Hey guys i can cartoon your head of the skin in MC but take a picture of your head and leave your IGN (in game name) in a replay and i will maybe make it for you (p.s. im not good with hoods)!
Hey right now I'm looking for someone to play with online preferably 12-15 and able to skype chat plz contact me my skype name is tylere1980 and my name is tyler Evans I am currently 13 years of age
as of now I am into to parkour and is a beginner at it so cut me some slack and I am also some what a troller so if u can handle trolling then that's good to.
That worked, I thought i had already did that but i had to uninstall java 22 first, thanks!
IGN: tylere1980
skype: i dont ise it musch but its tylere1980 i do use discord
mc Expeience: 3 years
expierence on server: yes but its been a while
Staff maybe building but mostly staff
here is one i did recently :
as of now I am into to parkour and is a beginner at it so cut me some slack and I am also some what a troller so if u can handle trolling then that's good to.
Also i can host my own server (i Already have)