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    posted a message on Better Than Wolves Total Conversion!
    Quote from Wyr3d»

    I think a lot less people would keep asking this question if the thread title was altered to something like:

    Better than Wolves Stand Alone Conversion for 1.5.2 ONLY

    Of course, that's assuming the even read the title - they sure don't read the previous posts.

    Nah, it wouldn't change a thing. People read neither the title nor the opening post, FAQ or even the last comment page.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Better Than Wolves Total Conversion!
    Quote from Lianite»

    EDIT: I retract my question. Was looking back for some information on additional hardcore mods since the last time I played and came across a post from FlowerChild stating his reasons. My apologies for asking stupid repeat questions.

    A piece of advice: read the last page of the thread before posting. The answer to your question is *literally* and i really do mean literally above your post
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Better Than Wolves Total Conversion!
    Quote from SheikHylian»

    I wonder why people in general are incapable of using the "search" feature on the website to answer their own questions, seeing how this is asked so often it's ridiculous.

    Simple. Why spend 2 minutes on google when you can post in 30 seconds? human laziness knows no limit.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Better Than Wolves Total Conversion!
    Quote from pjkbd»
    Wait is this for 1.7.10? I downloaded it and went into the readme and is said compatible with minecraft 1.5. :steve_sillyface:

    you answered your own question
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Better Than Wolves Total Conversion!
    Quote from Mason11987»

    Almost as if you can't have everything at once immediately in BTW ;)

    Nah, that's only if you don't get the golden dung. :)
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Better Than Wolves Total Conversion!
    Quote from kazerima»
    Pretty sure it's a troll, only 1 forum post.

    Well technically we all started with 1 forum post....are we trolls? are we human? are we dancers?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Better Than Wolves Total Conversion!
    Quote from cookface00

    well when it comes to playing it like this once you die you're basically starting over. In my opinion the only way you can actually make it mid to late game is if you dont die within the first few nights and survive to make a shelter

    Well you have survival figured out. Now implement your solution and jump up the tech tree!

    Really though, not-dying is pretty easy once you know what kills you. Besides, every death makes the next one less painful as the world gets more populated by your creations.

    Quote from cookface00

    P.S. I know what literal means it basically means in you aren't exaggerating :D

    I literally cried from that statement. Which means actual tears are coming down my face. If it was literally impossible to do (as you said) then it's easy to check: other people succeeded where you failed therefore it's not literally impossible.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Minecraft Server Changes, EULA - A Brief Look
    Quote from hardcorerobot

    As if something like that is even enforceable in a court.

    uhm? of course this is enforceable in court. It says you can't make money off of other people's property. whatever way you spin this, payservers violate this.
    Posted in: Minecraft News
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    posted a message on Better Than Wolves Total Conversion!
    Quote from slango20

    I was heading up a vertical tunnel at the time, so I tried to move fast to avoid an ambush, then I noticed the dungeon at the top

    when i encounter a spawner, 30 out of 31 cases i have battled my way through tunnels and mining shafts first, slowing me down considerably. there's no need to fix things based upon a lucky occurrence.

    BTW usually makes things harder. If you get a lucky incident, deeply cherish that and think of it when a Beast devours your soul.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Better Than Wolves Total Conversion!
    Quote from slango20

    what I meant was similar to what you said, you didn't include code to make it incompatible, you just didn't add the code required to make it compatible. or if my understanding of how modloader works is correct, you used the vanilla method for adding blocks and items over the modloader method, and never actually included code to make it incompatible. Example of deliberately including code to prevent it from working: what sengir did with bees and the techicpack launcher, those were some fun times!

    what's the point you're trying to make here? he coded his modloader in a way that's useful to him, no fancy stuff. nothing about deliberately not including stuff.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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