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    posted a message on THE ANERIAN CHRONICLES [RP][Airships][Classes][Player-Driven-Story][Extensive Lore]
    I feel like Ambrus really won't care. He is mostly a normal guy, except when it comes to numbers. He is a bit absentminded though, so don't expect him to start any conversations.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on THE ANERIAN CHRONICLES [RP][Airships][Classes][Player-Driven-Story][Extensive Lore]
    also, MONEY! Where is the academy getting it's money? I'm guessing the church is getting money from donations and other Churchy things, but where is the academy? you said tuition isn't high, and looking at schools these days they're either massively supported by the government or cost lots of money to attend, so which is the academy? will I, assuming I become master of the coin, have some control over the academy?
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on THE ANERIAN CHRONICLES [RP][Airships][Classes][Player-Driven-Story][Extensive Lore]
    if I get to become Master of Coins, I'll probably be sitting in my office looking over numbers all day. If I don't, I'll do the exact same thing. My character likes his numbers. also, just something to clarify, people can apply to be fallen and members of the order of aradin, right? so far all the characters so far look to be normal townsfolk from the capital. just wanted to get thoughts on that.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on THE ANERIAN CHRONICLES [RP][Airships][Classes][Player-Driven-Story][Extensive Lore]
    Quote from WheatleyLabs777


    silentstealth- Your ICRs really could use work, but I'll look over it this once. However, in light of this and previous occurances, I will be keeping a close eye on you IG. Don't let me down, or I will ban you in a heartbeat.



    I was going to correct you and say you didn't have that power as a whitelister, but looking it up, you are also a GM, so you do have that power, but the threat is still a little extreme, I think, and don't worry, we will have appropriate and reasonable punishments for rule breakers.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on THE ANERIAN CHRONICLES [RP][Airships][Classes][Player-Driven-Story][Extensive Lore]
    Quote from Zymph


    tatata2121/Shenalan - Looking forward to seeing you on the server. :)

    yus, first try. I had no doubt. super accountant, AWAY!
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on THE ANERIAN CHRONICLES [RP][Airships][Classes][Player-Driven-Story][Extensive Lore]
    Out of Character Information

    IGN: Shenalan

    Real-Life Age: 16

    Do you have a Skype? If so, what is your Skype Name? (This is by no means required and holds no weight on your acceptance. We just use Skype a lot): You know it, but I think I left the group so I would appreciate it if you readded me.

    Have you read all of the rules, agree to abide by them, and by the decisions of our staff?: yuppers

    What is the definition of “Powergaming”?: when one decides actions for another character or uses an ability or skill that is not possible or is overpowered.

    What is the definition of “Metagaming”?: using OOC info IC

    What is the definition of “Roleplay”?: to “play” a “role”, specifically to take on the persona of a chosen character.

    Who can use flymod, X-ray and other such clientsided mods?: just me(just kidding, no one)

    When are you allowed to cause the death of another character?: When you receive theor permission or certain circumstances dictated by staff.

    When are you allowed to speak out of character?: in OOC channels of in (())

    Have you read the primary server lore of our server and agree to roleplay in accordance with it?: naturally.

    Who is allowed to use magic?: people who have received special staff permission or people who have gone through a secondary education.

    Who are the Fallen?: a separate ethnicity that was removed from the rest of humanity in the raising.

    When and how did our current government come to be?: 169 AR, rebels overthrew the last king and created the chancellorship.

    Who are the Order of Aradin?: a group of knights that are now in the decline, originally formed to protect the chancellor.

    What previous roleplay experience have you had, if any?: BoH, SotA, I’m the DM of my DnD group.

    If you have played on other RP servers, please say which and why you left: BoH, crashed like a flaming airship, Sota, I was was hit with a wall of homework at 90mph.

    Character Information

    Name: Ambrus Shen

    Age: 54

    Class: Craftsman

    Physical description: short and hunched over woth white balding hair, Ambus is actually quite tall, but because of his posture, looks only average. If you didn’t know better, he would seem much older than in his 50s.

    Screen capture of your skin: http://imgur.com/dc1QMQ1

    Biography (Minimum 400 words. Cannot include loved ones being killed, kidnapped, tortured, or the like, unless you can do it in a non-cliche manner.): Ambrus always had a way with numbers. At 10 He was doing his parents budget. They were farmers and never liked dealing with how much money they had for this and that, and Ambrus has always been there to help them. At 15, he was doing most of his neighbor taxes. He was faster and more accurate than any tax collector in all the capital. When the tax collector came to town, Ambrus would hand him a purse full of money, and the tax collector would walk off. He trusted Ambrus’s calculations more than his own. When Ambrus was only 18 his hair line started receding. When he was 20, it started to turn white. He wasn’t a short man, but the hours of sitting over his books and tables ad made him hunched over and he seemed very small and boring. People were calling him “Old Man” when he was in his 30s, and people 10 years his elder were giving up chairs for him when he had to stand. Despite his appearance, He really isn’t in all that bad of health. He isn’t any healthier than people of his age, but most people seem him as a frail old man and are surprised when he can make it up steep steps without being winded. As soon as he left the house at 16, he started a small accounting firm. The first of its kind. Finances for the average farmer weren’t very complicated, and only someone like Ambrus could keep enough clients a in order to pay all of is expenses. Word of his remarkable skill with keeping calculating and recording accounts spread across the island. He was soon offered a job under the Master of Coin and took it immediately. He joined and soon saved the kingdom massive amounts of gold simply be keeping more accurate records, and eventually started combating corruption inside the capital. He soon was known, if not throughout the island, at least among government officals, as the best keeper of records they had ever seen. Because of his ability to cut down on corruption, many dirty government officials have targeted him for intimidation. They had made the painful mistake of underestimating him. They had sent one, rather large man after him. The man had walked away with a few painful bumps and bruises from Ambus’ Shillelagh.

    What is your character’s main goal? (Motivation): Keep the books. Keep them clean, keep them accurate, keep them immaculate. He must keep the books. He also is a normal person, with patriotism, and material goods, but his main concern is keeping the books.

    Strengths (Both physical and personality): He is fast and accurate with mathematical calculations has impecible memory. He is also much more spry than he looks and can be intimdating when he wants to.

    Weaknesses (Both physical and personality): He is still a 54 year old man and has his share of aches and pains, and isn’t very helpful in a fight. He can also be cold and calculating and can have a tendency to alienate people with offending comments. Also, while he is quite book smart, his view can be very narrow and can miss many things in a normal conversation.

    Does your character have any connections to currently-existing characters or characters yet to be accepted? If so, which? (See “Character Linking Aid”. Please post a link to the topic.):

    In-Character-Responses (ICRs. For each scenario, write at least a paragraph describing entirely in-character how your character would respond to the situation.Your ICRs will be used to see how well you can RP. Please post them as if in IC chat. An example can be found after this form.)

    Walking down the streets of the Capitol, you encounter a pair of heavily armed and armoured men harassing a young girl. He noticed their armor. He appraises the value, it looks fancy, but doesn’t have much value to it and they seem like common street thugs, not experts. He walks over to them and pulls out a particularly shiny coin.
    Ambrus: *straigtening his back out and pulling himself up to his full height* how about you take this coin and continue on your way.
    Thug 1: this doesn’t concern you, Old Man
    Ambrus: *lands a hard hit in the back of the head of the first thug, a large Thwak comes from the impact* I said take the money
    Thug 1: Ow, if you weren’t old and frail I’d beat you right here, but I have my standards. *grabs money* fine, come on dave *beckons to other thug, start to walk away, and glares at woman as he walks away*
    Ambrus: *walks away without talking to woman*

    A man approaches you with a proposition - Go to Bloodstone and retrieve something for him, and you will be well rewarded.
    Ambrus: I need not your reward. I have my books to attend to
    Man: I promise it’ll be worth it, it’s not even that dangerous
    Ambrus: do you see me? Do I look like the adventuring type?
    Man: actually you’re right. Never mind, old man.

    You pass an old man lying on the side of the street, begging for food.
    Ambrus continues walking, not even noticing the man while passing numbers around in his head.

    In a tavern, a slightly inebriated fellow insults your mother.
    Ambrus walks out of the tavern. Why was he there? He needs his sleep in order to keep the books as accurate as possible tomorrow. He can’t have his mind muddles from lack of sleep.

    You take a liking to a beautiful necklace a passing woman wears.
    Ambrus takes note of it.
    Ambus: *to himself* I must find out where that’s from. Looks very nice. Now that I think about it I’d have to list it as an asset and I can’t afford to be spending more time finding my own tax rate, I have to find it for the rest of the kingdom.

    Do you have any questions about the server or our lore? nope

    Other notes: SUMF (I invented that, whatever Bea says)
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Shrines of the Ancients Roleplay [RP][Factions][Player-Driven Story]
    I'll make this post twice as efficient by including news AND my feedback. First the news. Finally, we have the winners of the election. I must say that while I find using the IC section of the forums helpful, I also find it considerably less engaging than actually RPing in the server. We might want to use it for some things but I really prefer using the server. the winners of the election are:

    Stendar Raxus (jidek)
    Gaius Ballet (gamer)
    Idania (denise9laura)

    now onto my feedback.

    There were some faltering starts when we were just starting out the prologue, but we really got back on our feet. we've found a way to create a server that you can always join and start interesting RP right away. This is so interesting and we haven't even started the real server. I can't wait. any good or bad things I could have said have already been said better than I can so I'll just leave it at that.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Shrines of the Ancients Roleplay [RP][Factions][Player-Driven Story]
    So many people want to wok their own path. WHAT'S SO GREAT ABOUT HAVING YOUR OWN PATH. Join a faction people. You won't regret it.

    Edit: accidental typo is surprisingly awesome. Don't even feel like fixing it.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Shrines of the Ancients Roleplay [RP][Factions][Player-Driven Story]
    Come on, I'm an old man. that makes three.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Shrines of the Ancients Roleplay [RP][Factions][Player-Driven Story]
    Justice Above All is Recruiting
    yes, you heard me right, the undercitie's #1 law enforcement group is recruiting.
    new feature!
    I will be searching through the apps and if you have stated that you wish to join the faction I will add you on the faction page as soon as you are accepted.
    I'll be checking them on a semi-regular basis but I'll be checking the forums more often so posting there will get you in sooner.
    We're low on numbers and the criminals are getting more and more prominent.

    Faction name: JAA (Justice Above All)

    Faction leader (IGN/character name): Shenalan Tolibrad (shenalan)
    Roster (IGN/character name. Minimum 5, each of which must post on this thread before it is confirmed):
    -Shenalan Tolibrad (Shenalan
    -TAOIIII(most likely not)
    list names and classes on applications thread to get name added

    Description of faction (50-250 words): We are protectors of the common man. we try to bring justice and order to the world. many don't like our methods, but we get the job done. We don't let any law breakers free. We are the law makers and enforcers. we decide what is right and wrong. If we catch you, you are guilty until proven innocent. we aren't kind but in a world like this you can't be. there are no second chances. there is no justice, just right and wrong and we know what side we're on. do you?

    In all seriousness we just control whatever sections of the city we can safely control. we make sure that we can keep our own safe, with no regard for anyone else. We believe everyone deserves a chance at a peaceful, good life, but once someone stoops so low as to break the law, they lose that chance.

    we will control significant land and we need more members to defend it.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Shrines of the Ancients Roleplay [RP][Factions][Player-Driven Story]
    Quote from welknair


    One of our best Admins, ZePato, has just contacted me. He's been having computer problems, but WILL be playing the Undergod of Order when they're fixed. HURRAH!

    undergod of order? interesting. I may be working closely with him.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Shrines of the Ancients Roleplay [RP][Factions][Player-Driven Story]
    nice to hear initial impressions are good even if applying members are low.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Shrines of the Ancients Roleplay [RP][Factions][Player-Driven Story]
    ooh fancy screenshots.
    also, who made the trailer? I know we discussed it but I never heard it was complete.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Shrines of the Ancients Roleplay [RP][Factions][Player-Driven Story]
    I meant original post. I know I won't be OPed once the server starts.

    also just played your adventure map. pretty awesome, if I may say so myself.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Shrines of the Ancients Roleplay [RP][Factions][Player-Driven Story]
    I will do a testimonial!

    Great server, can I be in the OP now?

    Also, great signature bea, but the last one should say SUMF. it'd be 94.6% better.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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