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    posted a message on (WIP) Classic Evolved!

    Welcome to this basic project of my to reintroduce so to speak the old classic worlds. Way back in 2010 we had Minecraft FREE it was running version 0.0.30 on their website with a plethora of classic games and limited blocks.

    Back in that neon green time you had one biome and on map. 256 blocks by 256 blocks surrounded by bedrock ocean on all sides. this is your world.

    I hope you enjoy my little project. I hope in the future I might be able to add World Borders. Ways to other biomes Ect.



    https://www.dropbox.com/s/kofpjjvtt0yukpe/Classic Evolved.7z?dl=0


    This being my first post after a 3-4 year Hiatus....... Yikes puberty does a lot to one my past posts make me look like a 13 year old.... oh wait....


    Here is an old screen shot of classic for the newer miners out there


    Posted in: WIP Maps
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    posted a message on In need of help...
    Hey I'd like to know if one of you guys could Update my texturepack I made back in 1.8... I have no clue on how to update the thing...

    http://dl.dropbox.co...eypack v0.9.zip
    Posted in: Resource Pack Discussion
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    posted a message on MOVED TO NEW TOPIC: www.tinyurl.com/3worldsapply1 !
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on mario sunshine [req]
    I would love a super mario sunshine texture pack :D
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on CreeperCraft 2 [Factions] [Pvp] [Mcmmo] [War] [MobArena] [24/7]
    Please Join Our server :D
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on CreeperCraft 2 [Factions] [Pvp] [Mcmmo] [War] [MobArena] [24/7]
    I will be there
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on CraftingCreepers
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on CraftingCreepers
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on ~Eternal Tekkit 2.0~
    Quote from Mastersterlin

    Sigh, Here comes a rant, This is the story you clearly did not hear since you were alittle bit early with the ban.

    This is from when I first joined, To the second you banned me.

    I was searching the MC forums for a Tekkit server, I happened to find yours and gave it a try.
    I am greeted by alot of people getting mad ofver something I can't recall at this time, I read the messageboard, I turn left and start walking. While so waiting for my friend to join. I get some resources and go exploring in some abandoned house of some kind. I get an internet crash and can't get on for awhile. So my friend joined while I had issues with my connection, Made a base in a ravine got some resources etc. I regain internet and re-join and struggle to get to the base. I finally arrive and find the changes, I thank him and he gives me his usual B.S. about "Where were you, Why" etc. I mine for abit tidy up the house,Then I decided to go Scavenge, Which apparently in your lanuage translates to Griefing. I search with no luck and head back, After stealing Jumpey30's Full Iron armor, that he loaned me. Then my friend leaves, and I form the TTU, (The Technical Union) Which isn't an official organization but I felt a community inside Tekkit would be good for the benefit of every member. So, I invite (Can't remember his name) And he let's me teleport to him, I thought about killing him and taking his stuff but then decide otherwise when I see what he has. Before he leaves, I find The Owner's computer place, This was the first time I broke a block to get to two chests, Taking everything I head back. He joins, Sets up a quarry and everything was perfect, at the time.
    I then show him where to make his house, He says "Good night" And leaves. Awhile after I invite another person to join, Mattsuii.
    He moved his stuff, And we became friends. He leaves and remembering his base coords, I raid him. First time I actualy Stole blocks (Griefing, You would think.), They were fences. I take that and what little he had and hide it in my base. About that time I went to bed, The next day (Today), I am greeted by Player (Flynn1, But offline glitch mode), Eanom360, And Derp(prefix forgotten). I ask them to join, They accept, They move in. Eanom makes a base, And Flynn tells me that they don't actualy like Derp being in their group. I let that slide for awhile, About that time is when I asked NecronAssassin If i could go to his base to see it, He accepts, I kill him, I take his stuff (Inv). Then everyone else /call 's me, I accept them. They made loot runs and got everything that wasnt in a Personal Safe. I give my enchanted diamond sword to Derp, He spawnkills Necron, I go back to the base to get Four Uranium, It turns out thats all you need for nukes, I didn't know this at the time and take them to him. He makes the nuke and places it next to the safes, I say nothing and light it and run. That's when It didn't Ignite. Which had us all scared, I was sent in to get it, I accidentally use Flint and Steel to left click it, Lighting it. I didn't See the Nuke's Animation so I stayed, Wondering why it won't go off. It explodes, Making me lose:
    A Full set of Quantum Armor,
    Red matter sword
    Misc tools
    Stack of torches and bread
    White alchemy bag
    I was very sad and offered Necron a truce, He accepted and tried to help me get my quantum armor, Then I felt sorry about nuking him,
    But I could'nt do anything for him seeing as he was mad at me. I eventually gave up looking for the armor, I was very sad.
    About this time was when Tylerrip1 joined and released I had looted his base. He was mad because i stole his Farm and Combine (BC) And everything else he had. Then I had marked Necron's Coords, So i traveled there. Thats when I griefed TheOnion's house. Again everything was in Personal Safes. (After the nuke).Everything that happened after that was not important (Basically base building and making machines etc, No raiding or important events)
    Thats when you came. The spam rage about how Tyler and Onion were griefed. I do not regret raiding them, And I was sure having them in TTU would'nt of done any good.

    So, I explained a summary of this as fast as I could to you.

    Take your time reading this, I only do this to servers I actualy like, It's hard to find one as good as this, Minus this incident.

    Also, The important thing I want you to learn from this is, dont put PVP and Stealing in a Non-Grief server. Thats always a bad combination, That brings situations such as this, You don't want this to happen a second time. It's bad for your reputation as a server owner, I would know. Considering I am a former Server owner with the Worst players I could find. My reputation not only as a player and server owner are terrible, But when you take a server that I REALLY like, I don't take that lightly.

    I hope you appreciate my honesty, I had nothing to hide, And I enjoyed your server while it lasted, And would like to keep enjoying it.

    Please consider this ban appeal.


    and the only admin screwed up the perms
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on [REQ] _- SPARKLERS -_ :)
    jUST AN IDEA FOR SPARKLERS THATS ACT LIKE TOCHCHES BUT HAVE CUSTOME EFFECTS AND DIFFCOLOR LIGHTS :D :feather: :Leaves: :Logs: :Logs^: :Ham: :Bacon: :SSSS: :Notch: :Pig: :Sheep: :Skeleton: :Spider: :Zombie: :DORE: :Frame: :DPANTS: :GPANTS: :IPANTS: :Lava: :Iron: :bookshelf:
    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
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    posted a message on mario minecraft custom map!
    no pics maybe a clicks..... but probably not
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on ~Eternal Tekkit 2.0~
    Why does the server crash so much :(
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on ~Eternal Tekkit 2.0~
    How much longer D:
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on ~Eternal Tekkit 2.0~
    Why is server down again? I just started playing :(
    Quote from K3V1N32

    I believe that i corrupted the map :( I tried to connect a pipe to an Energy Condenser to test if i could pull redstone out of it, and apparently Equivalent Exchange is not compatible with buildcraft pipes, so it causes the map to not startup anymore... you can test this in singleplayer, if you connect a wooden pipe to an energy condenser and try to pump anything out of it, it will crash the map every time the chunk that the energy condenser is in is loaded. Sorry, I truly did not know that this was a bug, i just wanted to pull redstone out of the condenser :(

    GASP :o
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Little Blocks Mod [] Creation contest! [770KDLs]
    The first pics of creations aremine I built them :tongue.gif: I <3 little blocks
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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