not worth it. plus, while things do atleast render, theres still a ton of rendering problems/glitches

    Zero, I'm completely at a loss... both are errors are basically the same. Yours may read EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION and mine does read SIGSEGV, but that's because windows and linux have different terms for Segfaults and how they are logged. However, I managed to discern that they are just different labelings placed by the OS but are the same error via this line in your log followed by the line in mine: Yours: siginfo: ExceptionCode=0xc0000005, reading address 0x0000000000000008 Mine: siginfo: si_signo: 11 (SIGSEGV), si_code: 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), si_addr: 0x0000000000000008. Yours says reading address blah where mine just says si_addr: blah and since si stands for siginfo, it's reasonable to conclude the error is the same. What is weird though is why it's segfaulting. However, you can get yourself out of that dimension even though it doesn't render properly. Make sure minecraft is closed and then after installing NBTExplorer or some other program to edit your dat, you should be able to edit your save and change the dimension you're in. Location in your case for the dat you need is the following: C:\Users\Zero\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\saves\<worldname>\level.dat ... NOTE: <worldname> is a substituted value as I don't know the name you chose for your world. replace <worldname> with the name of your world as it shows in MC. Open up that file in NBTExplorer (you'll want to make a copy first to back it up) and then open up the data section then the Player section. Double-click on Dimension and set the value to 0 (aka the Overworld). Next, I will assume you have either Coordinates for your home OR you have a RotaryCraft Jetpack to help stop you from falling to your death or spawn you correctly in your home. If you have coordinates already, open up the Pos menu in the dat structure and change the values to what you have EXCEPT for the Y coordinate on which you will add an additional block higher. so if your BM says y=60, set it to y=61. If you don't have Coordinates but have a way to slow your fall or go creative, just set it for x=0 y=220 and z=0. If you don't have Cheats on in SSP, temporarily edit the GameType value from 0 to 1 (Under the player menu). That'll keep you in creative until you change it back.

    Hope this helps.

    Quote from timplett»

    I am having trouble with steam engines sometimes exploding when I first log in to my private server. They run fine when I'm on, maintaining 117°C and 60000mb of water. They are at roughly y=64, placed over lava, with a cooling fin on each. They are fed from a pump running off another steam engine with a DC engine as backup (more on that in a minute).

    The only clue I have as to why this might be happening is that one time when I logged on the steam engines were all stopped; they were all at temperature but had no water in them. This is when I added the DC engine to the pump as backup, but obviously at this point they had been at temperature for longer than allowed without water and they exploded. Since adding this DC engine, if they do explode when I log in (it doesn't always happen) they explode immediately. I'm guessing it is remembering the temperature of each engine but not the water in each, but even so if I understand the steam engine correctly it shouldn't explode if I supply water within one minute?

    The server is running on a dedicated machine on my home network for my use only at this point (developing a private pack to use with some friends). The list of installed mods is here: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=jiibMyg4 All the mods (including Forge) are the newest recommended version for 1.7.10 as of approximately 2 weeks ago. If there is any other info you need please let me know, I'm fairly new at this.


    Tim Plett

    Tim, Do you have a reservoir between the pump and your steam engines? I have attached a screenshot of my fugly and less than efficient pump setup showing the Pump inputting to the Reservoir and the reservoir outputting via a separate line to my steam engine which you won't see (you'll see a little sliver of the Cooling Fin on top of it though).

    Hope this helps.



    Quote from Reika jump

    That is just a constructor, and that class does little.

    Well that's where the Replay_pid logs hang on 8. I'll copy/paste it here so you won't have to scroll through it all:

    compile Reika/ChromatiCraft/World/Dimension/ChromaChunkManager func_76937_a ([Lnet/minecraft/world/biome/BiomeGenBase;IIII)[Lnet/minecraft/world/biome/BiomeGenBase; 27 4 inline 2 0 -1 Reika/ChromatiCraft/World/Dimension/ChromaChunkManager func_76937_a ([Lnet/minecraft/world/biome/BiomeGenBase;IIII)[Lnet/minecraft/world/biome/BiomeGenBase; 1 58 Reika/ChromatiCraft/World/Dimension/ChromaChunkManager func_76935_a (II)Lnet/minecraft/world/biome/BiomeGenBase;

    NOTE: I'm no expert on coding so it may well be that the 27 4 inline part is actually referencing to the net/minecraft/world/biome/BiomeGenBase class positioning. I don't know. I just look at what my logs tell me. Also, why would Java 8 crash but when the Server runs Java 7 and the client runs either Java 7 OR 8, nothing renders but no crash occurs? The above log snippet was taken from Zero_ui9's logs which are SSP... Mine reads the same even though it only causes a server-side crash and is SMP.

    Also, Forgot to attach screenshot apparently. OOPS.

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    posted a message on Reika's Mods (Tech, WorldGen, Civilization, and more)
    Quote from Zero_ui9»

    I cant even load the world now if I try to use java 8 at all(and I included the argument you had listed) since I am already in the dimension. I can only be in the dimension if I use java 7 and even then nothing will render. also, this is a list of the mods in my pack (forge shows 91 mods loaded) http://puu.sh/jERMp/ae3580571e.png

    You're playing SSP then? Yeah.... hmmm....idk... I also have AnimationAPI and can't render under Java 7. Do you happen to have more hs_err_pid*.log files in your minecraft dir? If so, please link them via something like Google Drive or OneDrive. Also, I would apreciate you uploading the replay_pid*.log files with the same PID numbers as the most recent crashes under Java 8. hs_err files detail only stacktraces and the exact error experienced whereas the replay files show exactly what was running through Java at the moment it crashed/errored out fatally.


    EDIT: Realized I don't actually need AnimationAPI anymore cuz I didn't know it was a dependency for a mod that i've removed and that removed mod was the only one I had that used it. Hmmmm.

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    posted a message on Reika's Mods (Tech, WorldGen, Civilization, and more)
    Quote from Reika»

    MystCraft does not work for it, and if you found a way in that way, report it because it is an extreme exploit.

    Welp... Mystcraft caused the same error as just visiting the dimension did in Java 8 anyways. I tried it before actually having to "cheat" my way through ChromatiCraft to get the portal up only to have the same crash occur... but on mine, it's Server-side only. Of course, if Zero is playing SSP that might somewhat explain it although it shouldn't.

    Anyways, the code that my Server JVM is #itching about is on Line 27 of this file: https://github.com/ReikaKalseki/ChromatiCraft/blob/master/World/Dimension/ChromaChunkManager.java ... I have no idea what is going on beyond that.

    Replay File for Java 8: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzY1EMHt4MDnMFNEOGxLYVZlZ2M/view?usp=sharing

    hs_err File for Java 8: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzY1EMHt4MDnVW9PRHlieGd1YzQ/view?usp=sharing


    P.S. I've tried deleting and having the system regenerate the Chroma Dimension aka DIM60 without success.

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    posted a message on Reika's Mods (Tech, WorldGen, Civilization, and more)
    Quote from Reika»

    Does this work with the dimension?

    According to my tests, no... but neither does Java 7... and my Java 8 install crashes under a SIGSEGV error instead of the EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION error that Zero got AND it wasn't my client that crashed but the server instance which is running on a VM on my VMware Hypervisor located on a separate machine. Java 7 doesn't crash but nothing renders AT ALL and stuff doesn't even exist apparently.

    Java 8 files:

    Replay file link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzY1EMHt4MDnMFNEOGxLYVZlZ2M/view?usp=sharing

    hs_err file link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzY1EMHt4MDnVW9PRHlieGd1YzQ/view?usp=sharing


    EDIT: Just realized something that might help you out: Machine is using Oracle JDK 8 normally... tried Oracle JDK7 and switched the stuff around via update-alternatives but then I ran into the no rendering crap. Client remained on JRE8u51

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    posted a message on Reika's Mods (Tech, WorldGen, Civilization, and more)
    Quote from Reika»

    Does this work with the dimension?

    haven't looked yet... How do I get to the CC dim?

    EDIT: gonna temp install mystcraft and hopefully get in that way.

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    posted a message on Reika's Mods (Tech, WorldGen, Civilization, and more)
    Quote from AnrDaemon»

    Still broken.

    I'm going to assume native launcher without passing any Java arguments or just Max/starting heap size ones + the defaults (-Xmx and -Xms for Max/starting specification). If that is the case, depending on modpack size, pass either 256m or 512m as the value in the following Java argument (I use 512m): -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=512m. As with all java arguments, that is case-sensitive. My friend's Intel Core i5 actually loaded my pack way faster after he specified Max/starting heap size and the -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=512m argument. Java 7 users should NOT use that argument as Java 7 still has PermGen whereas Java 8 merged the PermGen space into the Metaspace heap. I use the major mods from Reika in my pack on Java 8 and absolutely refuse to install Java 7 as I have no need to since all of it works properly. Java 8u51 iirc (on my phone so can't look at desktop Java version) here.

    Reika, I would recommend adding a section to the OP saying that Java 8 users must pass the -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=value parameter. As stated earlier in this reply, depending on modpack size (144 for me not including the 3 forge shows on mc that aren't actually in the mods folder that are forge-related), users should pass either 256m or 512m as the value. Reasoning for specifying 256m as the minimum for Java 8 where permgen could get away with 128m in certain packs is because it's no longer only permgen data in that heap. Basically accounts for other data in the metaspace heap. But yeah... Java 8 does run your mods. Granted I haven't gone really anywhere with ChromatiCraft so this data might not really help, but it's worth a shot.

    Zero_ui9, try the above Java argument with 512m preferably as the value and tell us if it still crashes with that access violation. Or, if you're already using that, let us know as well.


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    posted a message on Reika's Mods (Tech, WorldGen, Civilization, and more)
    Quote from Lyfthrasir»

    ved reika intentionally removed the ability to do that with other mods, as this gets around much of the gating- only 16MW to full tick process instead of 512MW

    Quote from Reika»

    Actually, being able to do it stage by stage cuts the power requirement to 65kW, with no complex gearing required.

    well that bites... guess i'll be spending roughly 24 hours of time babysitting my extractor pair then... :(

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    posted a message on Reika's Mods (Tech, WorldGen, Civilization, and more)


    Is there a way to take items from stages other than final product in the extractor with automation? Like for example, removing the dust after stage 1 completes and sending it to another Extractor through something like a chest + hoppers? I know I can't use the hopper directly as Power is required on the Extractor to come from below it, but I'm hoping I can (for the time being at least) use something like ExU transfer nodes to pull from Stage 1 to another extractor to do Stages 2 and 3 and then pull from result of Stage 3 on the second extractor to send back to the first extractor for Stage 4 processing and then pull out the flakes automatically. I know I'm crazy, but I want to automate it as much as possible to avoid myself wasting more and more ethanol by not being able to be watching the extractors at all times and thus running into jams.

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    posted a message on Reika's Mods (Tech, WorldGen, Civilization, and more)
    Quote from Reika»

    ...You were included because you were going after Gadt (the "customer is always right", "suck my -" person), not because of anything wrong you did.

    Oh I know... that's why i want the dang page to stay up lol... well that and because it shows people that a lot of people won't tolerate that kind of entitled behavior. Also, I still have yet to find the mod causing that XP interaction with the Friction Heater but I did find an odd workaround. Explicitly installing CoFHLib instead of depending on the merge into CoFHCore fixes the issue. So I dunno what the hell is going on there.

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    posted a message on Reika's Mods (Tech, WorldGen, Civilization, and more)
    Quote from Reika»

    Ocean and river biomes are also accepted.

    Well I was in an Extreme Hills Biome. Also, there are several reasons why you should keep that "Things Not to Say" page (I know you were contemplating removing it awhile back), but most importantly (to me) is because I am immortalized on that page. Specifically as the guy who argued with the jerk under this section:

    "I reported this bug a week ago, where's the fix?/I don't like how this mod works, give me a config option to redesign it./I want this feature, you can't say no!/The customer is always right!"

    It was depressing and completely stupid but oh well. Back then, I was Curse Premium but am no longer alas... I might have to resub that eventually.

    EDIT: Yeah, it's kinda selfish but hey! Not as bad as the guy I argued with though.

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    posted a message on Reika's Mods (Tech, WorldGen, Civilization, and more)


    Question: Did Pitchblende get switched to where it can spawn in the overworld? Maybe the Wiki I initially read was wrong (quite possible), but it said Pitchblende only spawns in The End and 2 biomes of which I am not in (Mushroom Islands and Twilight Forest which isn't even installed). Maybe that wiki is horribly out of date.

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    posted a message on Reika's Mods (Tech, WorldGen, Civilization, and more)
    Quote from Zero5211»

    Reproduced, very simple to do so. Heat up the steam engine (I used fire on netherrack) and have an empty liquid pipe at the back. Let it heat up past 100 (I let it go as high as it could) and then take away the heat source. Once it hits 100, explosion.

    With and Without a cooling fin on top of the engine? Or which situation? Just curiosity here.

    EDIT: Just to make it so I don't double post: Reika, I forgot the recipe to make a jetpack fin-cooled. I luckily remembered the Glider wings one, but Fin-cooled recipe memory said "*uck you!" and NEI doesn't ever show that recipe and as far as i remember (v2), it never has properly gotten that recipe registered.

    2nd EDIT: I figured out the recipe by pure luck... But I still don't get why NEI doesn't have that recipe.

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    posted a message on Reika's Mods (Tech, WorldGen, Civilization, and more)
    Quote from Zero_ui9»

    theres these things called hoppers. you might be amazed at what vanilla has

    Last I knew, Hoppers couldn't pull the husks out of the grinder. THAT'S what I need. A way to auto-remove the husks from the grinder.

    EDIT: BTW, I don't need the snide attitude.

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