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    posted a message on Small Mature tekkit server looking for players
    why is the server always down and just a suggeston chips i say you should check the server everyday to make sure its up
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on ~ | THE LORD OF THE CRAFT | ~ - ENTER ATHERA - ~ Officially the #1 Minecraft Roleplay Server
    Out-Of-Character Details
    Minecraft account name:S1NGU_LAR1TY
    How old are you?:14
    time Zone/Country of Residence: pacific standard time Canada
    you have a good grip on English grammar and the English language: yes I have a pretty good good grip on the English language

    Have you had any previous experience in role-playing:a little not a whole bunch
    Have you read and understood and agree to the rules?:yes I have read and fully understand the rules

    How did you hear about the Lord of the Craft?:my friend kept talking about it and saying good things about it so I thought I should try it out for myself

    Link any previous applications you have made to the Lord of the Craft:this is my first application

    Have you posted this application on Minecraft Forum yet:


    In your own words, define what the act of roleplaying is:role-playing is you can do what ever you want that decision also includes consequences.
    In your own words, define what the act of meta-gaming is:sorry don't know what that means
    In your own words, define what the act of power-emoting is: I think it means to take someone else's power and use it against them to become more powerful

    In-Character Details
    Character Name: Grogknak (grog nak)

    Character Race:dwarf

    biography - Make this at least 2 paragraphs long, which must explain your character’s history appearance, personality, age and any other details you deem necessaries: Grogknak is a only child but his and had a terrible childhood he got picked on and had no friends at the age 16 he joined the drwafen military he quit due to him losing his wife at the age 20 in a fatal hunting accident after that he got a job working at the market selling dear meat after that he finely said I need to find a place to fit in he thinks he found it ( realm of asulon) he has a red beard his current age is 21 he is known to be rude and nice at times he is somewhat shy and not afraid to speak his mind.

    What are your characters ambitions?:to find a place to fit in

    Please provide an in-game screenshot of your skin here:http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/dwarf-red-beard-734/

    Is there anything else you would like to say about your character:nope

    Each question here must be answered with a minimum of one full paragraph, and detail the scene you are given in the way it would happen in role-play. These questions should be answered in first person. Be detailed, not short.

    Upon entering the Mighty Human City of Arethor, you come across a shop-keeper calling out to sell his wares to passers-by. The shopkeeper is not a Human, he is a poor dwarf looking to make a living in a new city. What is your response: look tough his wares and buy at least one thing even if I don't want it

    You’re wandering the Oren Road late at night, when a large Orc begins to threaten a nearby dwarf. There is no help nearby, and the situation looks like it will escalate into violence soon, what does your character do: I step in and if the dwarf dos'nt back off violence will start

    Whilst walking down the road to Malinor, you stumble upon an old man. His walking stick , looks weak and frail, and just as you are about to ask something, the stick breaks, and the man falls to the ground. As he falls down, a bag of Money falls to the ground, and splits open. As you watch the multiple coins spill out, you peer down at the defenceless man. What does your character do: helps him up picks his coins up finds the nearest stick to give to him and ask if he's ok
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Small Mature tekkit server looking for players
    um i was wondering if you could whitelist my friend his ign is blade1212 he is the friend that showed me minecraft and tekkit it would be awesome you could whitelist him :)
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on Small Mature tekkit server looking for players
    reason for joining: i've been looking for a server to play on and this seems like it could become one of the best servers out here
    have you ever been baned from a minecraft server:nope
    Write a short bio of your minecraft career i started about a year ago my friend showed it to me and i've been playing it ever since then he showed me tekkit now ive come to like tekkit more im pretty good with keeping quarrys running,power and mining
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Fallout - New Russia [SpoutCraft] [Guns] [Heavy RP] [Whitelist] [Massive Map] [Massive Abandoned Cities] [Hidden Pre-War Vaults]
    sorry guys i was wrong it will be up in about 2 weeks some building was postponed sorry
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on Fallout - New Russia [SpoutCraft] [Guns] [Heavy RP] [Whitelist] [Massive Map] [Massive Abandoned Cities] [Hidden Pre-War Vaults]
    server should be up by next week it looks awesome at least moscow does
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on Fallout - New Russia [SpoutCraft] [Guns] [Heavy RP] [Whitelist] [Massive Map] [Massive Abandoned Cities] [Hidden Pre-War Vaults]
    im a bulider in the server and building is going great
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on Fallout - New Russia [SpoutCraft] [Guns] [Heavy RP] [Whitelist] [Massive Map] [Massive Abandoned Cities] [Hidden Pre-War Vaults]
    Quote from FalloutNewRussia

    Fallout - New Russia

    IP: *Coming Soon (Like within a couple more weeks)*
    (but yes you can fill out the whitelist application right now)

    Server News
    * We Need Faction Leaders the Open Factions are where the Leader Spots say Open
    *Faction Leader Application:
    Out Of Character Name:
    In Character Name:
    Have You Made A Whitelist Application:
    Was That Whitelist Application Accepted:
    Are You Active On The Forums:
    Why Do You Want To Be Leader Of This Faction:
    How Active Can You Be On The Server:

    *Remember guys if you want to be a builder on this server just PM me *This Account*
    *We Could Always Use More Builders To Help Out :)

    Why Us You Might Ask Well Here Is Why: In general so much to do youll never get bored, but also so much to Scavenge. For example if you get enough materials you may actualy be able to make an energy weapon, If you scrap up enough Pre-War Junk You might actualy be able to even get yourself a nice set of Armor. If you go digging in old factories and find a cheap mechanic, You could even have a fly-able Plane the next day. Lets say you destroyed an Enclave Bunker....That would effect the lore. There is so much to do its unbelievable. You'd wonder pff I probably have to donate like $50 to get a faction. Nope you give us your faction idea and all of the high ranked staff *Owners,Head Admin,Admins* Will discuss it weather we should let you have it or not, And one of the best things about this server is that its server where the players hold the power.

    Server Staff:
    *10 Is Highest Level Of Power In The Server 0 Is Lowest*
    #10 Owner: swiftnative
    #9 Owner: Blade1212
    #8 Head Admin: imwhatopis
    #7 Admin: (Open Admin Spot)

    #7 Admin: (Open Admin Spot)
    #6 Head Moderator: touchpenguin
    #5 Moderator: Hieya

    #5 Moderator: Rockasaur123
    #5 Moderator: S1NGU_LAR1TY
    #5 Moderator:
    What Each Staff Rank Does: A Staff member will do anything below it Example: Head Admin* Controls All The Admins* Prospecter* Whitelists Players*, So That Means The Admin would also have to Whitelist Players*

    Owner* Everything
    Head Admin* Controls The Admins
    Admin* Deals With Unban Appeals
    Head Moderator* Deals With Severe Situations *Perm Bans* And Reports The PermBan to Both Owners
    Moderator* Deals With Spammers, Catches Hackers, Reports Misterious Activities To Higher Ranks Than Its Own, Answers Questions on the Forum Page And Overall Makes Sure Everybody Is Obaying The Rules
    Prospecter* Whitelists Players Who Have Made A Whitelist Application And Deals With Broken RP Rules, And Overall General Rules and helps build the server.
    Remember Staff Members Doing More Than Just What They Have To Is What Gets Them Promoted.

    The Rules:
    1# No Griefing
    2# No Spamming
    3# Use Common Sence
    4# No Trolling
    5# Report Glitches
    6# No Abusing Glitches
    7# Stay In RP
    8# Dont Teleport Away From Battle (This Can Be Ban Worthy If You Do It Enough)
    9# Dont Build In Places Your Not Supposed To *Yes That Means This Rule Connects With Common Sence*
    10# Dont Spam The Forum Page
    11# Respect Server Staff
    12# Respect Other Players
    13# Keep OOC Chat Clean
    14# Dont Say Offensive Words In OOC Chat, But They Are Allowed In RP
    15# Dont harrass others for any reason at all. I know many Women who get harrassed in minecraft just for the fact of being a Woman, I dont exept crap like that. A Woman wants to have fun just as anybody else they ARE NOT some kind of "Sex Tool" Because it is an automatic perm ban for harrassing anybody for being a Woman or a Heshe or for being Black,White,Pink,Red I dont care, Also this rule only applys outside of RP, In RP you wont get banned for harrassment etc...
    1# Use Common Sense
    2# If Your Character Dies, Your Dead None of that & quot;My Son Will Take My Rank In The (Which Ever Faction Your In)
    3# If Your Character Dies And Your In A Faction, You Will Get Kicked From The Faction Put: I hope I get Accepted *In your application at the very bottom.
    4# To Join A Faction You MUST Meet Someone Who Can Invite You In RP First
    5# If I see the *My Parents Died quot; In Your Whitelist Application You Will Be Instantly Denied
    6# If you get shot 6 times or over and dont get medical attention within 1 MC Day, Youll Bleed out and die.
    7# Only The Enclave And BrotherHood Get To Use Power Armor
    8# Only The Enclave Can Use Quantum
    9# For the whole Race and SubRace thing You CAN Wear Power Armor BUT ONLY If it is specificaly said. If it isent even menton then that means you cannot
    10# Certain Race&, SubRace. Have Armor for a reason so it is more realistic when you try and shoot them for example, WarLords they get RedMatter armor because RedMatter armor is heavily damage resistant so you cant take there armor away it will say on a race if your not allowed to take away there given armor.
    11# If you are for example an Elite and you get killed. You will have to restart but SOMETIMES if you ask an Admin or one of the Owners they might just let you keep that hard earned SubRace, We wont do it often so dont rely on it but we might sometimes.
    12#If you are captured as a Slave you CANNOT run, If your a slave you HAVE to obay the slave master(s), if they decide to let you go, then you may be free.
    13# No Random Killing For No Reason At All Unless Your Faction/SubRace Says OtherWise
    14# To Capture something you must hold it for 3 MC days unless told otherwise.
    Rp Earned SubRace's mean that you earn them in RolePlaying As In For Example NightStalker, You play as a very sneaky SuperMutant But Is Still Strong (These RP Earned SubRace's Are Not Easy To Get) You Can Also Buy Them For The Price Before There Name, (If You Donate To Get One Of The SubRace's You Will Still Get The Donator Package Too)* ALSO The SubRace's dont effect anything on your actual account on the server, The SubRace's are purely for RP.
    Skills: Intelligence
    *PS: A good way of RP earning a SubRace is doing something so incredible it gets your specific name into the Lore*
    Bandit: They are the bread and butter of the Human Race. They are well Fit can run alot and fast and are Mentaly Strong too.

    Junkie: These guys took so many drugs they are completly drug resistant. and when they get a Stimpack in them for example it gives them triple the effect. Good Drugs Give them Triple the Effect and Bad Drugs dont effect them at all.

    Citizen: Nothing much a normal type of Human nothing good or bad, If they get too much FEV in there body though, They could turn into a SuperMutant or if they get enough Radiation in there body they could turn into a Ghoul.

    Cannibal: Eats there own kind...Pritty self explanitory, When they kill someone they can RP Eat them which for example if they were bleeding out but RP ate someone *Eating someone means they must already be dead* You would stop bleeding out and youd heal

    Nerd: Weak Physicaly Strong in the Education Section. These guys are the Smartest out of them all. They learn quick and can figure out anything almost instantly which can be very helpful for hacking doors or picking a lock or hacking into a computer or something like that...You know.

    5$ Elite:*Must Be RP Earned* Death...Only way I can explain it. These guys could kill a WarLord...I wouldent say it is an easy fight but there some of the very few SubRace who could kill one without a ton of fancy Tech. Elites are Strong Mentialy and Physicaly they are the most fit race and an Elite is like a Marine x10. They are the Spec Ops of Pre-War and the Killing Machines of After The War.

    Skills: Luck
    Feral: Crazy...Kind of alot in one they dont really have a brain so there pritty good mentaly they eat people and can take up to 7 more bullets than normal to even start to Bleed Out. They wont sit there and cry because they cant feel Pain but they are quite stupid. Nobody but Ghouls will usually hang around Ferals because there well dumb...But Ferals can team together with other Ferals, Because it takes a Feral Ghoul to talk to Another.

    Citizen: a normal Ghoul citizen isent much. No good or bad things about them but if there subjected to enough FEV they can become a SuperMutant

    Pre-War: These guys have seen it all. They know tons and have been around ever since the war had happened. They are smart and wise...Yes very wise considering how old they are and are overall the smartest type of Ghoul, But these old folks aint just smart there good with a gun too. Because there so old there quite good shots. Almost everytime is a headshot.

    5$ Upper Class:*Must Be RP Earned* The Mafia from hell. The Upper Class are Ghouls... but not any kind...There Upper Class ghouls who abuse the systems and take what they want. There Smart and Insanly Cunning and can convince anybody to do almost anything. They might seem dead but sometimes they can still be kickin *When they die they actualy dont they get a second life*

    Skills: Strength
    Brute:Big Strong SuperMutant a bit stronger than the average though. These people cannot wear any armor at all but in RP Are Stronger than Any Type of Ghoul and Human and can easily man handle most types of Ghoul or Human.
    *Is Stronger Than Normal And More Agressive*

    Cannibal:You can eat Your own kind. Yeah thats right you heard it! You can have a ghoul for dinner or even lunch if you wanted! You are also more savage and can handle alot of pressure mentaly RP Wise
    *Can Eat People To Regain Health/Heal Very Quickly*

    Citizen:The Average type of SuperMutant...Nothing too fancy exept you have the option of being able to turn Human again...With enough of the Rare Anti FEV.
    *Can Turn Human Again With Enough Anti FEV*

    Civilized: A Smart SuperMutant who can talk read and even has some educational skills.
    *Is Smart And Treated More Human Like*

    5$ NightStalker: The NightStalker is as Strong as a SuperMutant Brute, As Agressive as a SuperMutant Brute but is also as smart as a Civilized SuperMutant, That dosent mean people still wont shoot them on sight. They sell high on the slave market. So they are hunted down, The NightStalkers usually hang around all the smarter SuperMutants so they have someone to talk to also.
    *Very Quiet*
    *Stronger Than The Normal SuperMutant And Is More Agressive Too*
    *Is Smarter Than The Normal/Average SuperMutant*

    Donator SubRace's
    20$ Spartan: These guys are geneticaly modified Super Humans. Nobody knows how they got geneticaly modified but they are. They are Stronger than the Supermutant NightStalker and are Smarter than the Human Nerd, They are peaceful though too luckly. So they wont snap your neck if you look at them the wrong way, These guys are also insanly quiet. They are the most sneaky and quiet type of Human in all of New Russia.
    *One Of The Strongest SubRace's In All Of Russia*
    *Smartest SubRace*
    *Very Sneaky*
    *Geneticaly Modified Fear Boosts "If Scared Or Near Death All Attributes Will Multiply by 10" *
    15$ Gambler: These guys are banned from Every Casino in Russia, They are..Well you cant really explain it. But they are insanly lucky constantly. The luck is in a pattern though so they can even control it at times. If you Gambled with one of these guys, He'd get all your money in the first 5 minutes, and some
    *Every 3 Shots You Get 1 HeadShot In RP*
    *Win 1's Every 2 Tries In A Casino*
    *Very Cunning And Convincing*
    30$ WarLord: These guys are death. The Strongest SubRace tied with the Spartan. The WarLord could eat a NightStalker as a Snack. They are the opposite of sneaky. They wont sneak into a base they will smash down the walls eat the guards and eat the missles you shoot at it. The Spartan has a tough time with these guys because it dosent matter what you throw at them. Itll probably do nothing unless your little pistol happens to shoot nuke's.
    *Takes No Pistol Damage*
    *Takes Very Little Explosive Damage*
    *Is Not Very Smart*
    *Can Smash Down Stone Walls*
    *Is One Of The Strongest SubRace's In Russia*
    *Can Eat People Like A Cannibal To Regain HP/Heal*
    Whitelist Application
    *Looks big but most questions are around 1-10 words*
    Out Of Character:
    Sex (Optional):
    Have You Read All The Rules?:
    Why Us?:
    How Have You Found About Us?:
    RolePlaying Experiance?:

    In Character:
    BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph):
    BrotherHood: Technology First, Then You.
    Leader: (Open)
    Specialty SubRace's For This Faction:
    Scribe: These guys invent the technology for the BrotherHood to use.
    Engineer: The Engineer builds the technology the Scribe's invent for the BrotherHood.
    Pilot: The Pilot can fly plan's and helecopters.
    Faction Perks: *Can take technology from anybody for absolutly no reason if the person resists they can kill the person and take it by force*

    NRR (New Russian Republic): Like the NCR Down in South America exept these guys live in Russia.
    Leader: (Open)
    Specialty SubRace's For This Faction:
    NRR Elite: Can Wear PowerArmor
    Faction Perks:
    Can Tax Shops/People For 250 Caps Once A Day

    GreatKhans: From South America To North America To Asia to Russia, These guys are everywhere.
    Leader: (Open)
    Specialty SubRace's For This Faction:
    Offical GreatKhan:Good Drugs Do Triple The Effect Bad Do Nothing
    Faction Perks: Can Rob/Mug People For No Reason At All

    Moscow (City): Just another surviving and striving city in a post apoctoliptic hell
    Leader: (Open)
    Specialty SubRace's For This Faction:
    True Russian: *Alchohol Is 50% Off For Them*
    Faction Perks: Can make people pay 50 Caps To Enter The City

    Legion: Still no different just like the guys in South America
    Leader: (Open)
    Specialty SubRace's For This Faction:
    Legionary: Can Capture Requsition Points In Only 2 MC Days*
    Faction Perks: *Can Sell Slaves for 50% More To Admins+*

    Soviets: Who are these guys?
    Leader: swiftnative
    Specialty SubRace's For This Faction:
    Russian Soldier: Takes Half The Damage As Normal
    Faction Perks: *Nobody Knows These guys really Exist There Just a Myth*

    Enclave: Rebuilding America!...But were in Russia?
    Leader: Blade1212
    Specialty SubRace's For This Faction:
    HellFire Soldier: These guys have insanly advanced armor suits that have everything from an Advanced Targeting AI System to NanoBots that can heal you.
    Engineer: Just smart...These guys can build anything...Plane's , Boats, Tanks just...pritty much everything.
    Scribe: They research the prewar, The Scribe isent anykind of super fighter but all they do is research the prewar and they find new technology for the Engineer's to build and possibly the HellFire Soldiers to use.
    Faction Perks: *Nobody knows these guys really exist*
    *Can assassinate or imprison people who the Enclave think know of them*

    Utobitha: "I SEE HUMAN, I SMASH HUMAN!" (SuperMutants Main Faction)
    Leader: (Open)
    Specialty SubRace's For This Faction:
    Gunner: These SuperMutants can wear ChainMail Armor and can use anytype of gun. These guys are the real backbone in Utobitha's Army.
    Faction Perks: *Can Kill People On Sight For No Reason*
    *Can Declare War On Other Factions For No Reason*
    *Anybody In This Faction Takes Half The Explosive Damage*
    OutOfCharacter Name:
    InCharacter Name:
    Why Should We Unban You?:
    What did you do?:
    Were you banned for an RP or OOC Reason?:
    Who Banned You?:
    Who Told The Staff Member If Anybody Did?:
    What Faction Were You In If Any?:
    When You Were Banned What did It Say?:
    Have you ReRead All The Rules?:
    Do You Think The Ban Was Unright?:
    Do you promise to not do what you did to get banned ever again?:


    *This is VERY import because we take our Staff in this server VERY Seriously, If you think a staff did something unright or is abusing there powers etc fill this out please...

    Staff Members OutOfCharacter Name:
    Staff Members InCharacter Name:
    What is the staff member doing wrong?:
    If He's Banned people for unright reasons tell me there OutOfCharacterName's please:

    PM This account FalloutNewRussia the complains we dont even speak of your name and PM'ing me directly with these Complains help me see them more too. These Complains are very helpful because the two server owners cant keep an eye on all the staff members. Also the creator of this Forumpost and account is Blade1212, If you have a complaint still PM me it, I even do things wrong Im not perfect so just PM me if you think im doing something wrong and I will immidiatly stop doing what I was doing wrong have a staff discussion about what I was doing wrong, Also dont even menton your InCharacter or OutOfCharacterName, We keep the complaints secret so you the player arent at risk. Seriously though dont be scared to even complain about me Blade1212, I take these complaints seriously and I will stop what im doing, Also I may at times be harsh to players in game due to suspicious activities and such, I am the main Staff and member Disiplin guy, So yes sorry if you have to listen/read it in game.

    OutOfCharacter Name:
    In Character Name:
    What is this player doing wrong?:

    We also think about this very hard too, Iv played many roleplaying server's with a couple mean players that ruin the fun by causing havoc even though they arent breaking rules As staff on this server we dont care about your tricky words or "Bending the server rules" We carry something very useful called Common Sence, You wreak the fun for others we do the same to you. BUT things like faction raids/attacks or you getting mugged in RP and stuff...Well pritty much anybody doing something mean to you RP dosent count as him actualy being mean because the player is roleplaying.

    im a bulider in the server and building is going great
    Posted in: PC Servers
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