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    posted a message on So much "RPG" hate?
    Quote from tycp00

    ...How could adding more stuff change the genre of Minecraft? It will always be a sandbox game. As in you can do whatever the **** you want. Don't like it?

    There's always that little "X" button on the upper right corner of the window, or red circle in the upper left corner if you're on a mac, that can fix that problem for you.

    exactly. the new addition do absolutely nothing to change the game. i can do now everything i could have done in the previous versions. the only addition is more stuff to collect and build with. i dont have much experience with servers but the ones i have visited had special plug ins to protect the spawn and the nearest city. if its just a natural server than everyone should expect people to grief. its part of minecraft unfortunately.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on It's raining in my underwater base.
    Quote from Rookz

    well that's the thing should I really need to double up my entire glass base and underwater glass tunnels just to stop a feature that is meant to tell players there is water/lava above them? that and building underwater already is a pain in itself.

    well that and most of its glass... how can water leak though solid GLASS?

    because its not solid glass? they are made of blocks stuck together end to end.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Redstone no longer igniting netherrack?
    Quote from asferot

    I tested it under too...
    No It does not ignite!

    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on oh jesus f*cking christ SERIOUSLY?
    Quote from rockonruup1

    endermen? ok...
    more nether stuff? GREAT!
    but mooshrooms?!
    the team of mojang is really getting desperate.
    they need to make it 1.9 and finish it so they raffle stuff up.
    i know eveybody wines about evey update but i dont, i didnt cry at ssssecret friday update.. i didnt cry at pistons.
    i loved those.
    but they pushed it this time.
    i know noone agrees with me but i dont care just trowing it out there.
    and dont say "relax eveybody its just another noob wining about eveyr update"
    but c'mon.
    i exually still play 1.7.3 because i dont like 1.9...

    your not even playing it so why are you crying about it. the version is not even out yet, its pre-release. wait for the release to come out, play it, then ***** about it. but ***** about something your not even experiencing? c'mon man.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Hardcore Mode
    for the ultimate minecrafter.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Have they updated enermen?
    i still dont know what all the bitching about endermen is all about. i built my house on top of a mountain. sheer cliffs all around it. found small part of my house messed up by endermen. put water on my house's roof and lit inside better, no more problems. maby 1 or 2 blocks missing from my path from my house but thats it. and they are everywhere, i always see them when i leave my house at night playing on hard.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Breeding?
    Quote from Sepioth

    seriously it's not in the game yet ...??

    So they add XP orbs that cause lag and serve no purpose yet .. why?? To test a incomplete feature??

    Then they nerf mob spawns and don't implement breeding??

    simply pathetic.

    Just doesn't make any sense to me.

    They had time to a re-skins and create nether mobs, add new nether items, create a snow-golem etc. but can not find the time to complete a feature before adding more to the game ..

    Mojang really REALLY needs to get their act together. There needs to be some sort of system where new features are added AFTER old ones are complete and bug free. As it stands now it all so very chaotic.

    welcome to the beta. you get what you payed for.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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