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    posted a message on Does anyone else feel a sense of satisfaction on a mechanical keyboard?
    Quote from Blootz»

    Not all of them are loud. They don't get full of dust if you look after them and considering I came from a tall keyed membrane, it was easy to get used to.

    Scissor switch and never going back, but to each their own.
    Posted in: Computer Science and Technology
  • 0

    posted a message on Does anyone else feel a sense of satisfaction on a mechanical keyboard?
    They're loud, they get full of all sorts of dust, and their keys are way too tall for me to type quickly.

    No, I don't feel a "sense of satisfaction" with a mechanical keyboard.
    Posted in: Computer Science and Technology
  • 0

    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Quote from alancavy1
    Hey Vechs I have a question for you? What made you become an awesome map maker? I have heard great reviews on your maps and this is my 3rd month watching your videos and they are amazing. You also have a great send of humor and barely ever swear which makes your commentary amazing. Again continue being Vechs in all th ways you can.

    -A fan


    P.S Tell Kurt I said Hi! :D

    Vechs doesn't post here. Contact him via Twitter or something.
    Posted in: Maps
  • 0

    posted a message on An Inquire/question to anyone who watches Lets Plays.

    What do you think it takes to make it on you tube as a let's player? Any thoughts? Observations? I will take all.

    Upload an LP on YouTube.
    Congratulations, you are now an LPer.


    Don't overdo it, don't fake it, don't copy others'

    game choices?

    You could join the bandwagon of thousands of other insignificant aspiring LPers and play the most popular games, or you can look for new games and record those
    Your choice


    Minimum 720p
    Posted in: General Off Topic
  • 0

    posted a message on Ways of Earning Money
    Quote from thehen101
    Even though you guys are probably gonna flag this up as spam, adf.ly is an amazing way of earning money. I have made over $11 and I have put in no real effort. I just make YouTube videos with downloads in the description that are monetized by adf.ly and I earn money for it. Simple as that. It may only be a small amount of money, but it still is something. Proof: If you have made any texture packs, mods, or anything at all you have posted on this forum, you are allowed to monetize it with adf.ly.

    There's better ways of earning $11 >.>

    Quote from fluorescent
    Thanks for all the help guys :D I think I might try ad.fly

    Please don't.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
  • 0

    posted a message on Sly Cooper Texture pack
    Screenshots. You need 'em. Get 'em.

    Also, please don't post announcement threads.
    Posted in: Resource Packs
  • 0

    posted a message on Biggest history/geography error you ever heard somebody say?
    Quote from Lightning01

    Me: who was the first black president?
    My cousin(with a map of the presidents): Obama!


    I think your "map of the presidents" is more hilarious
    Posted in: General Off Topic
  • 0

    posted a message on The name of your country
    Quote from Bbqpizza

    No, 中國 literally means "middle nation". It was used to refer to the group of states, but was not official. The name "China" came from Sanskrit language to refer to the China themselves. 華夏 is another name that represented China; incidentally, this is why the Chinese are referred to as 華人. It was believed that it came from the Qin Dynasty.

    For me, 中華民國 means the "Republic of China". Most people refer to it as 臺灣. which comes from the Sirayas/ 西拉雅, a western native group. The Dutch once referred to it as 福爾摩沙, or "beautiful island".

    And yes, it's the real republic, not the Communist one.

    aka Taiwan >.>

    China: 中華人民共和國
    Taiwan: 中華民國
    Posted in: General Off Topic
  • 0

    posted a message on The name of your country
    Quote from Frog81

    Technically isn't the name of the country "The United Kingdom"? I might as well say my country is Ohio.

    Quote from DuskyBlue

    No. It is not named after the Qin dynasty. The Chinese kanji for China is 中国. 中 means middle and 国 means state, so middle state. I don't know Chinese, but the Japanese romaji for it is Chūgoku.

    "Chinese kanji"
    Haha, good one.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
  • 1

    posted a message on Some basic things to consider before you start making your resource pack
    I've been seeing a lot of resource packs that are really just existing packs with minor edits lately.

    Updated OP.
    Posted in: Resource Pack Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Homeless People Stories
    Quote from Phrossbite

    Ho baby, they make a lot more than that. $200 easily, on a good day.

    Is that the norm though? No, it is not.
    Women with children, people with pets, etc. in a friendly city might make that much every once in a while. Not everyone, not every day.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Homeless People Stories
    Quote from Phrossbite

    And there's plenty of programs to donate to that take care of those "other needs." I'd rather donate to them then to some stranger on the street.

    The point I was trying to make is that they don't necessarily need the food.
    If you don't want to help supply his "other needs," then that's perfectly fine.

    Quote from Phrossbite

    The man had a nicer car than mine! As in, it was clean and washed, and newer than my car. Sure, he might actually be homeless, but what homeless man rides around in a nice sedan?

    Maybe he lost his home and now lives in the car he previously owned?

    Quote from Phrossbite

    As stated before, I would rather have my money go to an organization that helps the homeless than to a man on the street who may or may not be a fraud.

    Fraud... by begging?
    Sure, everyone would love to get their whopping $5-10 by begging on the streets for hours, right?
    Posted in: General Off Topic
  • 0

    posted a message on Homeless People Stories
    Quote from Phrossbite

    I live in Seattle, where panhandlers can literally be found at every corner. It's quite sad.

    However, I don't feel that I can trust most of these "homeless" people.

    One day, I was walking back from Pike Place with a friend when a scruffy guy approached us and asked if he could have some money for food. I happened to have some Chinese roll thingy stuffed with chicken, and I offered it to him. He completely ignored me and proceeded to harass my friend for money. After my friend handed over some quarters, he was on his way.

    You know, not all homeless people are starving to death and begging for food.
    They already know where to get food. There's a soup kitchen, shelter, etc in pretty much every major city.
    What they need is money to pay for some of their other needs.

    Quote from Phrossbite

    On another occasion, I was eating at a restaurant when I saw a man get out of his car, don a grimy sweatshirt and beanie, and pull out a cardboard sign. On my way out of the parking lot, I saw him standing on the street corner, claiming to be homeless, and begging for money.

    I understand that there are actually homeless people out there who need money to live, but these swindlers kinda make it hard to trust them.

    Have you ever given money to panhandlers? If so, how did it go?

    Homeless != living in a cardboard box under the bridge begging for pennies

    Just look at the word. "Homeless." It means exactly as it looks. Without a home.
    The guy could very well be homeless and still have a car. Also, what's wrong with a sweatshirt and beanie?

    If the guy had a home and a stable job, then it'd be much more worth it for him to just go to his job. You don't exactly make a $70K/yr living off of street begging, and I'd imagine it's not that pleasant/fun either to do it as a hobby.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
  • 0

    posted a message on Multiple users can edit topics?
    Make a group account.

    Of course, the group account must comply with the very-specific restrictions listed in the rules: rules.mcf.li
    Posted in: Forum Discussion & Info
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    posted a message on (1.7.4)(16x16)Phat's Grid Pack v1.2 1.7.4 Update!
    Nice work. Better than most grid packs I've seen.
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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