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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Quote from Slye_Fox

    There isn't one for Race for the Wool.

    If you're looking for somewhere to play one of Vechs' RFW maps, play.rmct.tv has all three of his competitive minecraft maps available... As well as a huge variety of other RFW maps.
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [CTM] The Ultimate -CTM COMMUNITY- Thread
    Quote from WittyWhiscash

    I updated some areas in my map recently. Here is one of them.

    Yeah, I can't see any differences either, apart from the texture pack and a slight difference in where you were positioned...
    Posted in: Maps Discussion
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    posted a message on [CTM] The Ultimate -CTM COMMUNITY- Thread
    Quote from cameron274

    also, wtf is "go Unused go"?

    Well, if you hadn't noticed, he's going in order of block ID (more or less - I think there are some parts that are out of order), so those are the ID's that don't have corresponding blocks. If you mean the "go" part, I think that's something regarding Sporcle.
    Posted in: Maps Discussion
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    posted a message on [CTM] The Ultimate -CTM COMMUNITY- Thread
    174/175. The one I missed was "piston extended," and that was because it was "extended" and not "extension" or "piston head".

    Anyway, as I'm not sure this is entirely on-topic, I've just about finished my "secret project" and will be returning to my map, Darkfall, pretty soon.
    Posted in: Maps Discussion
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    posted a message on [CTM] The Ultimate -CTM COMMUNITY- Thread
    Quote from WittyWhiscash


    Personally, I just LOVE that ingame NBTEdit mod. So useful, and if you're like me and have trouble finding anything unless it's in your inventory with NBTEdit or NBTExplorer, well, even better.
    Posted in: Maps Discussion
  • 6

    posted a message on [CTM] The Ultimate -CTM COMMUNITY- Thread
    Well, it seems like different types of leaves change the shade of green of the held item.

    I bet biomes would change the shade, too, since they change the color of the leaves.


    ...Well I guess this is a page get.
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    posted a message on [CTM] The Ultimate -CTM COMMUNITY- Thread
    Welllll that might explain it....

    Now to see if it works with other colors!

    EDIT: Nope, that's not it.

    Maybe it IS the "mobs wearing leaves" thing.


    Yup, that's it.

    That is WEIRD.

    Posted in: Maps Discussion
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    posted a message on [CTM] The Ultimate -CTM COMMUNITY- Thread
    Quote from T0z

    And if you set it all the way to 32000 it turns dark green.

    Wait, you mean the durability bar? Or the sword itself? Because somehow, I've figured out how to turn a skeleton's bow green.

    Weird, huh? And no, it's not just because of the enchantment, I'm pretty sure.
    Posted in: Maps Discussion
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    posted a message on [CTM] The Ultimate -CTM COMMUNITY- Thread
    Quote from WittyWhiscash

    You are quite correct about the secret message Tasch. Putting two and two together should mean that the scientist/researcher who wrote this diary actually died from consuming the "water" with the pathogen in it. Because the whole map revolves around this special force, it manipulated the blood of this researcher to spell out the secret message in the whitespace of the stain in the book. And as it is, I will keep the squares the way it is. Just to keep players thinking and absolutely confused.

    When you say you "cringed" about the science, what do you mean exactly? Was it because it was creepy, and made you cringe about the image/thought? Or was it because the science that I tried to explain in the book was just plain wrong? I'm asking for later, so I know how to write further books in the future.

    And yes. I will correct that grammar mistake.

    I think it's mostly just the science seems completely implausible, regardless of whether or not it's actually possible... But it's no big deal.
    Posted in: Maps Discussion
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    posted a message on [CTM] The Ultimate -CTM COMMUNITY- Thread
    Quote from WittyWhiscash

    Here's a book that's part of the storyline in my map. I'd like to see if anyone can guess the secret message on the last page...

    (Just so you know, the scientific stuff is probably terribly wrong, so just try and follow along, or at least try to understand?)
    If nobody can guess it, I can always put up a picture outlining it.


    Uhhh.... I'm not sure what the secret message is, but yeah, the science makes me cringe, and I'm not even sure that it's wrong.

    Also, watch out for the its/it's thing on the first page. Dunno why, but that always breaks immersion for me. Possibly because I'm something of a grammar nazi.

    Hang on a sec... with the secret message, is it just the "whitespace" in between those red squares? I mean, it's obviously not Morse code, which was my first thought... If I'm right, it kinda looks like it says "run". If that's what you were aiming for, you might want to make the secret message encoded a little differently... the way it is, it's not easy to understand.
    Posted in: Maps Discussion
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    posted a message on [CTM] The Ultimate -CTM COMMUNITY- Thread
    Quote from clickonme

    Would people rather have Command Blocks for fast travel to a monument or just to travel there themselves?

    Yeah, that's something I'm not sure of either. Would people prefer teleportation for getting around, or rail lines? I kinda lean towards teleportation, myself, but what are other people's opinions?
    Posted in: Maps Discussion
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    posted a message on The Wither Saga - A series of CTM maps by taschneide (Tasch)
    Quote from Samster423

    Looks pretty interesting... Can't wait to play it hwen it's done! :)

    Quote from Nickmaz

    Awesome! Can't wait to see more in the future!

    Thanks for your interest!

    In other news: I've updated the OP with a little bit more info, including some details about further progress that I've made. Unfortunately, I'm kinda putting the project on hold while I work on a "secret project" (hint: it has to do with ProjectCTM). Don't worry, I still intend to finish the map by the end of the summer. I mean, I've still got a couple months left, that should be plenty of time, right?
    Posted in: WIP Maps
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    posted a message on [CTM] The Ultimate -CTM COMMUNITY- Thread
    I can has map added to list of upcoming maps? :(

    I filled in the form and pm'd it to the ctmcommunity account and everything, but I still don't see it.


    Quote from Karrott

    Monstrosity v1.1.1

    Nice review. I remember back when monstrosity was on the CTM server, and it seemed like nobody liked it but me. Glad to see someone shares my opinion; I should really go back to it and play it on my own.
    Posted in: Maps Discussion
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    posted a message on [CTM] The Ultimate -CTM COMMUNITY- Thread
    Quote from Apollo9898

    Correction, anything that's not capture the wool is best game mode . -.-

    I dunno about y'all, but I think my least favorite mode is TDM. No objectives other than killing! It makes an objective-oriented person sad. :(

    Edit and also, coming back to the original topic of conversation: that would be awesome.
    Posted in: Maps Discussion
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Quote from Advorange

    Also do diamonds spawn like normal in Lethamyr?

    From what I've heard, yes, but that's just hearsay.
    Posted in: Maps
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