Ex Nihilo PE: The Skyblock Companion Mod
Initial Release
Code formatting
put all the .js' into one
bug fixes
fixed function useItem
V3.0 P.R.-
Bug Fixes- thanks to ProToxicMoney
New Crafting system unfortunately we cant smelt custom blocks yet.
Now you can make clay when tapping on a water barrel
Hammers Now have durability-install hammers file
Tinkered with sieve rarities a bit.
Changed the ids of 216-227 to 440-451
-Please install all the .js files to get the full purpose of game.
V3.1 -
Updated Crafting recipes for 1.6.8
The 4.x's
Change crafting of sieve from 4 strings to 9: http://ex-nihilo-minecraft.wikia.com/wiki/Sieve
Code formatting
Some code changed for efficency
Increased minimum stones drop when sieving dirt from 1 to 2
Dropped dirt from barrer now drops at top center of barrel
Fixed drops from crook getting stuck in blocks
Fixed data not saving properly
Added particles when putting lava in barrels
Added tip with % when putting things in barrel;
Changed composting percentage marging that of the original mod (http://ex-nihilo-minecraft.wikia.com/wiki/Wood_Barrels) and added to possible items to compost:
tall grass
silk worm
Fixed grass seeds not working correctly (due to confusion)
Fixed leaves dropping wrong saplings when destroyed with crook
Added tip with % when putting things in crucible
Fixed crucible bugs
Fixed destroy block bugs
Changed the names of all the blocks/items to match the PC mod
v4.2 The Glitch Fix update
fixed a lot of bugs
barrels work
crucibles work
fixed the graphical glitch on barrels and crucible
Initial Release
Code formatting
put all the .js' into one
bug fixes
fixed function useItem
V3.0 P.R.-
Bug Fixes- thanks to ProToxicMoney
New Crafting system unfortunately we cant smelt custom blocks yet.
Now you can make clay when tapping on a water barrel
Hammers Now have durability-install hammers file
Tinkered with sieve rarities a bit.
Changed the ids of 216-227 to 440-451
-Please install all the .js files to get the full purpose of game.
V3.1 -
Updated Crafting recipes for 1.6.8
The 4.x's
Change crafting of sieve from 4 strings to 9: http://ex-nihilo-minecraft.wikia.com/wiki/Sieve
Code formatting
Some code changed for efficency
Increased minimum stones drop when sieving dirt from 1 to 2
Dropped dirt from barrer now drops at top center of barrel
Fixed drops from crook getting stuck in blocks
Fixed data not saving properly
Added particles when putting lava in barrels
Added tip with % when putting things in barrel;
Changed composting percentage marging that of the original mod (http://ex-nihilo-minecraft.wikia.com/wiki/Wood_Barrels) and added to possible items to compost:
tall grass
silk worm
Fixed grass seeds not working correctly (due to confusion)
Fixed leaves dropping wrong saplings when destroyed with crook
Added tip with % when putting things in crucible
Fixed crucible bugs
Fixed destroy block bugs
Changed the names of all the blocks/items to match the PC mod
v4.2 The Glitch Fix update
fixed a lot of bugs
barrels work
crucibles work
fixed the graphical glitch on barrels and crucible
Ex Nihilo is a Pc mod to help with skyblock survival. I have ported it to PE now with the help of InsaneMCPE96

https://www.dropbox.com/s/mbgdii0sngx5m3a/ExNihilo v.4.2.zip?dl=0
Want to support me?
https://www.dropbox.com/s/mbgdii0sngx5m3a/ExNihilo v.4.2.zip?dl=0
Want to support me?
If you want 4.1b:
1. click on the download link
2. download from dropbox
3. extract the .zip file, I suggest using ES File Explorer, but i personally like to use X-plore
4. Open Blocklauncer (free or pro) 1.8 for mcpe 0.10.x (0.10.0-0.10.4)
5. click launcher options, modpe scripts, now install the .js file from where you extracted it to
6. go back, now go to texture packs, and go to the place where you extracted the texture pack, now install it.
7. Have fun, if there were any problems with installing please report to me.
If you want the beta:
1. make sure if you had this mod before that all the barrels and sieves are removed from the world.
2. download the .js file from Dropbox
3. Open Blocklauncer (free or pro) 1.8 for mcpe 0.10.x (0.10.0-0.10.4)
4. click launcher options, modpe scripts, now install the .js file from where it downloaded to
5. go back, now go to texture packs, and go to the place where it downloaded the texture pack, now install it.
6. Have fun, if there were any problems with installing please report to me.
7. if anything not natural happens please report.
1. click on the download link
2. download from dropbox
3. extract the .zip file, I suggest using ES File Explorer, but i personally like to use X-plore
4. Open Blocklauncer (free or pro) 1.8 for mcpe 0.10.x (0.10.0-0.10.4)
5. click launcher options, modpe scripts, now install the .js file from where you extracted it to
6. go back, now go to texture packs, and go to the place where you extracted the texture pack, now install it.
7. Have fun, if there were any problems with installing please report to me.
If you want the beta:
1. make sure if you had this mod before that all the barrels and sieves are removed from the world.
2. download the .js file from Dropbox
3. Open Blocklauncer (free or pro) 1.8 for mcpe 0.10.x (0.10.0-0.10.4)
4. click launcher options, modpe scripts, now install the .js file from where it downloaded to
5. go back, now go to texture packs, and go to the place where it downloaded the texture pack, now install it.
6. Have fun, if there were any problems with installing please report to me.
7. if anything not natural happens please report.
Having Texure Problems? Check out my tutorial on how to install the textures.

Ex Nihilo PE isntallation of teh Textures

The first thing when you join the world that you want to do is make a crafting table.
after that you want to make a stonecutter with 4 cobblestone
please keep in mind to get a stonecutter before using hammers
Now for individual item/block descriptions and help
Wooden Barrel:
There are 6 of these, one for each type of wood, they are used to make compost. you can also put together some things to make other things
Composting happens when you tap a plant like ingrediant on a barrel, and you will get dirr from it. compost is a very important aspect of Ex-Nihilo PE
Compost List
if you've played long enough you may have noticed that you get things called water elements, which can be crafted into water pouches, which can make a warer source in a barrel. soon this resource will be limited.
To make clay you just tap Dust on a water barrel
Dust is a block you get if you break cobblestone down.into fine substaces with a hammer. it is used in the sieve to get more resources
Hammers are made up of wood, stone, iron, gold, and diamond. in PE there is an exclusive item: The emerald hammer, which is just as equal as diamond.
Ore Production:
Using hammers and seives you can break things down. if you break a block of stone you will get stones, to make cobblestone, if you brake cobble you get gravel, gravel to sand, sand to dust. all of these blocks (sand,dust,gravel,dirt) can be used to get random things from the sieve.
once you get a bit of ore stuff craft them into blocks, then you can smelt them or crush them even more. to repeat the process but with a bigger amount of ore.
the sieve is crafted with 2 sticks, 2 silk mesh, and 2 planks. it is used to get random things from certain blocks.
you may have crafted a crook (or not), which helps you get Silk worms, and get more saplings.
Silk worms can be composted and used to make infected leaves, which when broke drop silk and maybe more worms.
at the moment they donr spread though.
There are two, crook, and bone crook. the only difference is durability. they drop silk worms and more saplings and apples from leaves when braking them.
some seeds can be planted to make more things. some seeds need special conditions to work, like the plant itself.
Stone barrel:
stone barrels dont leak water like wood ones(dont worry you dont lose water ^^) and can also hold lava.
Lava generation:
to make lava the first step you need is gping to be a crucible, to make craft 7 porcelain (1 bonemeal + 1 clayball = 1 porcelain) then make an unfired crucible in the stonecutter
next smelt it in the furnace. mow put a torch, some lava, or fire(on nether rack) under it. now you can tap cobble, stone, and netherrack to make lava
Water with Crucible?:
just tap ice or snow on it
Netherrack is made with lava and redstone dustnin the stone barrel. just tap redstone dust on the lava barrel.
now you can smash netherrack into nether gravel, which can be sieved.
Witch water:
Witch water is made when you put water in a barrel within a 1 block radius of mycelium. i suggest under it. now when you tap sand on witch water you get soulsand.
if you make a water barrel on top of cobblestone(NOT SLABS) or stpne bricks, it will make it mossy.
Still got questions? ask me here, or on twitter @pierce_manasseh
Ex-Aquilo Map Download:after that you want to make a stonecutter with 4 cobblestone
please keep in mind to get a stonecutter before using hammers
Now for individual item/block descriptions and help
Wooden Barrel:
There are 6 of these, one for each type of wood, they are used to make compost. you can also put together some things to make other things
Composting happens when you tap a plant like ingrediant on a barrel, and you will get dirr from it. compost is a very important aspect of Ex-Nihilo PE
Compost List
Oak Saplings
Oak Leaves
Spruce Saplings
Spruce Leaves
Birch Saplings
Birch Leaves
Jungle Saplings
Jungle Leaves
Spider Eyes
Brown Mushrooms
Red Mushrooms
Baked Potatoes
Pumpkin Pie
Melon Slices
Lily pads
Sugar Cane
Tall Grass
Pork (raw and cooked)
Beef (raw and cooked)
Chicken (raw and cooked)
Oak Leaves
Spruce Saplings
Spruce Leaves
Birch Saplings
Birch Leaves
Jungle Saplings
Jungle Leaves
Spider Eyes
Brown Mushrooms
Red Mushrooms
Baked Potatoes
Pumpkin Pie
Melon Slices
Lily pads
Sugar Cane
Tall Grass
Pork (raw and cooked)
Beef (raw and cooked)
Chicken (raw and cooked)
if you've played long enough you may have noticed that you get things called water elements, which can be crafted into water pouches, which can make a warer source in a barrel. soon this resource will be limited.
To make clay you just tap Dust on a water barrel
Dust is a block you get if you break cobblestone down.into fine substaces with a hammer. it is used in the sieve to get more resources
Hammers are made up of wood, stone, iron, gold, and diamond. in PE there is an exclusive item: The emerald hammer, which is just as equal as diamond.
Ore Production:
Using hammers and seives you can break things down. if you break a block of stone you will get stones, to make cobblestone, if you brake cobble you get gravel, gravel to sand, sand to dust. all of these blocks (sand,dust,gravel,dirt) can be used to get random things from the sieve.
once you get a bit of ore stuff craft them into blocks, then you can smelt them or crush them even more. to repeat the process but with a bigger amount of ore.
the sieve is crafted with 2 sticks, 2 silk mesh, and 2 planks. it is used to get random things from certain blocks.
you may have crafted a crook (or not), which helps you get Silk worms, and get more saplings.
Silk worms can be composted and used to make infected leaves, which when broke drop silk and maybe more worms.
at the moment they donr spread though.
There are two, crook, and bone crook. the only difference is durability. they drop silk worms and more saplings and apples from leaves when braking them.
some seeds can be planted to make more things. some seeds need special conditions to work, like the plant itself.
Stone barrel:
stone barrels dont leak water like wood ones(dont worry you dont lose water ^^) and can also hold lava.
Lava generation:
to make lava the first step you need is gping to be a crucible, to make craft 7 porcelain (1 bonemeal + 1 clayball = 1 porcelain) then make an unfired crucible in the stonecutter
next smelt it in the furnace. mow put a torch, some lava, or fire(on nether rack) under it. now you can tap cobble, stone, and netherrack to make lava
Water with Crucible?:
just tap ice or snow on it
Netherrack is made with lava and redstone dustnin the stone barrel. just tap redstone dust on the lava barrel.
now you can smash netherrack into nether gravel, which can be sieved.
Witch water:
Witch water is made when you put water in a barrel within a 1 block radius of mycelium. i suggest under it. now when you tap sand on witch water you get soulsand.
if you make a water barrel on top of cobblestone(NOT SLABS) or stpne bricks, it will make it mossy.
Still got questions? ask me here, or on twitter @pierce_manasseh
By InsaneMCP96
https://www.dropbox.com/s/fbrg7083hn8ffhp/Ex Aquilo Map.zip?dl=0
Want to submit a Skyblock/other Map? post in the topic, and I'll post it here
FAQ: All the things added by this mod should be relatively the same as Ex-nihilo PC so please search it up the wiki befor asking any questions. now I will list a few things that are different with a Q&A
Q: How do I get Silk?
A: Check the PC wiki please
Q: Why dont the Infected Leaves spread?
A: I haven't added this feature yet, please be patient.
Q: Why dont the Barrels look like PC?
A: ModPE is semi-limited so there will be bugs in it. there isn't support for custom block models except changing the size of it like so.
Q: How do I craft a stonecutter if all I have is stone?!
A: I am currently working on this for the update. just please be careful to craft a stonecutter before you make hundreds of stones
Q: Can I beta test for you?
A: yes look below
Q: I found a bug, what do I do?
A: Post a comment in the topic, it will be fixed as soon as possible.
Crafting is now in crafting table and in the Stonecutter!
Pc mod page: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1981778-164forge-ex-nihilo-the-skyblock-companion-mod/
Pc wiki page: http://ex-nihilo-minecraft.wikia.com/wiki/Ex_Nihilo_(Minecraft)_Wiki
Screenshots: Updated
