Thanks for the kind words guys. Very cool to hear you're getting such enjoyment from the mod.
IMO, not really. These days all mods are like libraries with sets of functions applied on MC and their effect is undefined and depends on billions of config options as parameters. Beside the obvious overhead forced on the programmers by this, it means that those who actually define the game (and whether it will be fun or not) are people who sets those parameters. Nowadays it's mainly modpack authors.
It's a bit weird to say but I think in modern-MC-modding language, BTW is not a mod, but a modpack using only custom in-house mods.
I think you're bang on with that. I've thought about it in similar ways in the past where modern game design within mods seems to be left to modpack creators, where mods themselves are largely about the raw feature set which is used to create those designs.
Since I'm interested in both design and programming, it has resulted in BTW occupying a strange (strange for modern modding anyways) middle ground between mod and modpack.
Nah, it wouldn't change a thing. People read neither the title nor the opening post, FAQ or even the last comment page.
A piece of advice: read the last page of the thread before posting. The answer to your question is *literally* and i really do mean literally above your post
Simple. Why spend 2 minutes on google when you can post in 30 seconds? human laziness knows no limit.
you answered your own question
Nah, that's only if you don't get the golden dung.
Well technically we all started with 1 forum post....are we trolls? are we human? are we dancers?
Well you have survival figured out. Now implement your solution and jump up the tech tree!
Really though, not-dying is pretty easy once you know what kills you. Besides, every death makes the next one less painful as the world gets more populated by your creations.
I literally cried from that statement. Which means actual tears are coming down my face. If it was literally impossible to do (as you said) then it's easy to check: other people succeeded where you failed therefore it's not literally impossible.
uhm? of course this is enforceable in court. It says you can't make money off of other people's property. whatever way you spin this, payservers violate this.
when i encounter a spawner, 30 out of 31 cases i have battled my way through tunnels and mining shafts first, slowing me down considerably. there's no need to fix things based upon a lucky occurrence.
BTW usually makes things harder. If you get a lucky incident, deeply cherish that and think of it when a Beast devours your soul.
what's the point you're trying to make here? he coded his modloader in a way that's useful to him, no fancy stuff. nothing about deliberately not including stuff.