IGN: Riptide206 How mature are you: Quite Why should I whitelist you: Because i want to go on a 1.6 server with a mature, friendly staff Things you are good at:Building Things you aren't good at: PvP How old are you:16 What is your style on playing minecraft: Go far away from spawn and try to hoard supplies with my friends, but I would be far away enough for it to not affect anyone What is your skin: Personally made my own skin, a representation of myself Other info: RR
hi, me(sweetness2011) and my friend (WhoopDeeDoo) would like to join. is there still a whitelist? because if the is can you please add us? we're friendly and would love to play in a fun community!
Hi Everyone! my friend is running a server! he's using multiple hamachi's to avoid paying extra. the pasword for all is 123.(simple right?) the usernames are pikatron1000 2-5. And the ip is! JOIN NOW!
How mature are you: Quite
Why should I whitelist you: Because i want to go on a 1.6 server with a mature, friendly staff
Things you are good at:Building
Things you aren't good at: PvP
How old are you:16
What is your style on playing minecraft: Go far away from spawn and try to hoard supplies with my friends, but I would be far away enough for it to not affect anyone
What is your skin: Personally made my own skin, a representation of myself
Other info: RR
my ign is sweetness2011
Ive been DYING to play this
Real Age: 14
How Long Have You Been Playing: Beggining Of Beta
Will You Grief: Hell Naw!
Age: 13
Reason for Joining: need a place to relax and mine
Special Talents: great at farming
hey, were having a little technical dificulties :sad.gif: , but well have the server up and running later today
willing to make people op
hamachi: stuart's server 175
password: 123