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    posted a message on Dorfy Ore Distribution
    Before I start with this have you played Dwarf Fortress? If you haven't go check it out its free and was one of notches inspiration for Minecraft http://www.bay12games.com/dwarves/, I won't blame you if it takes a couple hours to get back to this topic after figuring out how the game works, if you play it, it'll help you see why this idea is good.
    In Minecraft no matter where you are in the world, everything underground is generated the same with caves, mineshafts, ravines, ores, and stronghold. In Dwarf Fortress there generated completely different which I'll explain in a bit.
    1. area specific ore generation:
    If you've ever played dwarf fortress, you don't get all the ores you need, you may have embarked in a region thats filled with cobalt and iron allowing you to manufacture weapons as much as you want, or you could get useless nickle, it would be amazing if Minecraft had ore generation in this way, this would make trading on a survival server a must and long distance transportation would actually be necessary in order to get the ores you want.
    2. New Ores:
    Now I don't know about you guys, but i know that I groan when I see another ore mod, but that's for only one reasons, the ores are so clustered you don't even want to bother with them. but with Dwarf Fortress like ore distribution this would not be a problem. Also ores should be more "specialized" some ore's may be better for an arrowhead due to not unbalancing the arrow, and some may be good just for the cutting edge of a blade, whatever it may be ores should have different strengths and weaknesses, I'm not gonna go into details because I'm sure there a millions threads suggesting "awesomantium" or "epicite" so I don't feel i need to, but feel free to suggest some in the thread and I may put em up here.
    If you enjoy this idea, rate it up, show it to your friends and most importantly suggest it to Jeb or Jon.
    No signatures or anything yet, I may do one later but I definitely don't want an "achievement get" signature because its WAAAAY overused.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on [1.3.2] SDK's Mods [v1] *Aug 18th ModLoaderMP Updated*
    My reaction to this updating:
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.7.3] Aether Collaboration Mod - V1.02 - NEW MOBS, FIXES, ITEMS AND FEATURES!
    I think you should make the main menu were you can see your last save a mod all its own, that way you could have the cool background even if you want to use a mod that's incompatible with the aether. If anyone else thinks this is a good idea give me a + or leave a response on your thoughts.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.7.3] Aether Collaboration Mod - V1.02 - NEW MOBS, FIXES, ITEMS AND FEATURES!
    Can you make a windows 7 background that works like the aether mod mainpage
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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