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    posted a message on GeruDoku Legacy Thread (1.14 Coming Soon) 32x

    Thanks! I can't even take much credit for the aesthetic- Doku and Dustyshouri created most of the original textures, I just recolored and edited them a bit. The pack never would have happened if I hadn't had such a wealth of talented artistry to draw upon, and the way it has thrived under the guidance and creativity of folks here is a testament to the strength of this community. Keep up the great work!

    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on GeruDoku Legacy Thread (1.14 Coming Soon) 32x

    hey all, this is tombones/gerudo rivera/gerudoku. I haven't touched Minecraft in ages, but I still occasionally check in on the modding scene, and it has meant a lot to me to see folks like Dangeresque486 and Barytyrannus carrying the torch and keeping this unique aesthetic alive and well. I appreciate all the hard work they've put in over the years (much longer than I ever worked on it) to keep up with endless changes and improve upon the project I started and abandoned long ago.

    Gerudoku hasn't been "my pack" for a long time, thanks to the efforts of this incredibly generous creative community that turned it into something bigger than some random compilation, and I couldn't be happier with that outcome. Life hasn't gotten any less busy since I stopped updating the pack, and I can't see that changing anytime soon, but it's nice to know that if I ever do find the time to return to Minecraft, you all have kept the lights on for me.

    if you ever need to get in touch, hit me on twitter https://twitter.com/gerudoku


    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on [DISCONTINUED] GeruDokuRPG
    Quote from DoomlordKarthus

    Oh wow, just when I got my hands on a texture pack I enjoy every single update, it drops dead.
    Tombones better hurry up with that flavour of GeruDoku he's been talking about...

    Uh, bad news on that front. It's finished, but I won't be releasing it officially here because 1) the credits are a nightmare to put together comprehensively and 2) I learned that a lot of morons in the minecraft community are so accustomed to seeing Dusty's textures in gerudoku packs (and not reading credits) that they regularly accuse him of stealing his own art, and that's something I can't abide.

    Many of Dusty's textures (especially the armor/icons) are too awesome to remove from my pack, so I can't in good faith post it in a place where so many people are incapable of basic reading comprehension. I'm not accusing anyone on these forums specifically or asking them to follow my lead, it's just a personal choice. Sorry :-[
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on Teds World Gen Mods - Realistic World Gen Alpha 1.3.2
    Quote from Agnus681

    Why are you sabotaging Forge?
    You'll never force us to use ModLoader instead of Forge. You'll just lose most of your subscribers.
    Stop treating yourself like 5 years old child.
    If you don't want your mod to be compatible with Forge, just say that. "I don't like Forge and my mod will never be compatible with it".
    So i can immediately erase this thread off my favourite's list.

    This mod was forge compatible for 1.3.2. It will probably be forge compatible for 1.4.2 when the modder has time to update it. No one is "sabotaging" anything. Is this how you act in real life whenever you don't immediately get your way? The only 5 year old here is you, lmao
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Rpg Texture Thread
    Quote from dustyshouri

    I have sadly gotten a lot of negative attention and such due to packs like Gerudoku and other spinoffs that have used my graphics in the past. Gerudoku is so popular that many people mistakenly think that I'm stealing my own graphics from Gerudoku. I can't seem to get any positive recognition for my pack because most response is filled with people claiming I have stolen my own graphics. That's sadly why I had to revoke future permissions for my graphics(I really didn't want to).

    If it would be possible, it'd be nice to see my graphics weeded out of packs like GeruDoku and its spinoffs so perhaps my pack can stand on its own without constant(and wrong) ridicule from the masses, but I stand by what I said. I won't actively persue anyone I have given permission to in the past and I think at this point it would be impossible to track all the random Doku spinoffs that use my graphics anyways.

    For clarification, all graphics in my pack are original now and no longer rely on placeholders from Eld. I still credit him because his assistance helped me out quite a bit when my pack was getting off its feet, but all armor icons/skins are original work. Oh, well save for the paintings, that's still more of a museum of other pixel artists work.

    Well, I certainly feel crummy for playing a part in that happening. I've always taken great care to credit your work in anything I've released, but unfortunately the kind of people who would baselessly accuse a talented artist of stealing their own work are also the kind of people who don't know how to read readmes anything. It's completely unfair. We need to make things right.

    Your request is understandable, and I'll honor it, even if I ostensibly "have permission" from before. I feel your work is inseparable from my personal pack, because my goal has always been to collect The Best Of Everything, and a lot of your pixels are a perfect fit. So I'll keep the pack personal. No sense making the problem worse, giving the illiterates the wrong idea about who actually deserves credit for your spectacular art.

    It's not my place to ask the folks who have made their own continuations/spinoffs to do the same, but from what I've seen a lot of them have already phased out a great deal of your pixel, and there's certainly enough great original content in threads like this one to substitute.

    If you could direct me to some recent examples of people falsely accusing you of stealing from gerudoku, I'd appreciate it. Such mind-numbing ignorance is offensive to me, and I'd like to try to set the record straight, or at least yell at them lots. Is that cool?
    Posted in: Resource Pack Discussion
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    posted a message on Rpg Texture Thread
    fyi, the repair gui updated in the latest snapshot, so I updated my version. still at the same location: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/12883402/gerudoku/repair.png
    Posted in: Resource Pack Discussion
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    posted a message on Teds World Gen Mods - Realistic World Gen Alpha 1.3.2
    Quote from Master4902

    What texture pack is that?

    My personal GERUDOKU mix. I'm hoping to release it sometime in the next week or so, if the credits come together in time. Just happy to have such a cool mod to show it off with : D
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Teds World Gen Mods - Realistic World Gen Alpha 1.3.2
    Quote from beanie654321

    The sky Dimension Generation Looks so much like the Aether!!!

    The sky Dimension Generation Looks so much like the Aether!!!

    The sky Dimension Generation Looks so much like the Aether!!!

    it looks nicer, imo ;D

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Teds World Gen Mods - Realistic World Gen Alpha 1.3.2
    Quote from _Catman

    Have any specific release date for the gold world generator?

    Quote from ted80

    The release date for better world generation 4 and the gold worldtype is 3 November (3 days after minecraft 1.4)

    Edit: it will also be compatible with ExtraBiomesXL

    Edit 2: i've also added an InfDev worldtype

    Edit 3: i also made a Better default worldtype instead of replacing the default worldtype ;)

    Edit 4: a nice infdev screenshot :D

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [DISCONTINUED] GeruDokuRPG
    Quote from Thoak_Sludgefist

    Tombones... is it actually you?

    YEP. I'm hoping to release my own flavor of GERUDOKU sometime soon, if I can get the credits sorted out. Don't hold your breath.
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on [DISCONTINUED] GeruDokuRPG
    Quote from yair10

    did someone made a gui to the anvil in the snapshot?

    yup! feel free to use, if you like

    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on Rpg Texture Thread
    Not sure if this is kosher, but I updated the art file (kz.png) in my personal compilation with a bunch of swank new pixelart & More Paintings support. The included credits are pretty comprehensive, so I hope it won't be a problem. Just be sure to keep the credits with the file if you decide to use any of these.

    https://dl.dropbox.com/u/12883402/gerudoku/pixelart credits.txt

    I'll remove these if there's a problem with them being shared here.
    Posted in: Resource Pack Discussion
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    posted a message on Rpg Texture Thread
    here, have a repair gui

    I couldn't find a hammer for it, so I made one

    good luck with the anvil, I'm just using the one from the dokucraft thread ;p
    Posted in: Resource Pack Discussion
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    posted a message on [DISCONTINUED] GeruDokuRPG
    Quote from tombones

    I noticed that bookshelves don't seem to use CTM in your mod (at least with Optifine). It appears optifine doesn't pick up CTM bookshelf textures unless they're defined in the CTM folder (even if they are in ctm.png in the root). From the Optifine thread:

    Any idea what can be done to fix this? I'm not familiar with editing CTM properties files..

    I got this working, if anyone else was wondering:


    If you copy those two files into your texturepack's ctm folder, you'll get bookshelves that expand as shown. Unfortunately ctm's horizontal function only seems to work for a width of 3 (left, middle, right); after that it just repeats the middle one. There doesn't seem to be any way to add more "middle" textures. Editing the properties file to include more tiles than 0-3 just makes it stop working. OH WELL.

    I put together a somewhat more detailed one for my personal pack, too:

    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on [DISCONTINUED] GeruDokuRPG
    You should just be able to copy the ctm folder from the regular gerudokurpg pack into the origins pack.
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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