Dude wana dueo it i mean when people need things doing we can do together also i have a mic and i dont like the nether so plz
think about it we could be a team?
Yess I will need some help with it, how old are you and whats your psn?
how old are you guys and would you be willing to offer the same assistance to Creative map builders?
IF so then add me GamerDude2469 on PS3 ONLY!
(Yes I have a mic too)
Hello, theboohouse3000 here and I want to introduce a new thing I will be doing and maybe some of my friends in the ps3 version of minecraft. I will be doing slave work where in your survival world you can get me to mine, farm, build, and much more! anything you desire I can probably do. The times I will be doing this is when I put SLAVE WORK in my comment. If you see that it means go ahead, message me and then invite me to the game. Please know that you will need to give me the resources and food to do the certain job, if its mining I can make pics but stuff like water buckets, torches and food you will need to give to me. If you don't trust me when I leave and You think I have your stuff, don't worry you can kill me if pvp is on or ill kill myself in front of you and you can check if I had anything on me before I leave.
If you are interested add me, my psn is theboohouse3000. I also have a mic.
im looking for people to play with me on ps3 edition of minecraft, I do a bunch of stuff on minecraft. If interested, add me my psn is theboohouse3000. note: I am 13 and a girl if that effects your choice in any way which really it shouldnt.
It wont let me invite you, for some reason
Running out of room... Will be kicking members who have joined on day one but have yet to play.
Your all invited
Ill add you all tomorrow.... I have a busy day
There you go! you have on invite.
I will be hosting mini games and adventure maps, and when I am not online there will be a survival world. Comment your IGN so I can invite you.
Yess I will need some help with it, how old are you and whats your psn?
Im 13 and a girl.
If you are interested add me, my psn is theboohouse3000. I also have a mic.