• 0

    posted a message on Favorite C418 song.
    I love most of his songs, so I find it hard to pick a favorite.
    But I sincerely hope Notch does add this track into minecraft:

    It's just amazing. I can imagine spending an entire MC day climbing up to the top of a mountain, and as the sun sets, I stare into the horizon, watching the hue of it turn slowly more red, until finally, the land is slowly eaten by the dark. It's moments like those, combined with music like this, that just make minecraft stand out from those zombie survival screamer games and overrated fps's.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
  • 0

    posted a message on Technology War - Microwaves and M-drol
    Quote from Siggles »
    I get a 25 killstreak and use a nuke.

    I open a Predator laptop and use the survive a nuke glitch.
    Then return to derailing the battle legitimately.
    Posted in: Forum Games
  • 0

    posted a message on Chinese repeating crossbow (soon to be WIP) :D
    Quote from VGCats_Rocks »
    I support this... 4960%!

    Ok, sir, I'll put you up on my support page...adding 49.6 people...nah.
    Thanks for all the support so far, guys. Hopefully this can reach a modder sometime - I already have images of me sniping a creeper from far off.
    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on Technology War - Microwaves and M-drol
    Quote from Krunchyman »
    Quote from whiteblade »

    lol I meant as OOC. how did the attack go

    I edited it in.

    Change of action: Take metal rod, and in an uber rage, whack whiteblade over the head and in his sensitive spot.
    In the turn after that, do the same to lukester.
    That is how to derail a sophisticated war with style :iapprove:
    Posted in: Forum Games
  • 0

    posted a message on Chinese repeating crossbow (soon to be WIP) :D
    Quote from lantus »
    I too want.


    Updated OP with a small edit to one of the recipes and a "supports" count at the bottom.
    Thanks, guys, but any suggestions/improvements?
    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on [IDEA][WIP] Artemis Fowl modpack
    You have my full support. I loved that series, and these would be fun to use some of that stuff. Always wanted to.
    Lead a bunch of mobs into my house, then lock them in with a biobomb (I do believe it was known as "the blue rinse," so this should also have a blue explosion particle effect to it). It should have an adjustable fuse, from instantaneous for suicide missions to an MC day for negotiations. xD

    For the mesmering device, instead of bending them to your will, as that would be a bit difficult to pull off, maybe it could just have a certain rate of success, and if it does work, it gets the targeted mob to start fighting other hostile mobs within range.

    In addition to the biobomb, there could also be something like the sound shockwave bomb, I would love that. It could deal a load of damage to anyone in range, a basically instakill at point blank range, and it disorients anyone in range, knocks mobs back a few blocks, and shatters fragile blocks like glass, sand, gravel, and wool.

    And for the DNA cannon, instead of configured by signs, there could be a GUI where you insert the mob's drops.
    ex. :Ham: = :Pig:
    :Bacon: = :Zombie: :Pig: :Notch:
    :GP: = :SSSS:
    :Black: = :Sheep:
    I dunno for zombies and chickens.
    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on Chinese repeating crossbow (soon to be WIP) :D
    Quote from darkdude893 »

    Yay, first supporter! ^___^
    Feel free to suggest anything you guys think would make it better.
    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on Technology War - Microwaves and M-drol
    Quote from whiteblade »
    Quote from Krunchyman »

    Ok.. So how did the attack on cheesebuger go?

    You turn around to ask him this.
    I take this time frame to whack you across the head with the metal rod. Hard.
    Posted in: Forum Games
  • 0

    posted a message on Chinese repeating crossbow (soon to be WIP) :D
    One moar bump and I surrender.
    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on what enemy do you hate the most
    Spiders are no problem to me at all. I punch them as they climb my walls.
    Zombies are dangerous when there's a bunch of them backing you into a corner, but otherwise they're useless.
    Creepers - I just hear the hiss and head in the opposite direction, then turn to it and swing my sword or fire my bow. No problem.

    But skellies? Those guys are fricking marksmen. If I'm exploring a cave and I hear the bow firing sound, I literally jump IRL. Not cool.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
  • 0

    posted a message on ...
    Oh god I loved abusing that in SSBB.

    Someone please make this.
    *Punches pigman*
    *Swarm of them turn*
    *Get down, pull box over head*
    * :Zombie: :Pig: :Notch: : ehh. gotta lay off them mushrooms.*
    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on What would you do if this game fused with real life?
    Quote from The_First_Gamer »
    As in, our entire world turns into minecraft, all blocky and ****.
    First, i'd be pissed at whomever thought it was a good idea to make minecraft real.
    Second: I'd go on a journey with the few friends i have and take down the machine and person that made this all happen.

    I'd snipe you with a crossbow before you destroy the machine.
    Then give the man who made it happen diamonds galore.
    Then egg some old enemies of mine until they're covered in chickens and running at one fps.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
  • 0

    posted a message on Chinese repeating crossbow (soon to be WIP) :D
    Come on. Anybody?
    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on Chinese repeating crossbow (soon to be WIP) :D
    Hello everyone. Yes, I know. Crossbows have been requested to death (like the non-gun enthusiast's version of a gun in MC), and someone made a mod of them already anyway. Though I dl'd and liked it, it was essentially the bow, more expensive (iron instead of flint) with less deviation and more damage. I'd like to delve deeper into crossbows. But not just any crossbow. Not your black ops crossbow, not your cross-modified-bow. Ladies and mentlegen, may I present
    The Chinese Repeating Crossbow!I know, right, those guys make everything.

    Yup, it looks like it would make all your enemies burst out laughing before you can even raise it, but hey, they've been in use since the fourth century...BC, so there's no debating this thing's legitimacy in MC compared to guns. Or most ranged weapons, for that matter. So, first off,

    A crossbow's recipe. Ever since they've first been suggested here, they've been debated as to what the recipe should be. Open for discussion, but I suppose my current placeholder would be
    :GoldBar: :|: :|:
    :|: :log: ]" title="-<->" />
    :|: ]" title="-<->" /> :Iron:
    where ]" title="-<->" /> is string.
    Not too hard to obtain, but not too easy early on. You've gotta mine, fight and craft, covering most of the game's aspects.

    [] :Iron: []
    [] :Iron: []
    [] ]" title="-<->" /> []
    Would make 8 bolts. Each deals 5 damage, so 2 bolts to kill. Maybe there could be other variations that replace the head, such as obsidian for a more damaging and penetrating shot, flint and steel for fire damage to the surrounding area, redstone as the next best thing to lightning, diamond for an ultimate one shot one kill experience in MC, and gunpowder for...self explanatory.

    :wood: :_: :wood:
    :wood: [] :wood:
    :wood: [] :wood:
    where :_: is a wood halfstep,
    Would make an empty magazine for it. The wiki says some held 2 or 3 bolts, others held 10. I'm going with this holding 8, seems balanced and fits MC's powers of 4 system for most things. Also is appropriate for the next recipe.

    [>>-i>] [>>-i>] [>>-i>]
    [>>-i>] [>>-i>] [>>-i>]
    [>>-i>] :log: [>>-i>]
    where :log: is the empty magazine,
    Would load up the magazine. This would be usable with the crossbow and fire the bolts. Finally,

    where :log: is a full mag and :Spider: is the crossbow would be how you loaded it. Though this isn't how it appears to be loaded in the real thing, it works, so I'm going with it. :tongue.gif:

    :GoldBar: :Iron: :Iron:
    :Glass: :Red: :Glass:
    :Iron: :Iron: :Iron:
    Would make a simple scope. Nothing much, not necessary for the crossbow, but you could press R to zoom in on the area your facing maybe 1.5x? Not really needed, but it would add to the whole marksman thing. I don't know. This one's a bit iffy...

    Just a few recipes that would be pretty epic to have.
    ]" title="-<->" />
    aforementioned standard recipe. makes 8, 5 hearts of damage each. That's 2.5x the thwip for your buck!

    ]" title="-<->" />
    Boomstick. Implied use in crafting recipe.

    :soil: :soil:
    :soil: :obsidian: :soil:
    :soil: [>>-i>] :soil:
    Where :soil: is soul sand.
    Due to the shifty nature of souls embedded in mud, combined with the obsidian's pressure on the steel, causing a spark, this arrow will, on impact, generate a 5x5 nether portal for half a second, which will immediately send all in its vicinity to the nether. Don't shoot this at close range without some armor, obsidian, and flint and steel in your inv.

    ]" title="-<->" />
    where :Red: is redstone.
    It will generate a 3x3 electric current where it strikes. Can be used to open a door as you run or set off your TNT nuke from afar. As a bonus, this current will also act like a lightning strike, dealing damage and burning them. This bonus can also prove to be a pain...can you say powered creeper?

    ]" title="-<->" />
    where :Lava: is a lava bucket.
    Generates a ring of fire and a lava source on impact. Nice for dispatching a large group of zombies, as long as you don't care about recovering the feathers.

    ]" title="-<->" />
    Glistens as it travels. This bolt is something all crossbows strive to be loaded with. Deals 50 damage, and will penetrate through up to 7 enemies. Good for those of you who have risugami's spawner GUI and accidentally the "giant" button on a few spawners. Or if you want to feel MLG legit without the spontaneous RC-XD rageness aftermath.

    :Yellow: :Green: :Yellow:
    [] :Iron: []
    [] ]" title="-<->" /> []
    Where :Green: is slime and :Yellow: is glowstone.
    If you're in its AOE (nice aiming there, genius) then everything looks like the portal animation, your render distance is about half that of what you have underwater, and you travel at half speed. It disorients any enemies near its impact area, causing hostile mobs to take on the travel pattern of a pig/cow at thrice the speed, and jump up and down, with a possibility of them attacking any mob in its vicinity - including you. Keep your distance after launching one of these rage arrows.

    :Yellow: :GoldBar: :Red:
    :Red: :Iron: :Yellow:
    :Diamond: ]" title="-<->" /> :Diamond:
    Where :Yellow: is lightstone, :GoldBar: is a block of gold, :Iron: is a block of iron, and :Red: is redstone.
    Now I am become Notch, Griefer of worlds.
    Remember me saying how the RS arrow was the next best thing to lightning? Well, lightning is the next best thing to this. Because of the fact you are cramming two cubic meters of precious metals, some mysterious dusts, two diamonds, and a feather into a tiny box, first off, the arrow will be launched at 3/4 the trajectory of a regular bow and arrow (pull pin, or in this case, fire bolt, wait 5 seconds, and run), and has a good chance of breaking the crossbow, leaving you with a magazine of Notch's fury.
    Anyway, what it does is, upon impact, it generates a 7x7 lake of lava. Lightning strikes everyone cleanly in most of the chunk except the one who fired it 7 times (recurring theme here). Finally, moving water (not a source) falls on the lava, disappearing after impact. The only thing it leaves in its wake are the drops from the thunderstruck mobs and a 7x7 ring of obsidian.

    - Capable of a two shot kill with standard bolts.
    - Capable of using different bolts for more epic.
    - More accurate, way less deviation.
    - More badassness overall.

    - Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more resource hungry, even after you've crafted the actual crossbow. The bolts are going to eat out of your precious metals chest.
    - Of course, you've got to pull back the bolt after each shot, similar to prowne's ballistic knives. Right click to shoot, right click again to pull back bolt. About 1.5 seconds delay between shots, in other words.
    - And it's inevitable that after those 8 shots, the mag's going to drop...
    - Due to these conditions, you're going to want to use a bow for shorter range engagements against larger groups.

    So, I guess that's my 2 cents on this forum. I'm not much of an artist, especially when it comes to pixels, so pics would be appreciated, as would feedback. I'm going to check back on this thread often, so
    Questions? Comments? Concerns? Then drop a reply on this thread and I'll get back to it when I get the chance!

    Supporters at last count: 6 (not counting me, of course :wink.gif:

    Yay! Modder in the house! Thanks ChinkyLee, and good luck fulfilling this task! :iapprove:
    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on Profit! meme is annoying
    Quote from TvL »
    It doesn't really annoy me as much as youtube comments..

    Pisses me off so much. Almost as much as people who wander these forums just to find some new guy and shoot down his amazing creation, or people who don't think to look at the bolded HELP AND FAQ sticky at the top of the beta page before posting about a giant octopus invading their lake.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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