Well, I know we just received a snapshot and we can have new parrot features in the final update, but for now, there is a thing that annoys me. The parrot has three stands: untamed, when it is flying around in his spawn point; tamed 1, when it is flying around you; and tamed 2, when it rest on your shoulders.
This, there is no way you can tame a parrot and let it in home to do any other thing you want to. Maybe you could want have a collection and never use it plus a friend that you use to alert you with the danger, but you don't want it annoying you while you are working in the farm.
Ok, finally, my suggestion. It would be nice if we could build a Parrot Perch, where you let it "rest" while not using it. Right-clicking would but the parrot on the perch or take it.
It can have the following recipe:
[ ][S][S]
[ ][S][ ]
[ ][SS][ ]
SS goes for stone slab and S goes for stick.
The alternative idea would be use the armor stand as a Perch.
So... 18 and a Grandparent and living inside a verb? What kind of messed up place is this??
I love this place!
Stop existing, you evil, malware-infested imposter.
You're saying that as if 1 minute is such a long amount of time.
He doesn't need to. Details, yes. Arguments, not essential to put in the OP.
I wish I had a Thorolf-to-English translator.
Tell him about how he is so cute, kind, and huggable. :3