Im looking for someone to code a plugin that allows you to move anvils with pistons.
i think it can be done because someone did it with bedrock a while ago.
so if you can or know of a plugin that does this please reply.
Hi as I stated above I am looking for an experienced MineZ team.
Im looking for at least 3-4 people to join my cause
1. 2-3 warriors (can use swords and axes)
2. 2 archers
3. At least one healer
If you are interested please fill out the application below.
What position you would like to fill:
Best skill:
Favorite weapon:
Working mic:
Hi im looking for some builders to help build my spawn. i am a terrible builder so i need some help.
nothing too big. i was actually having a boat build but they abandoned the project. i would enjoy a boat as the spawn though.
if you're interested reply on here or call me on skype "timtv1234567"
HI i just started a new server and im not the best builder and i need a spawn built.
i want something small and simple but i want it to look good. if you're willing to help please reply to this topic.
Thanks in advance!
Im starting a small bukkit server with some general plugins and i need help with the permissions.
If you could help that would be wonderful.
Add me on skype timtv1234567
Minecraft Username: timtv123 Age: 17 How would you classify your building skills?: i am good at building underground not so much grand houses above ground Do you know how to use World Edit?: yes Do you know how to use World Guard?: yes Are you familiar with Factions?: yes Are you familiar with iConomy?: not really but i can easily learn What other servers have you been moderator on?: i owned my own 24/7 server until i ran out of funds to pay for it Do you own a mic that you will be able to be use?: yes Do you have Steam?:yes Do you have Skype?: timtv1234567 Are you proficient in the English language?: yes How often do you play Minecraft?: 4-5 hours a day
Name (First)= tim Minecraft Account username(MUST BE FULL NAME)= timtv123 Age=17 Good builder with detailed building?(1-10)=5 Redstone Skills?(1-10)6-7 Handling Mobs (Mob traps, And XP farms)= i can make a zombie/skeleton mob trap Questions= none Other information you would like me too know= i live in new york so im eastern time zone Will you destroy Blocks just for your own use?= yes
Looking for a server to get me back into MC. Havent played for about a year now and i figure its a good time to start playing again.
have a good one!
i think it can be done because someone did it with bedrock a while ago.
so if you can or know of a plugin that does this please reply.
must have skype
please only mature individuals
i can host the server.
Im looking for at least 3-4 people to join my cause
1. 2-3 warriors (can use swords and axes)
2. 2 archers
3. At least one healer
If you are interested please fill out the application below.
What position you would like to fill:
Best skill:
Favorite weapon:
Working mic:
looking for 2-3 people to join the fight
must have skype
Working mic:
add me on skype timtv1234567
im on now
i have a nice dock setup i need a few boats built in the dock i would also like a small port town built.
If anyone is interested please reply to this topic or message me on skype timtv1234567 if you do say you are replying to this topic
Thanks in advance!
nothing too big. i was actually having a boat build but they abandoned the project. i would enjoy a boat as the spawn though.
if you're interested reply on here or call me on skype "timtv1234567"
i want something small and simple but i want it to look good. if you're willing to help please reply to this topic.
Thanks in advance!
If you could help that would be wonderful.
Add me on skype timtv1234567
Age: 17
How would you classify your building skills?: i am good at building underground not so much grand houses above ground
Do you know how to use World Edit?: yes
Do you know how to use World Guard?: yes
Are you familiar with Factions?: yes
Are you familiar with iConomy?: not really but i can easily learn
What other servers have you been moderator on?: i owned my own 24/7 server until i ran out of funds to pay for it
Do you own a mic that you will be able to be use?: yes
Do you have Steam?:yes
Do you have Skype?: timtv1234567
Are you proficient in the English language?: yes
How often do you play Minecraft?: 4-5 hours a day
Minecraft Account username(MUST BE FULL NAME)= timtv123
Good builder with detailed building?(1-10)=5
Redstone Skills?(1-10)6-7
Handling Mobs (Mob traps, And XP farms)= i can make a zombie/skeleton mob trap
Questions= none
Other information you would like me too know= i live in new york so im eastern time zone
Will you destroy Blocks just for your own use?= yes