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    posted a message on Are you ready for the Minepocalypse?
    In one of my older worlds, when doing anything, even hitting the same patch of blocks for 15 minutes straight was fun cus mc was new to me, I made myself a fully legit double layered underground obsidian and brick bunker. I then covered it in dirt, surrounded it with cacti, trees, and a giant moat, and disguised it as an oasis kind of thing. I tested my TNT cannon on it, and it held perfectly (what? This was back in alpha, and I was new to the game). It was something for me to be proud of. I also stocked it with several month's supply of porkchops, a load of iron, some diamond tools, bow and several stacks of arrows, and a record player and a gold record.

    In my more recent world, I didn't want to do another hour of mining, so I made a little shower room in the corner of my house. Staying in that shower and pressing space activates a tractor beam, pulling the user up. :tongue.gif:
    Up there is a tiny dank room, lit only with one RS torch. Next to it is a chest full of diamond weaponry, a bow, and a chest full of arrows and gunpowder. (it would suck for me if Notch patched the waterfall climbing glitch).
    Anyway, next to that is a sign:
    For when that day comes.
    -Viktor Reznov

    (This was back when I had a Reznov skin.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Food + Minecraft
    On a couple of occasions, cake. :biggrin.gif:
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Pistons Recipe
    I don't know about you guys, but when I first saw that pic, I saw (and still do see) a specially modified dispenser from Steve's genius.
    I thought the recipe would be something like
    :wood: :wood: :wood:
    :feather: :|: :feather:
    :cobblestone: :Furnace: :cobblestone:
    Where feather is string, wood is wood halfstep, stick is stick, cobble is cobble, and furnace is dispenser.

    The wood halfsteps are the objects that extend, the stick is the connection between the two, the string holds it together (what else could those white lines in a cross be?), the dispenser extends it with its sheer force, and cobble holds it together.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on What music do you listening to while you play minecraft?
    Quote from Silent_Creeper

    I listen to all kinds of different things.

    Most people do. You could at least specify a teensy bit?

    OT: I listen mostly to Coldplay or Deadmau5, or something heavier when venturing out at night.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Jeb will remove TNT!
    Even if this were true, they'd need another use for gunpowder...
    Kegs of the stuff would be loads of fun tho.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on [1.4.6] Pig Grinder [Updated]
    Quote from Brandon816

    DooD. Seriously, make the pigs make horrifying screeching noises when strapped with one of these things. It would so put things into perspective for those who use it, and actually give a reason not to do something in minecraft other than just because of the resource cost involved.

    But make it optional. Some of us don't like our guilt complex being activated by virtual blocks. I'm not trying to start a flame war or anything, just sayin'. Anyway, adding this in probably wouldn't "put things in perspective..." It would either add to the masochists' enjoyment or just plain freak people out. If anything at all, just put the damage sound for them on a loop which can be adjusted by the config.

    OT: I love how you can set the explosion range and everything else.
    I set the min. pchop output to 16, ticks between each to 10, and explosion to 100.
    I stuck one of the grinders on a pig and punched it onto a patch where I heard zombie groans in the middle of the day.
    What I got was a combination rapid food dispenser and mining charge. As an added bonus, I took out a couple of zombies with the splash damage, then ran in there and beat them all down with a porkchop. xD
    So much usefulness, considering its original function.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Name What Song You're Listening To And End It With "In My Ass"
    Cemeteries of london in my ass.
    42 in my ass.
    Ghosts n stuff in my ass.
    Not exactly in my ass.
    Raise your weapon in my ass.

    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on [1.6.6]Reaper-One hit kill - And other tools
    Quote from StrongJoshua

    Durability is 350 just like the other tools. And corners of what?

    Whoops, sorry about that. I meant the corners of the reaper metal recipe. Gold's always been believed to ward off things that go bump in the night, probably its shininess. And it gives a use for gold.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.6.6]Reaper-One hit kill - And other tools
    Iron bow and arrow with some feature to it? Or even iron crossbow to show the upgrade in your material.
    Anyway, this looks awesome, and reaper seems pretty balanced considering the material you put into it, though you should also replace the iron in the corners of it with gold, seems more logical considering the fact you're fighting skeletons and other hellsent demonstuffs.
    What's its durability?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Write a Larger Number than the person who posted before you
    I see your spam and raise my own non spammy #.
    Where x is
    Quote from nickelbake95
    -self snip-

    I raise you one x^9001!
    (that exclamation isn't for emphasis btw)
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on [1.5.0][SSP/SMP] BetterSound Mod (BSM) [Alpha-v0.0.16]
    As an alternative, could you just add in ONE soundproofed block? Or even change the dampening value for one unnatural block such as wool.
    I mean, I hate waking up to moans, groans, hisses, footsteps, and bone clicks and all, but it's probably my only legit way of tracing my way to new cave systems.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.4.6] Pig Grinder [Updated]
    Wait, can the explosion do some damage?
    I'd love to have a rogue guerrilla kamikaze force to dispatch creepers as I watch from the sidelines, nomming bacon.
    I'm definitely downloading. This is amazing. I haven't had such a good laugh at a mod for a while now. Thank you so much.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Torch For Light
    Notch hath decreed that his position on dynamic lighting isn't much higher than it is on guns. If you want the mod, then just use it yourself. On sucky computers such as mine :dry.gif: it's gonna come out pretty ugly, like a circle of light is following me. And it's gonna cut some of our FPSs in half.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on [1.6.6] Sword Mod
    Looks pretty good, but needs some balance. In addition, you could put some effects for some of them, like ice sword slows them down but is weak, flame sword is powerful and sets them on fire.

    Also, could you make a gunpowder sword, slime sword, and egg sword? That would be hilarious.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on HeroBrine
    What don't forumers understand about the fact they are placing a multiplayer server in "BETA - SURVIVAL MODE?" Or a map in "RELEASED MODS?" Or a hemoburn thread in MAPS? I almost had high hopes for a herobrine survival map or something.

    OT: Herobrine does exist. In multiplayer plugins, pranks, retextured terrain.pngs.
    And your head, which I believe is otherwise mostly hollow.
    Posted in: Maps
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