jukeboxes won't power pistons by themselves. you need to put a BUD right next to the jukebox. when it detects the jukebox start playing, it will activate.
I would have to say that i prefer stone during the early game, when i don't have much iron. i use stone tools until i have about 3 or 4 stacks of iron, then i make the switch to METAL
what you do is dig a tunnel directly under one of their main storage rooms, then carefully, through trial and error make a hole up to their chests, so you're looking at the bottom of the chest. then slowly steal things, maybe four or five iron ingots at a time. that way, you don't have to kill them, you can just use them. of course you must remember to fill in the tunnels when you're not using them.
I'm tryign to build a device that is just a seven segment display and a button. when the button is pushed, i want it to advance to the next number. like 1->2->3->4, etc.I have the actual display wired up, that was relatively easy, now i just(haha) need help with the selector part. i don't even know where to begin.
I would very much appreciate it if someone could make a mod that allows golems (and snowmen) to be created by pushing the required parts into place with pistons. As it is right now, they can only be created if the player actually places the final piece them self. sorry if this is the wrong place for mod requests. if it is, could a moderator move the thread?
You make some valid points. Let's say we were playing Skyrim, though - that's what all the hip kids are playing these days, right?
In Skyrim, if you are of a similar level to your opponent with a similar weapon persuasion (one-handed weapons, for the sake of argument), and you both have on similar armor, but one person is using an iron dagger while the other is using a Daedric sword, the fight's going to be over pretty quickly, and there's a pretty clear cut winner. Likewise, if the same two characters were using similar weapons, but one was in street clothes and the other was in a suit of Daedric armor, that's another victory for the well-armored player.
So what's my point? Simply put, I think a stronger weapon and armor should play far more into it than you would like it to. If you want to get ahead, take advantage of the few combat features that Minecraft has - there is a block function (though admittedly I'm not a frequent user of it) as well as a bow. If you're on a PvP server and are approached by someone who is more decked out than you, use the world around you to your advantage: drop a bucket of water between you two and sprint away, then turn around and pepper him with arrows. Minecraft is all about creating something out of nothing - your combat experience is going to be as exciting (and successful) as you make it!
this is pretty much exactly what I was going to say. and I seem to remember a ridiculously in depth thread about the art of war in minecraft kicking around somewhere.
derpy would like a word with you.
this is pretty much exactly what I was going to say. and I seem to remember a ridiculously in depth thread about the art of war in minecraft kicking around somewhere.