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    posted a message on DEVELOPERS Y U NO ADD INSTANT REPEATER!!!
    Quote from MatthewPombo»

    I've already used this in multiple designs and it is great for synced tasks but solid state stuff...

    but i guess this is the best we are gonna get :/

    You wanted to use this for another WCC didn't you.

    Edit: Since this has now been moved to suggestions, I would like to agree with everything Cerroz has said below.

    No Support

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on World Deletion "Lock"
    Quote from Hardpotatoes»

    But if you have worlds name the same thing, it could be helpful.

    Not really. If you make muliple worlds with the same name, the game adds a dash after the save name for the second world created, two dashes for the third, and so on and so forth. Since the save name is visible below the actual name, it's pretty hard to mix them up. Anyway, if you have a world you really care about, why don't you come up with a unique name and not name other worlds the same thing?
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on New forest mobs: Deer and Bears
    Quote from NikoGamer15»

    This is a wish lists that are not allowed!

    I really don't see this as a wishlist. I see these as two forest mobs, and thus are related enough IMO. Although, it would make more sense if the title was changed to something reflecting this. Anyway, to the suggestion...

    This is not the kind of suggestion that would need to be update specific. I wouldn't mind having these mobs, but the deer seem a bit useless for the effort required to catch them. I like the unique quality of the bears, but what do bear teeth and bear claws actually do? You say they exist but they don't actually do anything.

    Support Pending More Information.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on The Unsatisfying End Problem
    Quote from AaronMerson»

    Hmm. This is true. What if each fight was different and more difficult, though? I will have to think on this.

    Now this I can get behind. It would be an interesting addition to get more special functional rewards for additional special battles. For example, maybe for a fight the dragon has a special attack where the dragon hovers and attempts buffet you off the island with wind from it's wings. Then, maybe you get some upgrade for the elytra which pushes mobs around while using it. Although, I see these later fights as being shortened, with possibly a weakened dragon, to cut tedium.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on charged jumps
    Quote from DuhDerp»

    Change the jump button functionality so that it's like horse jumping. A fully charged jump would be as high as we can go, but if you don't want to jump as high you can just release before the jump meter is full.

    A way to improve jumping ability beyond the two leaping potion tiers might be nice as well, but that's beyond this idea.

    How high is "As high as we can go"? Is it the current maximum jump height of a block-and-bit, or is it increased? If it's not increased, I just see this as unecessary tedium. Say I'm jumping up a gentle slope in a plains biome running from a horde of zombies. It's my first night, I have nothing to fight back or defend myself. I reach a one block jump, then I have to wait until the jump meter reaches full, but by that time I'm being mauled to death. It would be a hinderance to new players, since almost every game except parkour ones have a "Click-button-to-jump-set-height" system.

    Even for regular players it would be annoying. Jumping up mountains would be even more slow and horrible than it is now, jumping up that flight of stairs in your mineshaft would be tedious and a waste of time, and it would completely break alot of timed parkour maps as well as ruin sprint jumping. Also, since when to we have to jump less than a full block?

    With the information given so far, I give this suggestion a resounding No Support.

    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 1

    posted a message on The Unsatisfying End Problem
    Quote from AaronMerson»

    Are the later fights not as important?

    In a word, yes. If you beat the dragon once, you've made a major achievement in progression, have defeated the major boss, and get a trophy because it really is a sign of accomplishment. If you beat it twice, it's all "Good for you, now you can collect some more Dragon's Breath!", but it's not really an achievement as you've proven you can do it already, you're not somehow better and more "hardcore" because of it. Anymore than three times and it really is just grinding to do the same battle over and over again for no reason. Killing the dragon 20 times is not an accomplishment, it's an inordinately large amount of wasted time.

    This is my major problem with this suggestion. I like the current system, where you get the Dragon Egg as a trophy for killing the dragon, proving you can do it, and you can kill it more to get functional rewards (eg. Dragon's Breath) if you choose. Thus, I feel like this isn't really needed.

    No Support.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Thaumic Horizons v1.1.9 (Thaumcraft 4 addon)

    Awww yeah, congrats on the release! I did notice a few minor bugs though:

    1.The portal blocks in the Pocket Planes can be blown up with alchemite or similar explosive. This leads to some graphics bugs and stuff.

    2. Creating a pocket plane inside a pocket plane works normally, but when you walk through the vortex you get teleported to some random place in the overworld.

    3. Rain causes ridiculous lag in pocket planes, as they cover the entire inside surface of the sphere. (This may be because it was snowing not raining though. Also falling snow is blue, not white, like it should be.)

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 1

    posted a message on Thaumic Horizons v1.1.9 (Thaumcraft 4 addon)
    Quote from Qrrcraft»

    I LOVE THIS MOD! So much nifty new thaumcraft stuff, but theres a few problems:

    You crash when looking at a Seroconveter that has Essentia in it

    This doesn't happen for me from my testing. Can you provide a crash report?

    You cant reincarnate into a fake body w/ keep inventory on

    Are you sure you aren't binding yourself to the Soul Beacon correctly? Works fine from what I can see

    You lose the reincarnated body when you die or enter creative :/ (Or even change the gamerules)

    You are supposed to lose it when you die. But it doesn't look like it is lost when going to creative or changing gamerules, I don't know what is causing that for you.

    Drinking milk removes the effects of the reincarnated body (WTF on that one, I gave myself a new heart and limbs, but drinking milk removes them?!?)

    That was fixed a few versions ago.

    Actually, from the looks of it, it seems like you may be using an outdated version (my guess is 1.1.1 or 1.1) Can you find out what version you are using?

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 3

    posted a message on Thaumic Horizons v1.1.9 (Thaumcraft 4 addon)
    Quote from MentalMouse42»

    So, it eats the amps as part of the startup cost? And I'm guessing the attenuators have to be at the cardinal directions? Yes, video would be good.


    Sorry for any lousy quality, I'm travelling and I had like five minutes to make this.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Thaumic Horizons v1.1.9 (Thaumcraft 4 addon)
    Quote from MentalMouse42»

    too^5: What order do you have to place things in? The images look like you haven't transduced the node yet, so do you just set everything up and then turn on the transducer?

    I generally do this build order: Node, Attenuators (Two Blocks from Node), Walls, Stabilizer and Transducer. You then have to actually transduce the node before you can attach the Amps, then afterward pull all the levers on the Amps. For example, you can see in the picture that the Transducer is on, but the Amps are off. I generally do a few checks before I start the whole thing up. (Yknow, I should probably put up a video for this :/)

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 3

    posted a message on Thaumic Horizons v1.1.9 (Thaumcraft 4 addon)
    Quote from ChaosNicro»

    I am trying the same thing and pictures would really help.

    Here you go:

    Exterior View:

    Note that I used warded glass in this picture for the walls, you would actually want to use stone or stick it in a cave or something.

    Side Attenuator:

    This is the structure of the Attenuators on the side, pattern is: Node, Amplifier, Lever, Attenuator, Redstone Block. The top one is similar, except vertical.

    Bottom Attenuator:

    The bottom Attenuator pattern is: Node, Stabilizer, Air, Attenuator, Redstone Block.

    Post Vortexation:

    Proof of success (I placed a couple of blocks for it to eat while it was being created, because it can't actually eat warded glass).

    There is of course a non-zero chance of it failing, but always keep extra Attenuators and Redstone Blocks on hand, I recommend a form of flight to counteract the sucking action of the Vortex, and for each edible block you place in the vicinity, your chances of success increase. I personally have never failed to the point of the Vortex collapsing into flux.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Thaumic Horizons v1.1.9 (Thaumcraft 4 addon)
    Quote from AlphaMason»

    I have pocket planes spawning in my overworld, is there anything I do to fix this?

    Yes, its a Biomes O' Plenty conflict. Because Thaumic Horizon's config isn't available yet, you have to go into the BoP confing, find the biome with the Id 69, and change it to something that doesn't interfere with other biomes. To make sure it doesn't, you can dump a list of all biomes with NEI

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 1

    posted a message on Thaumic Horizons v1.1.9 (Thaumcraft 4 addon)

    Uh... This might be a goofy question but what's up with the Vortex Attenuators? I can't seem to get them to work. Even if I somehow clear blocks like transduction amplifiers out in time before a vortex goes haywire (which is easier said than done with four of them as well as the stabilizers and tranducers, believe me) and have nothing in the way of the six attenuators, they don't seem to do anything to it. And once the vortex starts to swallow stuff there's nothing I can do to stop it, especially since it tends to swallow the attenuators while they're active and often doesn't stay open as long as advertised.

    I have all the research and 6 attenuators backed by redstone blocks every time; is it random chance or what?? I have yet to make a single one work.

    First, make sure you use levers to power the Transduction Amps and the Transducer. The reason for this is that the Vortex immediately swallows the blocks surrounding it in a three-by-three cube, so Redstone Blocks often get in the way.

    Second, make sure that there are as many blocks in the Vortex's range as possible, that way it won't eat the Attenuators in time for them to work. I've found the easiest way to do this is my making walls entirely encasing the setup one block behind the Attenuators.

    Third, make sure the Attenuators are the right distance away from the Vortex. Their must be at most eight blocks and at least two blocks between them and the Node itself (Not the Trans Amps or anything else).

    If you are still confused, I can show you a picture of the setup I always use, which is as compact as possible and has never failed on me.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    Quote from Cosmology27»

    Oh so the amount of Lucrum DOES affect the likliehood of getting the focus? And you can also give them Lucrum phials? That's helpful to know. Is there anything else that's good? Like can I give a full jar of Lucrum and increase my odds drastically?

    And yes, they were all Thaumaturges with the wands, shooting the weird balls.

    I'm using Forbidden Magic, Thaumic Bases, Thaumic Tinkering, Thaumic Exploration, Thaumic Upholstery, Thaumic Pipes, and Blood Magic.

    I also have Lycanites Mobs, if that makes a difference.

    Can't imagine anything affecting the rate at which Pech's trade though, so it's really weird.

    Is it possible to catch a Pech mage and put it in a wrath cage? Just keep spamming them out?

    Don't warded jars only have one Aqua for their aspects as a balancing mechanic, regardless of the actual Essentia inside? Also, I think you can only get an Imprinting Crystal for Pech Foragers, I'm not sure if they randomly spawn other types or not from the cage.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 2

    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    Quote from spiritzz»

    TC5 is TC4 just updated TC5 is not a separated mod so to a point yes TC4 will be updated to TC5 for 1.8

    No, not really. The changes in even basic mechanics between TC4 and TC5 are incredibly drastic, meaning for all intents and purposes it is a separate mod, just with the same name and premise. That is the reason we have TC4 now instead of TC 1.12 or something, apparently Azanor enjoys rewriting his mod :P .

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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