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    posted a message on Undervoid Challenge v1.0

    sounds worthy of I

    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on Haven - 16x Default-esque pixel art pack.

    whoa, I'm absolutely going to download this once it's released, there's just something about your textures that makes them nice to look at :)

    Posted in: WIP Resource Pack
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]

    I must say, it's sad to see such a beloved mod go on hiatus, but there is still hope, already there are several instances of a potential successor for thaumcraft, most notably magistics and project thaumic.

    Despite me having virtually no appearance in the thaumcraft community, this mod has, and always will be one of my favorites.

    Thank you Azanor, for your amazing work, you will be missed.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [Quest Pack v1.0.1] (Custom item skins + custom loot!) (200+ downloads) (Looking for artists)

    it's always great to see optifine's cit feature being used, love the look of this pack already

    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on Monsters and Dungeons Mod [WIP]

    Glad to see it in open alpha!

    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on Builttrooper's Monsters and Dungeons mod [WIP]

    Gotta love the idea for the nether :P

    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on [ItemBound v1.9.] (Custom item skins + custom loot!) (150,000+ total downloads!!!)

    Ooh I just got a brilliant idea, why don't you add in cursed diamond equipment? (As in a full set of armor and tools/weapons)

    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on [Pre-Alpha Stage][Fantasy] Dreamwave

    Dang the textures make me think of terraria for some reason, other then that keep up the great work!

    Posted in: WIP Resource Pack
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    posted a message on Show your character!

    name: Armok

    alias: the spider overlord (or sometimes just the overlord)

    gender: male

    race: arachtainian

    bio: as the 111th overlord of the Arachtainian empire, prophesied to assist in the defeat of terminus god of infinity, Armok has led a path of greatness since he took power, reducing oppression of races under the empire's control and giving their individual governments a say in intergalactic politics. Armok also is the co-founder and second in command for the X-crafters guild, an organization of heroes who wish to defend the galaxy and preserve order, he is not quite happy with the fact he only is second in command and thus harbors resentment for the guild's leader TIgermink. Armok also holds resentment for another guild member known as Ulightron, for he is the utter opposite of Armok, being incredibly popular and with no inner flaws or demons, meanwhile Armok has little like beyond his empire and is constantly battling his own inner demons. He is incredibly proficient with dark magic

    weapon: the scythe of the spider overlord, one of the 3 legendary artifact weapons, the scythe is capable on tearing out the soul of whomever it slays consuming it and thus making it and it's wielder stronger for an amount of time, it also is capable of releasing a blast of dark-antimatter at foes. the weapon can only be wielded by a spider overlord thus it will curse non-overlords when they attempt to wield it. the scythe's curse inflicts an extreme amount of arachnophobia on the unworthy wielder and also will severely impair the cursed ones ability to fight, after about a week has passed the curse will unleash it most horrifying ability: the cursed one's soul will be annihilated. only the spider overlord himself can cleanse this curse.

    appearance: Armok is a darkened Arachtainian (black exoskeleton with red eyes) the most common variant. he is clad in a suit of armor forged from shade alloy (composed of obsidian, void metal, shadow metal and black steel) and enchanted with blood. it can resist most weapons aside from heavy explosives, antimatter and legendary weaponry.

    personality: kind to his allies and followers, intelligent, strong, and at times wise, he however has several flaws (listed under weaknesses)

    weaknesses: Armok is plagued with inner flaws and demons including: a hunger for power, the fact that he is wrathful, sometimes cruel, and is extremely vengeful even over small things

    Posted in: Forum Games
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