What is your IGN? : tbon25
How old are you? (You may say "under/over 18" if you do not want to disclose your age publicly) : 14 1/2
What experience do you have with servers? (100+ people, 20+ people...)? : I have played on many servers and only been ban from 2 for really stupid stuff like talking back to an admin etc.
What is your time zone? : EST
Will you be making videos of the server? : ABSOLUTELY youtube.com/user/MineologyMC
What do you enjoy most about minecraft? : Building, its the best, you can use your imagination and build whatever you have in your head
Have you ever been banned? : Yes, for telling a kid to shut up ridiculous i know. Lol but not for anythng like greifing nope
What will you bring to our server? :I will bring fun, comedy, videos, as well as AWESOME videos
Why do you want to join? :I really need a server with a friendly, funny community, where I can showcase my building skills, and make fun youtube videos with anyone who wants to.
Minecraft UN:tbon25
Why I want to join: I am bored out of my mind without popcraft and regret all that I did and am deeply sorry If u accept this u can legit perms mute me and I wouldn't care but I just want a fun sever to play on I've thought of what I did and it was so stupid.Others suggested letting me on like Kwippy,Sincough,Kad657,and Pokemaster_Ben
Experience:Well I played on his server b4 an have been playing minecraft since beta 1.6,and am a good builder farmer and ok at redstone .
Age: 14 1/2
Pop u don't realize how much I miss the good times takes this into consideration any reply would be greatly appreciated
- Minecraft username (important)= tbon25
- Why you want to join (required)= I want a dedicated small server where i dont have to worry about being greifed and i can play and have fun build and enjoy minecraft
- Experience (optional)= I have been playing since beta 1.7
- Age (optional)= 14
Hey you said i was whitelisted it says the server is up but when i try to get on it says Server Whispers to you: "you dont have access to this server" then i crash Help anyone??????
IGN: tbon25
Age(Does not really matter): 14
What is your experience in FTB?: I am pretty new but i no my tekkit so its kinda alike
What can you contribute to the server?: I can contribute fun, pranks, building
#5: i think it means you dont build portals for other dimensions cause it will lag the server, only a mining one thats it. Yes i will follow this
Where are you from? U.S.A,specifically North New Jersey
How are you familiar with the Mindcrack Server? I watch youtube videos on it ( Etho)
Do you watch any Mindcrack videos? If so who? Yes, Etho's
Would you prefer Vinilla or FTB? Vanilla because im more familiar but FTB is awesome
Is there a skill you thrive at in Minecraft? Building and just you know common stuff
How long have you been playing Minecraft? since Beta 1.6
Is there a skill you lack in Minecraft? Redstone is not my strong side XD
Are you an active player? How many Hours a day do you play? Probably 1-2 hours
Skype or Teamspeak? If so what is your name? Skype, tbon52
Do you have a youtube channel? If so whats your Channel name? Yes, but i dont really upload much , TheMinologistsMC
Tell me a little about yourself? Well, im nice and enjoy minecraft tekkit and FTB, i am a straight A student, mature for 14, I play baseball and basketball. Also, i play Saxaphone and Guitar
Why should I choose you? I think i would be a fun addition to your server, and i like to prank, and have an all around good time.
IGN: tbon25
Age: 14
FTB skill: Well ive played a bunch of tekkit so i understand most of the ic2 stuff and im still learning most of the FTB mods but im not a complete Noob
About myself: Well, im mature i dont do stupid crap, and im nice. I dont greif, i enjoy pulling pranks, im a BEAST builder, i really like minecraft and tekkit and i wanted to try out FTB so ya just let me know asap
Reason for ban: Idk but i think its cuz i didnt even realise they were recording and some kid was saying that there was no lag and no banned items
and i said well there is lag sometimes and there is banned items, and they are server restarts alot.
Why i should be unban: Because i really really really love your server and brought about 4 other ppl on the server that love it just as much (NIck05 Pokemaster_Ben shmeric mad_masta ) and I feel bad about wat i did Im really really sorry, but to be honest i didnt no y guys were recording cuz i was just strip mining and not paying attention. Once again IM REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY Sorry and really wanna com back on
1.) How long have you played?: Since 1.5
2.)How old are you?: I am 15
3.) What do you use a piston for?: From farms,to doors,to mob grinders, and any other new ideas i get
4.)IGN (in game name/username)? tbon25
5.) You do realize it's vanilla surviva? Absolutely, just what i am looking for
Hey bro you contacted me on skype but my name isnt on the list of if u accepted u said it was ericmunoz but u never replied when i asked if i was accepted and what is the ip? just reply back when u get a chance thanks man.
1. tbon25
2. tbon52
3. No
4. Yes
5. I would like to build some cool stuff, maybe a railroad, do a series on youtube... and much more
6. I dont have that many screenshots but i do have cool builds
How old are you? (You may say "under/over 18" if you do not want to disclose your age publicly) : 14 1/2
What experience do you have with servers? (100+ people, 20+ people...)? : I have played on many servers and only been ban from 2 for really stupid stuff like talking back to an admin etc.
What is your time zone? : EST
Will you be making videos of the server? : ABSOLUTELY youtube.com/user/MineologyMC
What do you enjoy most about minecraft? : Building, its the best, you can use your imagination and build whatever you have in your head
Have you ever been banned? : Yes, for telling a kid to shut up ridiculous i know. Lol but not for anythng like greifing nope
What will you bring to our server? :I will bring fun, comedy, videos, as well as AWESOME videos
Why do you want to join? :I really need a server with a friendly, funny community, where I can showcase my building skills, and make fun youtube videos with anyone who wants to.
Why I want to join: I am bored out of my mind without popcraft and regret all that I did and am deeply sorry If u accept this u can legit perms mute me and I wouldn't care but I just want a fun sever to play on I've thought of what I did and it was so stupid.Others suggested letting me on like Kwippy,Sincough,Kad657,and Pokemaster_Ben
Experience:Well I played on his server b4 an have been playing minecraft since beta 1.6,and am a good builder farmer and ok at redstone .
Age: 14 1/2
Pop u don't realize how much I miss the good times takes this into consideration any reply would be greatly appreciated
- Why you want to join (required)= I want a dedicated small server where i dont have to worry about being greifed and i can play and have fun build and enjoy minecraft
- Experience (optional)= I have been playing since beta 1.7
- Age (optional)= 14
Ok thanks
Have a merry christmas
Age(Does not really matter): 14
What is your experience in FTB?: I am pretty new but i no my tekkit so its kinda alike
What can you contribute to the server?: I can contribute fun, pranks, building
#5: i think it means you dont build portals for other dimensions cause it will lag the server, only a mining one thats it. Yes i will follow this
How old are you? 14
Where are you from? U.S.A,specifically North New Jersey
How are you familiar with the Mindcrack Server? I watch youtube videos on it ( Etho)
Do you watch any Mindcrack videos? If so who? Yes, Etho's
Would you prefer Vinilla or FTB? Vanilla because im more familiar but FTB is awesome
Is there a skill you thrive at in Minecraft? Building and just you know common stuff
How long have you been playing Minecraft? since Beta 1.6
Is there a skill you lack in Minecraft? Redstone is not my strong side XD
Are you an active player? How many Hours a day do you play? Probably 1-2 hours
Skype or Teamspeak? If so what is your name? Skype, tbon52
Do you have a youtube channel? If so whats your Channel name? Yes, but i dont really upload much , TheMinologistsMC
Tell me a little about yourself? Well, im nice and enjoy minecraft tekkit and FTB, i am a straight A student, mature for 14, I play baseball and basketball. Also, i play Saxaphone and Guitar
Why should I choose you? I think i would be a fun addition to your server, and i like to prank, and have an all around good time.
Hopefully i get in Thanks
Age: 14
FTB skill: Well ive played a bunch of tekkit so i understand most of the ic2 stuff and im still learning most of the FTB mods but im not a complete Noob
About myself: Well, im mature i dont do stupid crap, and im nice. I dont greif, i enjoy pulling pranks, im a BEAST builder, i really like minecraft and tekkit and i wanted to try out FTB so ya just let me know asap
Reason for ban: Idk but i think its cuz i didnt even realise they were recording and some kid was saying that there was no lag and no banned items
and i said well there is lag sometimes and there is banned items, and they are server restarts alot.
Why i should be unban: Because i really really really love your server and brought about 4 other ppl on the server that love it just as much (NIck05 Pokemaster_Ben shmeric mad_masta ) and I feel bad about wat i did Im really really sorry, but to be honest i didnt no y guys were recording cuz i was just strip mining and not paying attention. Once again IM REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY Sorry and really wanna com back on
2.)How old are you?: I am 15
3.) What do you use a piston for?: From farms,to doors,to mob grinders, and any other new ideas i get
4.)IGN (in game name/username)? tbon25
5.) You do realize it's vanilla surviva? Absolutely, just what i am looking for
2. tbon52
3. No
4. Yes
5. I would like to build some cool stuff, maybe a railroad, do a series on youtube... and much more
6. I dont have that many screenshots but i do have cool builds
Please respond asap and even if its a no Thanks