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    posted a message on which Call of Duty is better? (POLL)
    Quote from Zancie »

    I'm kidding, I like black ops, MW2 was probably the worst of them all, I didn't like it cause there was such an unbalance with guns, the higher your level, the better guns you get, so the higher levels would stay high, and the low would stay low.

    Black ops, is of course unbalanced, but it's better than MW2, there are guns that are lower level such as the famas that kick some major ass, so it gives the low levels, or people that joined late a chance to get higher and experience the perks, unlike MW2.

    Are you kidding? I'm level 70 and I still use the UMP and the Barrett a lot of the time.
    Meanwhile, in black ops, you don't get a decent automatic rifle until the famas. The enfield is horrible, so I would run around with it and be blasted across the map by some guy with an AK. All the snipers in the beginning are pretty suckish as well. Also, a lot of the SMGs are honestly just reskins. Finally, the claymores are just plain overpowered. One hit and killed me across the room. Honestly, Treyarch was just begging people to camp for the entire match. And it feels like they rushed it, and only now they start releasing some good content...at the cost of minecraft alpha.
    Also, to those of you still thinking BO is the best CoD, name one new thing treyarch themselves introduced into either cod 7 or 5 besides the currency thing that could even begin to compare to my list:
    - perks
    - PRO perks
    - killstreaks
    - custom killstreaks
    - challenges
    - camos
    - custom loadouts

    So, my final decision?

    HALO. :iapprove:
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Best. Mine. Ever.
    It works.

    Anyway, that is amazing. Seed and coordinates. NAO.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Technology War - Microwaves and M-drol
    Quote from lukester5 »
    Quote from lukester5 »

    Have you ever shot a gun before? If you shoot a metal surface and hit it fairly straight-on, the bullet doesn't ricochet at all. Bullets usually only ricochet when they hit at an angle. If that happened, it would be VERY unlikely to hit me, and probably would just zoom off somewhere else. And also, who said I was going to reload?

    Quote from tha1337cheeseburger »

    Fine then, but I'm safe as long as I deflect it, wherever the bullet ends up. Also, you didn't exactly craft a magazine to load into the glock, so you're gonna have to reload after each shot.

    I meant that I might not reload it immediately, maybe not ever again. I've got some plans for other things, special things...

    Ahh. That's fine with me.
    After deflecting your bullet, and while whiteblade's being lasered, probably in a painful place, I'll be working on my electric rod of doom. Before hooking it up, though,
    - Sharpen rod to a fine point.
    Electrokatana FTW!!!
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Technology War - Microwaves and M-drol
    Quote from whiteblade »
    Quote from Krunchyman »
    Whiteblade attacks me again. After swallowing down some painkiller (temporarily restores 100 HP) I attack him with my laser glock.

    Next round coming up soon.

    I diden't attack you! Im attacking cheeseburger.

    Lol SHHHHHHHHHHH it might still work!
    Anyway, you're kinda about to get both lasered and whacked by electrified steel. Have fun.
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Technology War - Microwaves and M-drol
    Quote from whiteblade »

    Just to make a point. Woulden't my chainsaw hybred thing cut though the riot shelid?
    EDIT: And while you are working on those wires woulden't I just slice though your flesh?

    It has a good chance of slicing through my "shelid," but brute force and some razor blades hopefully don't cut through several layers of steel that quickly. Anyway, I said I thwok the heck out of you first, THEN hook up the wires while you're wondering what the hell hit you.

    Quote from lukester5 »

    Have you ever shot a gun before? If you shoot a metal surface and hit it fairly straight-on, the bullet doesn't ricochet at all. Bullets usually only ricochet when they hit at an angle. If that happened, it would be VERY unlikely to hit me, and probably would just zoom off somewhere else. And also, who said I was going to reload?

    Fine then, but I'm safe as long as I deflect it, wherever the bullet ends up. Also, you didn't exactly craft a magazine to load into the glock, so you're gonna have to reload after each shot.

    Quote from SasukeCrafterXD »
    Queue this in before my other commands

    - drops lit match into gallon of gasoline and hurls at luke, duck -

    Thanks. ^____^ Though that's not the most stable plan of action, it's still a plan of action.
    Anyway, change of plan.
    - still don electric gloves
    - just hook a wire up to the outlet and to a metal rod which I hold with the electric gloved hand.
    - wield the shield in one hand and grip the taserod in the other (protected) hand.
    - use shield to block lukester's shots as I smack whiteblade repeatedly in the torso, the voltage running through him.
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Has anyone noticed the eyes of animals?
    Makes you either wanna go "AWW CUTE WIDDLE DERPIMALS"
    or **** you off horribly and smack them into a lava pool.

    I sometimes do both.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Technology War - Microwaves and M-drol
    Quote from SasukeCrafterXD »



    Is it so hard for you people to get my name right???
    Ah well. Fine, why not?
    Though I'm somewhat in a bit of a predicament.
    Hmm. I whirl around and thwock whiteblade in the face as he charges at me, then while he recovers, whirl back around to lukester and raise the shield, meanwhile hooking up the charged wires to the sides when he has to reload.

    OH, AND
    Quote from lukester5 »
    Quote from tha1337cheezburger »

    Then it begins! Also, I don't think that a bullet hitting a solid surface and going straight back where it came from with much force obeys the laws of physics.

    A musket, even when it looks like a glock, will still fire like a musket.
    In other words, clumsy, a pain to reload...and quite close range, considering its crudeness here.
    A bullet ricocheting off of metal at close range can and most likely hit you. And hurt. A lot.
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on The Butterfly Effect Game
    ...And Bush becomes our impromptu dictator.

    I snipe Bin Laden two months after 9/11 then warp back to 2011 as Al Qaeda surrounds me and raises their rifles, leaving them babbling about the magical teleporting marksman asian dude on international news.
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Technology War - Microwaves and M-drol
    Quote from tuck190 »
    i join the battle and build an unbreakeable dome around me that is in every way impossible to get around, but unfortunatly it only stays for 4 turns including this turn and has a 5 turn charging period after its done being used

    - Added to queue: Hook a wire up to this dome and watch the current run through his body. Impossible to get around, not too hard to go through.
    Add to bottom, and only take effect if he is under its cover.
    Also a quick question, what's the voltage of the outlets?
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on When Life Gives You Lemons...
    You nom them.

    When Creeper gives you a ninja hug with no explosion...
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on The Butterfly Effect Game
    You neglect to tell them how to fly the darned thing. Thus, the first kamikaze is born...err, exploded.

    I have Notch and Bungie merge, and give them direct orders not to cave in to fan hype and do what they feel is right for whatever game they develop. Thus both Minecraft and the Halo series are developed much faster, released early, and go on to dwarf Treyarch and become one of the greatest video game industries on any platform.
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Technology War - Microwaves and M-drol
    When Lukester shoots, make my action automatically raise riot shield and deflect bullet and attempt to return to sender.

    - Are there two handles on the riot shield yet? If not, weld two bars on.
    - Don electric gloves.
    - Attach a set of wires to the riot shield.
    - Run wires to one of the outlets.

    ELECTROSHIELD, LUKESTER. You just messed with the wrong asian.
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Value Of Minecraft
    I got it back in alpha for $15.
    I got Black ops for $60 back when there was all the hype.
    Minecraft itself never makes me rage, just my own stupidity as well as the stupidity of some griefers, which can be avoided by playing SSP as well as on private servers with friends.
    Blops is full of bugs, lag, glitch exploiters, people who complain that a shotgun, which is used IRL in bird hunting, can actually hit and (after an entire round) them from about 30 ft away, and little kids who log in, start on multiplayer, suck horribly for the first minute before raging and just AFKing for the rest of the match, making the rest of us look like idiots and lagging behind by a few thousand points.
    MC = a quarter of Blops' price, an eighth of the rage, and 9001x the replay value and fun.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on How will YOU be celebrating Minecraft's Birthday?
    I will let them eat cake.

    And by them, I mean several creepers I trapped in a pit of Error404 (mod).
    And then watch the fireworks. Then find something else to do until minecraft resumes at a higher framerate than 3spf (seconds per frame).
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on What will you do if you have a portal gun?
    Make an infinite loop and shove an annoying kid in it, then cancel the portals at some point.

    Or just make an orange portal in my first period class and a blue one right outside my room. And if anyone I don't want walks through, stick him halfway in the portals then close them. xD
    Posted in: Forum Games
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