Hello players,
this mod introduces real flowing rivers, with a true current, to Minecraft. These rivers are generated in the world using custom non-decaying flowing blocks and are much larger than anything the player could create using buckets. They originate in multiple sources and flow down the terrain through slopes and waterfalls, joining together into wider rivers until they reach the sea (or the old-style sea-level static rivers, if those exist in your world).
Keep in mind this is still an alpha release. Rivers are fairly short and don't always appear in ideal places, but this will improve in time. Please see the FAQ section below for explanations of various known issues, including tips on finding a river. Let me know of any other bugs you encounter or suggestions you may have.
Note: the vanilla Minecraft terrain generator has low average altitudes, which makes for rather flat rivers. For best results, consider using a custom terrain generator capable of higher average elevations, such as RTG (see Mod Compatibility, below).
Here's a sample picture from version 0.2, featuring the new underground river tunnels:
(Taken using 1.7.10-0.2 seed -7776677084945245050 at coordinates 350 83 265)
Here's a sample picture from versions 0.1.x which featured canyons instead of tunnels:
(Taken using 1.7.10-0.1.x seed -7106934795561659154 at coordinates -166 80 356)
And here's another picture from versions 0.1.x, with shaders. (To enable shaders with Streams blocks, read the FAQ below)
(Taken using 1.7.10-0.1.x seed 395372788128706985 at coordinates 428 66 166)
Here is a mod showcase by Lextube:
Also check out ThnxCya's Villager Boat Race Challenge!
(Note that both videos above were created in versions 0.1.x, and thus feature canyons instead of tunnels.)
Want to know more? You can find some insights about Streams in this mod review by TeronRedoran.
- If you don't already have a compatible version of Forge, go to the Forge download page and get a compatible "Installer" version. Then run the installer and choose "Install Client".
- Download both Streams and Farseek from the boxes below and place them in the "mods" subdirectory of the Minecraft install. (On Windows, that's %APPDATA%/.minecraft/mods.) If upgrading from an earlier version, make sure to delete the old jars.
- Run the Minecraft launcher and select a compatible Forge profile. Click "Play". To confirm that the mod was properly loaded, click Mods on the main Minecraft menu and look for it in the list.
Streams/Farseek 1.12 for Minecraft 1.12/1.12.2
Streams/Farseek 1.7.10 for Minecraft 1.7.10
Mod Compatibility
Streams should be compatible out-of-the-box with most custom terrain generators. It was confirmed to work with these mods:
- TerraFirmaCraft (see the dedicated thread)
- Realistic Terrain Generation (RTG)
- Open Terrain Generation (OTG)
- Alternate Terrain Generation (ATG)
- Realistic World Gen (RWG)
- ExtraBiomesXL
- Biomes O' Plenty
- Highlands
However Streams is currently not compatible with these mods:
- Deeper Caves (crashes)
- WTF's Expedition and Krikke's Mod (works sometimes, but each can freeze in combination with various other mods)
Please let me know of your experiences with these or other terrain generators, so I can add them to the list if they work, or look into supporting them otherwise.
- How do I find a river? For a quick demo you can try the seeds and coordinates from the sample pictures. Otherwise besides walking along coastlines, you can use the game log as a shortcut to find rivers. The log file is log/latest.log. (You can also view the console in real time: in the launcher go to "Settings" then turn on "Keep output log when game starts" and use "Filter" at the top left to find "Streams".) Then when you generate a world, look for an entry like "[06:07:42] [Server thread/INFO] [streams]: River at tp -24 67 -161". This gives you the coordinates of a river, and you can copypaste it as a "tp" teleport command if you're in Creative mode. I find that I get a river on initial world load about 25-50% of the time depending on the generator, so if you don't get one just keep trying. (Note: versions of Farseek prior to 2.2 would sometimes log in fml-client-latest.log or other log files).
- How do I make shaders work with the river blocks? Due to shaders using different water blocks configuration, Streams as shipped can only support a subset of shaders at a time. Currently this includes SEUS, BSL, and others. Using Sildur's requires modifying a file in the Streams jar as described here, but this will drop support for BSL. Note even with shaders applied, you might not see the directional current of the blocks. This is because very few shaders display water currents currently, for example SEUS did in 10.1 by overlaying the vanilla moving lines, but it stopped doing so in 11.0. This isn't specific to Streams, if you look at regular vanilla flowing water you'll probably see no current in most shaders, you just know it flows based on looking at the angles of the blocks. This is not something Streams has any control over unfortunately.
- Does this mod replace the existing static rivers? No, the old-style sea-level no-current rivers are still around. In fact you will often see flowing rivers terminating in those.
- Can I get rivers in my existing world? Yes, but it probably won't look good. You'll get a patchwork of incomplete river pieces where new and existing chunks meet. You can still do it if say, you're committed to travel far away from your current location, but the mod will warn you to backup your world before proceeding. Streams won't perform the backup for you so make sure you do it!
- Can I create my own rivers? Not at the moment, as the custom flowing blocks are not available to the player. You can alter the existing ones somewhat by digging the shorelines, the rule being that two river neighbors will combine into a new river block by averaging their currents. However a channel dug away from a river behaves as normal decaying water. Later I might add a special bucket that creates custom flows.
- Can I boat on the rivers? Sure! Give it a try. If you just drift along you shouldn't reach boat-breaking speed.
- Why are my rivers so flat? Because the terrain itself is generally flat. You'll find the best rivers in plateau-like biomes. Try a custom terrain generator like RTG to get more of those.
- Are there any underground rivers? How about rivers of lava in the Nether? Rivers do sometimes form tunnels in recent versions although they don't flow below sea level. Lava and Nether rivers are all planned for an upcoming update.
- Why do I sometimes see rivers crossing each other or sources halfway in mid-air? I haven't found out why but I'm working on fixing those.
- Where is the source code? It is now available on GitHub. Please note that the code is in Scala (not Java) and that most of it will be replaced as part of an upcoming major rewrite.
- May I include this mod in my modpack? You may include this mod and API in a modpack if you provide author credit and a link to this forum thread.
- Will this mod be updated to 1.15+? It will, the mod is currently being re-written for a better experience in 1.15+, including giving players the ability to create their own flowing river blocks. Stay tuned!
- How can I help with the mod? There's many ways! You can give feedback, report bugs, help with profiling performance, post screenshots and videos, etc. All help is greatly appreciated!
MC Ripper allows you to rip assets from pc java edition that are not in a resource pack or jar file. It rips them from ./minecraft/assets/objects. Then it converts it into a resource pack so if vanilla ever has any easter eggs resource packs you can rip them. I used this to rip the April fools resource pack. use the rip command from mc ripper 2.
Legacy Unsupported:
How to use:
1. open app
2. select json index file(not a version json!) go to %appdata%/.minecraft/assets/indexes/.json
3. select assets folder %appdata%/.minecraft/assets
4. select output folder
5. enjoy the converted resource pack
I am working on my own mod loader which will support mc 1.3-1.15 all major versions only
Open Your minecraft world to the internet or any game that uses TCP/UDP
1. start minecraft
2. open to lan either on server or client
3. port forward the same port the lan is running on
4. go to ipchicken.com find your public ip adress
5. use your public ip + ":" + port and send that to your friend
6. close the port when you are done playihng if you want to be secure
https://github.com/adolfintel/WaifUPnP and is under GNU Lesser General Public license
my forked/open source is found here: https://github.com/jredfox/WaifUPnP
In default minecraft clients the port will change every time. To get around this use a mod. Make sure UPNP is enabled through your router
if you set your stuff up properly you shouldn't have to re-write it. "fixed armor counters being shared by all players" proves you don't know what object orientation is learn java then code not the other way around. The only thing that you might need to completely alter is the biomes and world since ints turned to enums and xyz turned to blockpos, bytes[] in biomes turned to chunk primers
the 1.12.2 version should have no more translation errors go dl now.
Edit: has some nbt compound writing errors shouldn't be affected by normal spawners too much I will have a hotfix as soon as dungeon tweaks gets finished up
I think he plans to he just can't keep up with the changes the changes in mc are faster then the changes in seasons almost. Also he has a life
no metadata it's gone in 1.13 for a good reason. The itemstack and naming system and texture system for metadata was really broken it really wasn't just a data change and a name override. If it was they might have kept it or changed it to string but, obviously they decided to scratch it.
No cubes won't destroy villages they are normal blocks normal building blocks will not be affected but, environmental will be and it will also be configurable
The future:
vreckfall updated dev screenshot
So your saying since your making your own game you can't put in 48 hours(actual hours) to update to 2.5 one-two week?