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    posted a message on great escape puzzle map
    Short and sweet. Everything worked well, but it wasn't until I punched my way out that I was sure I had gotten to the end...

    You may want to make that more obvious, but I commend you for having well-working traps and challenges.
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on Design Competition: Most Convoluted Logic Gate =D

    Didn't need to make anything new. This was my attempt at a t-flip flop that works off of pistons blocking signals. It works, it's just gigantic. I imagined the left half as a way to take a signal and have it flip all the pistons to the opposite position each time, but the length of a button signal is a length such that it flipped twice, thus the right half lengthens the signal to let it switch 3 times!
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Red Stone help
    Your problem is that lava flows so slowly. What you'll want to do is make an entire wall behind where the lava is flowing piston powered, probably solid block attached to sticky piston to push out and fill the spacewhere the lava was. Thus, switch one way, the lava flows down the crease between the glass and the wall, switch the other way, the wall is directly against the glass, squeezes the lava out.
    Posted in: Creative Mode
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