Bought PC Minecraft yesterday and im looking to join a friendly survival. Group of friends who occasionally go exploring together, then heading back to there homes after a big haul. Whether thats together or living alone somewhere seperate.-You get the idea. Anyways if you have something like this in mind definitely send me an invite and ill be sure to check it out.
Minecraft In-game Name: SilentDefiance
Location & Timezone: Tennessee (GMT-4)
How old are you, and do you consider yourself mature?: 21, for the most part? While still having fun.
Previous Bans from other Servers (If Yes, explain where/when): None, joined PC today. Extremely confused. H e l p
Any friends that play or are interested in joining?: Nope
How did you hear about TVE?: Just checking the forums
Reasons you should be accepted: Back on ps3 i was a somewhat "pro" builder. Wont cause problems just here for a good time. You were the first server to catch my attention so here i am.
What do you enjoy doing in Minecraft: building an awesome home.
Tell us a little bit about yourself: irl name is Kayden, 21, neet, weeb, wth does outside look like again?
Have you read the <a href="">rules</a> and agree to follow them? Read the rules twice actually through that link and the discord server- and yes i agree.
Discord name#tag: CtrlAltDeathd#7209
Hey, I'm looking to either start or join an active survival server. As in other players who currently have no lives and are able to play MC frequently. I'm 21 yrs old so while it's not required (I mean it's Minecraft) an 18+ server would be preferred. I do have a mic but since I'm living in the middle of nowhere now my Wi-Fi makes it less than adequate. I'll use it if necessary but I'd prefer talking on discord or my actual phone number if I even have to talk at all lol. But yeah, I'd consider myself to be a professional builder, even though I'm still learning redstone. I don't grief, and if I get comfortable enough around you I can occasionally be entertaining :'D. Anyways if interested in my not so desperate, desperate need of MC friends feel free to drop your PSN and I'll be sure to add you if I remember I made this post lmao.
21 usa
Bought PC Minecraft yesterday and im looking to join a friendly survival. Group of friends who occasionally go exploring together, then heading back to there homes after a big haul. Whether thats together or living alone somewhere seperate.-You get the idea. Anyways if you have something like this in mind definitely send me an invite and ill be sure to check it out.
Ign is SilentDefiance
Discord is CtrlAltDeath#7209
I'll add you in a couple hours
Hey, I'm looking to either start or join an active survival server. As in other players who currently have no lives and are able to play MC frequently. I'm 21 yrs old so while it's not required (I mean it's Minecraft) an 18+ server would be preferred. I do have a mic but since I'm living in the middle of nowhere now my Wi-Fi makes it less than adequate. I'll use it if necessary but I'd prefer talking on discord or my actual phone number if I even have to talk at all lol. But yeah, I'd consider myself to be a professional builder, even though I'm still learning redstone. I don't grief, and if I get comfortable enough around you I can occasionally be entertaining :'D. Anyways if interested in my not so desperate, desperate need of MC friends feel free to drop your PSN and I'll be sure to add you if I remember I made this post lmao.